Crowley56's groups

LGBT Satanists
This group is intended for the LGBT satanic community. Although I am neither LGBT I figured I would make a group for the rest of you. 
218 members
NJ Satanists
This is a group for the Satanists of New Jersey
7 members
NYC /SIN Chapter
Satanic affiliations and comradery
21 members
New Jersey Chapter
i would like this to be an open forum for people from new jersey to share ideas and possibly meet with one another in either public or private settings. 
4 members
S.I.N. New Jersey Chapter
A group for individuals of the left hand path to meet up and discuss ideas.
14 members
Sexual Magicks-Satanists
for those who employ the use of sex magick in their rituals, or want to learn how.
252 members
For any left hand path Satanists
We are accepting and opening for all. If you are a spiritual Satanist join me and help me make this group bigger and grow with knowledge for everybody.
119 members
Order of Wotan
Group discussing the Germanic traditions of the Left Hand Path.
24 members
Republican Satanist
just as it says republican  love freedom, guns, bacon and hate SJW's and political correctness? Are you Team Satan?  if so WELCOME
19 members
A group for those that wish to have some adult fun. 18 and older only and nothing illegal.  Post your favorite porn ( straight/gay ) or nasty pics. NOTHING ILLEGAL. NO CHILD, ANIMALS, RAPE OR ANYTHING THAT WOULD GET SOMEONE IN TROUBLE.  There are no set rules it is kinda the community gu...
78 members
Philosophers of SIN
  A place to express your thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, experiences and knowledge.   A place for anyone to come to talk about anything.   A place for those that enjoy asking questions although there isn't always an answer. There is no absolute here.
8 members

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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