Johan Ellesmere

I am a Practitioner of the Arts of Sinister Witchcraft, the Unholy Path of Satanic Dark Witchcraft.
I am High Warlock of the recently formed Coven Of The Devil's Bane and Author of the Tome The Devil's Bane.
My interests include Witchcraft, the Occult, Traditional Satanism, Nature, Writing and Black Magick.
Part of my excursion here is to seek female Satanic Witches and - to a lesser extent - male Practitioners of this path to Work with me within the aforementioned Coven, one which is to be founded upon structure and traditions long lost to memory.
This Path I follow is far more sinister and dark than ordinary Theistic Satanism and has an even deeper, darker relationship with Nature than Traditional Witchcraft . . . it is not a Path for all, but I see sincerely those who my be drawn to it.

Johan Ellesmere
February 23 2018


Dark Enlightenment
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Mar 21 '18
Cool I can't wait read the grimoire
Johan Ellesmere
Feb 23 '18
It is rare, but there are few things more beautiful than the Caw of the Corvid in the dark silence of night . . . .
Johan Ellesmere
Feb 23 '18
I have a passion for the Old Ways of Sinister Satanic Witchcraft which ignites like an eternal flame, it has been with me since childhood and experiences and journeys over the years have strengthened its fervour!
Feb 23 '18
No problem
Johan Ellesmere
Feb 23 '18
No, not at all Hexenmeister, the Tome and Coven are my own Brother, soon to be made more public however.
Feb 23 '18
I tried to find the devil's bane grimoire and even the coven you mentioned but I haven't found anything. Am I missing something?
Johan Ellesmere
Feb 23 '18
The Path of Sinister Witchcraft is a dark and beautiful merging of the paths of Traditional Satanism and Ancient Witchcraft, a Path which is now only remembered in distant legends of the Witch-Cult of Europe and the horrors of the 'Witch-Craze' . . . for at that time this form of Satanic Witchcraft did exist and was practiced - not in the organized system put forth by Margaret Murray in her book 'The Witch Cult Of Western Europe' - but certainly within small Covens and Cabals throughout Italy, Britain, Spain, France etc.
In a time when the power of women rises against the tyranny and orthodoxy of a misogynist society and the interest within the Occult and the Spiritual rises above the stringent conformity of Orthodox Religion the herald is a return to this ancient path of Satanic Witchcraft and Dark Paganism where the forces of the Demonic and the forces of Nature are combined in dark union.
The Path of Sinister Witchcraft is a dark and beautiful merging of the paths of Traditional Satanism and Ancient Witchcraft, a Path which is now only remembered in distant legends of the Witch-Cult of...See more
Johan Ellesmere
Feb 22 '18
Seeking Satanic Witches . . . .


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