Username |
Witchmazzter |
User Name |
Witchmazzter |
Birthday |
25 Dec |
Join Date |
18/10/2020 |
Religion/Philosophy |
Witchcraft |
Gender |
Male |
Where do you live? |
Middlebrook, Missouri, USA |
Have you read or will read site policies? |
"Yes" |
How did you hear about this network? |
"Researching occult on the internet and found you sit..." |
What enticed you to come over to our community? |
"You don't necessarily seem motivated by money. I watched the introduction video on your homepage and was very impressed with the diversity of options available catagories in which to respond and participate. And, because the general impression of your organization is one of a genuine nature. I am looking for authenticity. I believe your organization is authentic." |