Nick218's groups

Traditional Satanists
A group for anyone here that follows Traditional or Spiritual Satanism
315 members
Central Florida Satanists
If you live in the Central Florida area, or the surrounding areas, please join and come have some fun with us.
30 members
Ignite The Black Flame
This is an extension of the already existing FB page. Some of you already know me from when I was here on the site before. I have been working towards finding a means to successfully find a way to advance Satanism to it's next level. Now that I have managed to identify the core aspects, I am ready t...
40 members
South Florida SIN Chapter
Looking to get this chapter going. If you live ANYWHERE in South Florida please join. Contact point is Richard. 
10 members
American Indian Satanists
For those who can prove you are American Indian descent. You do not need a CDIB card or have tribal citizenship, but that helps! No blood quantum required.  Must have photographic or other proof such as location or whatever else I deem fit. I have expertise in this matter. If you are of the lef...
5 members
anti-cosmic current
for learning and for sharing information, literature, music and art
12 members
For any left hand path Satanists
We are accepting and opening for all. If you are a spiritual Satanist join me and help me make this group bigger and grow with knowledge for everybody.
119 members
Order of Wotan
Group discussing the Germanic traditions of the Left Hand Path.
24 members
Satanic International Network Central Florida Chapter
This is a place for Satanists of Central Florida and who ever else want to join . All are welcome but  this chapter is of Theistic Satanism ,Anti-Cosmic ,Mlo 218 182 108 O.N.A teachings . 
21 members
Satanic National Socialist Group
Are you a son or daughter of Satan that sees Satan as father of the land/reich?  Do you desire to find other Satanists of National Socialism?  Come join this political group with inclusion of the GBLT, all races, and nationalities!   Must follow rules of the site.
11 members
Temple of Kaos
The Temple of Kaos is a cabal of people who follow the Anti-Cosmic Thought of Satanism, through the practice of Chaosophy.
12 members
ULC Amalga9 Ministries
This ministry is the pure expression of the beliefs and tenets of the Universal Life Church via the Left Hand Path. If you join this group, your are encouraged to ordain with both factions of the ULC: ULCHQ/ULC Seminary and ULC Ministries/Monastery. This of course, affords you the ability to utilize...
2 members

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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