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Dec 18 '24
Thanks for the add!
Mar 21 '23
Nov 12 '22
Baphomets Mod
Aug 18 '22
Nice new picture.


  • AlexTheTerrible
    AlexTheTerrible changed their avatar
    Nov 23 '24
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  • AlexTheTerrible
    AlexTheTerrible posted a forum topic
    Thomas LeRoy's "Can Satanism be Redeemed"
    A cool video made by Thomas LeRoy 5 years ago. I got introduced to Thomas LeRoy's channel through Zach Blacks channel during my mid teenage years. Tho...
  • AlexTheTerrible
    AlexTheTerrible replied in forum topic
    Technical trouble.
    Hi, I just want to ask if anyone is having trouble sending messages on SIN, or posting comments on Photos?I have tried to send messages and to post co...
    I haven't thought about trying the other browsers yet at all. But I wouldn't mind giving it a try. T...
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    Nov 19 '24
    Zach Black and Baphomets like this
  • AlexTheTerrible
    AlexTheTerrible posted a forum topic
    "Legal" Mushrooms
    I was thinking about making this post a while back. I hardly post on the "Drugs" forum since I am not comfortable about putting my information out her...
  • AlexTheTerrible
    AlexTheTerrible replied in forum topic
    Questions on the Satanic Thulian Society
    Out of curiosity, have many of you heard about this organization Satanic Thulian Society? I recently saw an interview of the leader by Aleister Nacht ...
    Yeah Nick I rarely have any huge interests on joining any kind of in-person Satanist organizations. ...
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    Oct 8 '24
    Nick218 and Baphomets like this
  • AlexTheTerrible
    AlexTheTerrible replied in forum topic
    Any brothers locally?
    Baphomets its been a hard and tough road for me. During my past few years I had no idea that I had P...
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    May 9 '24
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  • AlexTheTerrible
    AlexTheTerrible replied in forum topic
    Setting a good example as a Satanist
    For the past year, I have seen in the media and in Hollywood, what I believe is a return to the Satanic Panic. Two examples that jump out to me real q...
    I am in the same boat from reading Anna and Dark Enlightenments. The subject of Satanism has always ...
     Discuss  Replies: 30 
  • PrinceLucifer
    PrinceLucifer posted a forum topic
    Rac Music
    Just felt like sharing some stuff Rac related. One song I've been enjoying listening to is this one.
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  • SatanisteFrance666
    SatanisteFrance666 created a new blog post
    My thoughts on Psychedelics
    I will not mention my personal use of Psychedelics, since I consider that a personal and private lifestyle. Nor am I interested in attracting any unwa...
  • AlexTheTerrible
    AlexTheTerrible created a new blog post
    On The "Mainstream" from A Satanic Perspective
    As a 23 year old college student who is soon going to turn 24 this month, I will soon start attending University after finishing up community college....
    Mar 20 '23
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    Mar 21 '23
    I've had a really difficult time since 2017. In February my grandma died, in April my mother, in 2020 my father committed suicide. The good thing in it is that my parents left me some really decent amount of cash. The dad had a piece of land I managed to sell and my mother had not so small insurance policy. But I have a job and also an additional part time job so for now on I haven't yet touched my parents' money. My opinion, my belief is that I should spend only the money I earn and leave the savings for any kind of crisis when I could need them because life is unpredictable. In 2017 before the mother died we moved to the new apartment in the new building. It was for rent, owned by the local government. In Poland many people live in municipal housing. It's not social housing, we have it too but it's only for very poor people and the flats are substandard. The housing I live in is for the people who are too rich for the social housing but can't afford renting a private apartment as the rent there is extremely high compared to the incomes or can't afford or simply don't want to take loans to buy apartments for themselves, or their parents lived in municipal flat because it can pass from generation to generation. The tenants are protected by the law against unlawful eviction or the radical raise of the rent. It's lower than in private housing but still you have to work full time to afford it. Often the local governments sell the flats to the tenants at a reduced price and many people are happy to buy them. There are some though, either poorer or childless ones, who prefer to rent. The authorities put the emotional pressure on such people, use the blackmail, threaten with all kinds of legal troubles. It's mostly manipulation, using half-truths or outright lies to threaten the dissenting ones into submission, use their fear and ignorance against them.I've had a really difficult time since 2017. In February my grandma died, in April my mother, in 2020 my father committed suicide. The good thing in it is that my parents left me some really decent am...See more
    Mar 21 '23
    And I found myself in such a situation. Many of my neighbors broke down, took loans that they will have to pay back for ten years. Some didn't because they didn't qualify for the loan. I could afford buying it but it would mean losing all the saved money I have. It would leave me with only my income and any unpredictable situation, like losing my job or getting sick or some unplanned bigger purchase or anything would push me into debts. So I said "no", didn't buy it. I will try to defend myself in court if there's a need for that, hire a lawyer, but probably it won't be necessary as the municipality's threats are usually scarecrows and it's difficult to kick off a tenant unless he stops paying the rent. And don't get me wrong. I have nothing against buying apartments and taking loans for that. My point is putting the pressure on people to do what they don't want to do or aren't ready to do it yet. Making them purchase something using threats. And the pressure can extend for years, sometimes leaving you with shattered nerves.And I found myself in such a situation. Many of my neighbors broke down, took loans that they will have to pay back for ten years. Some didn't because they didn't qualify for the loan. I could afford ...See more
    Mar 21 '23
    So nonconformity can be difficult, not bowing down before the demands of others is easier said than done. Say "Torment me all you want but I won't back down" might get you the torment you wanted. This usually doesn't apply to trivial transgressions, like wearing a moustache in the environment where everyone is shaved, but perhaps it's better to start with small steps. *** Put it in several comments because paragraphs don't seem to work on phone.So nonconformity can be difficult, not bowing down before the demands of others is easier said than done. Say "Torment me all you want but I won't back down" might get you the torment you wa...See more
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