gayasmodeus666's groups

Traditional Satanists
A group for anyone here that follows Traditional or Spiritual Satanism
315 members
Atheistic Satanists
This group is intended for atheistic, modern and self styled Satanist.
332 members
LGBT Satanists
This group is intended for the LGBT satanic community. Although I am neither LGBT I figured I would make a group for the rest of you. 
218 members
Satanic Romance
A group created with the intention of developing relationships in real life. Many people have met on this network. Including myself and the married couple I live with. I would start by adding info and a picture of yourself. Do not forget to include where you live an what you are looking for. 
277 members
Deutschsprachige Satanisten
Da es wohl keine entsprechende Gruppe gibt, gründe ich hier mal eine.
17 members
Aeon Satanas
Wir sind ein theistischer satanischer Orden im deutsch-sprachigen Raum, der sich ausführlich mit Satanismus, Okkultismus, Magie, Spiritualität und schwarzen Kräften beschäftigt. Wir glauben an Satan und seine Macht über uns, die uns zu stärkeren, höher entwickelten Individuen der Gesellschaft...
10 members

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
Certain features and pages can only be viewed by registered users.

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