evilpigboyla's groups

Traditional Satanists
A group for anyone here that follows Traditional or Spiritual Satanism
315 members
Southern California
Satanists of all kinds looking to talk to and/or meet with other Satanists who live in or plan to travel to southern California.
45 members
LGBT Satanists
This group is intended for the LGBT satanic community. Although I am neither LGBT I figured I would make a group for the rest of you. 
218 members
Satanic National Socialist Group
Are you a son or daughter of Satan that sees Satan as father of the land/reich?  Do you desire to find other Satanists of National Socialism?  Come join this political group with inclusion of the GBLT, all races, and nationalities!   Must follow rules of the site.
11 members

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
Certain features and pages can only be viewed by registered users.

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