Username | Johan Ellesmere |
User Name | Ellesmere |
Birthday | 18 Oct |
Join Date | 17/02/2018 |
Religion/Philosophy | Sinister Witchcraft |
Gender | Male |
Where do you live? | In Older Times |
Have you read or will read site policies? | If I remember to |
How did you hear about this network? | Facebook/Twitter |
In a time when the power of women rises against the tyranny and orthodoxy of a misogynist society and the interest within the Occult and the Spiritual rises above the stringent conformity of Orthodox Religion the herald is a return to this ancient path of Satanic Witchcraft and Dark Paganism where the forces of the Demonic and the forces of Nature are combined in dark union.The Path of Sinister Witchcraft is a dark and beautiful merging of the paths of Traditional Satanism and Ancient Witchcraft, a Path which is now only remembered in distant legends of the Witch-Cult of...See more