
So, I am poly, bisexual, androgynous, and I am a metal musician as well. I also love to draw and create :)



In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas 666
Tucker Member
Happy Spider
Belial Satanas 666
June Hardy Chapter Head
RiderOnTheStorm Mod
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Jan 8 '17
Happy Birthday tomorrow, I can dig your uninhibited approach to sexuality, tho ain't hip to folks split'n hairs on labels to cut a niche for themselves... just cut it short-n-sweet and say "sexual" let other folks try to figure out where to pigeonhole ya, beats the fuck outta explaining a concept that the majority of consensus reality ain't gonna comprehend anyway... but hey, everyone wants to identify with something, and it gives ya a lil something extra to season yer profile with I rectum. To each their own right? or they'll label ya a hater lol or worse, like that fella who wants ta burn ya at the stake, dude has issues just say'n Anyhow, peace & happy 25th or whatever... coincidentally I'll be celebrating my 19,581st day of existence on your birthday as well! cheers kiddo \m/Happy Birthday tomorrow, I can dig your uninhibited approach to sexuality, tho ain't hip to folks split'n hairs on labels to cut a niche for themselves... just cut it short-n-sweet and say "sexua...See more


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