gamerguy666's groups

Traditional Satanists
A group for anyone here that follows Traditional or Spiritual Satanism
315 members
Connecticut/Mass Satanists
A group for CT/Mass satanists. Looking to organize meetups to philosophize about Satan, perform rituals, and just have fun.
16 members
New England LHP
Anyone from the New England area
8 members
For any left hand path Satanists
We are accepting and opening for all. If you are a spiritual Satanist join me and help me make this group bigger and grow with knowledge for everybody.
119 members
Republican Satanist
just as it says republican  love freedom, guns, bacon and hate SJW's and political correctness? Are you Team Satan?  if so WELCOME
19 members
Satanists for TRUMP!
This group is not only for those Satanists and other people on the network that support Trump but also for people that refuse to get caught up in the trigger happy media frenzy anti-Trump SJW liberal hysteria. And for that I must ' grab em by the pussy ' . 
9 members
Leavenworth Kansas satinists
We accept satanist/Luciferins of all types,sects,and paths. We are located in Leavenworth Kansas.   
8 members
Aeon Satanas
Wir sind ein theistischer satanischer Orden im deutsch-sprachigen Raum, der sich ausführlich mit Satanismus, Okkultismus, Magie, Spiritualität und schwarzen Kräften beschäftigt. Wir glauben an Satan und seine Macht über uns, die uns zu stärkeren, höher entwickelten Individuen der Gesellschaft...
10 members

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