Godkingcthulhu138's groups

Traditional Satanists
A group for anyone here that follows Traditional or Spiritual Satanism
315 members
Connecticut/Mass Satanists
A group for CT/Mass satanists. Looking to organize meetups to philosophize about Satan, perform rituals, and just have fun.
16 members
Rhode Island
A group for those who live in the ocean state.
5 members
32 members
NYC /SIN Chapter
Satanic affiliations and comradery
21 members
New England LHP
Anyone from the New England area
8 members
Order of Wotan
Group discussing the Germanic traditions of the Left Hand Path.
24 members
Satanists for TRUMP!
This group is not only for those Satanists and other people on the network that support Trump but also for people that refuse to get caught up in the trigger happy media frenzy anti-Trump SJW liberal hysteria. And for that I must ' grab em by the pussy ' . 
9 members

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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