BlizWar's groups

Traditional Satanists
A group for anyone here that follows Traditional or Spiritual Satanism
315 members
Wanha Vihtahousu - Satanists/Devil worshippers Finland
People from Finland, people interested in the Finnish Devil figure, people interested in Finnish folklore & myths in general. You are all welcome to join.
7 members
Pantheistic Satanism
"Pantheistic Satanists tend to see Satan as the Universe in and of itself, or as the dark force which pervades the Universe unintelligible to the human knowledge. Pantheistic Satanists may or may not be literal Satanists while some are symbolic Satanists who feel that 'All is One'."
43 members

Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
Certain features and pages can only be viewed by registered users.

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