
Im 33 born July 20th 1982, I agree with lavey on the fact your born a satanist because, growing up in a baptist church the bible just felt to be a fairy tale to me. In church I slept or played with match box cars an what was going on in it was more a t.v. channel that i didn't wanna pay attention to what was on the channel. I also love horror or what society views as goth to me is normal its been things I have loved sense I was a kid. I remember the 1st time I saw Marilyn Manson an Nine inch Nails on MTV in middle school I was hooked an drawn into that life style. Ive been told Im a nice guy because I simply treat people how they treat me. So you treat me how you wanna be treated Im simply here to make friends. In my society Im viewed as the adams family simply because theres too many close minded idiots, so Im looking for more open minded individuals. \m/


Robert Brookshire Member
Zach Black Owner
British Bullshit
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