Also yes i've NEVER seen SO MUCH division and on a side note due to all the bullshit i'm buying more ammo because of it just incase they really do want to kick the beehive.
PS: I'm truly sorry to anyone in the cities where fucktards are burning shit and beating up people over whom they voted for. (and they call trump supporters nazis while using nazi tactics...ironic)
My ammo target is 3k of 5.56 1k 9mm/.45 (500 each) and 150 12ga ranging from standard bird shot/buck shot to exotic like dragons breathe, rhodesian jungle, bolo rounds i MIGHT be able to get some of those kickass taser shells that SWAT teams like to use. (don't know for sure but don't see why not)
I agree on everything you said FUCK CNN, FUCK MSNBC, FUCK NBC, fox news is cool and a BIIIIIG FUCK YOU goes to TYT (the young turks).
All these SJW's need to go fuck themselves and grow up yes he IS the president and it doesn't matter how much bitching you do he still won the election.
If anything be HAPPY the TPP is DEAD!!! (AWESOME) and we are stepping AWAY from war with russia. (SUPER AWESOME) give the donald a chance!!! know, the stuff about if you're pretty, then use it to your advantage...if you're ugly, then use that to your advantage...
Trump has this enigmatic presence. He's not much to look at...heck, even his wife is just kinda fugly...but he says crazy shit, says he doesn't say the crazy shit, and when people call him on his bullshit, he just shrugs it off. One of his tactics is found in the movie Cable Guy. There's a part where Steven is going to his parents' house for family game night. The cable guy answers the door. Before Steven has a chance to call him a nutcase (cuz he had been stalking him and whatnot), the cable guy says, "Get in here you psycho!" (Or something like that.)
Trump did that stuff all thru the campaign. He would irritate Hillary and before she could tell him he was delusional, he would call her delusional or whatever. (Think of the "nasty woman" thing...there's no one more nasty than him but since he said it about her first, she can't say it about him.)
I believe that some things are evil (perhaps there is evil in everything). Thing is, we can harness that evil to facilitate our own needs and desires. Yet, I've not heard that Trump is a Satanist. Yet, I've watched him use magick and I just wonder if he really understands what he's doing. Not in the sense of being completely unqualified to be I'm talking about fucking around with forces that can lead to your demise if you don't tread lightly and intelligently.
If he is a Satanist and is hiding it, he shouldn't. He seems more like a corporate weasel that would use any weapon to win the war he wages. I don't trust's that mistrust that you feel for someone that you know would use your sister or possibly fuck with your kid's head. I really think he's a sociopath and I know I'm not alone in thinking that. He's the ultimate psychic vampire utilizing Satanic ideologies for a very selfish purpose.
It does not matter if Trump or Hillary is president. Presidents are puppets for the real people in power.Like all presidents from all countries, he's only the visible head of somebody else's agenda. A scapegoat. A tool.
I feel like Trump used Satanic magick to win the election and everyone's afraid to admit it. The way he talks and goes about things, he just seems to be that kind of Satanist that is too myopic to realize that he shouldn't be such a dick. I'm no expert on the Satanic Bible. I read it a few times but it's not like I can recite passages and I lost my copy years ago...BUT, all that stuff about using what you have...Trump more or less has a background in what is usually called mind science and the like. Think Norman Vincent Peele and others of that ilk. heck, NVP even officiated at his wedding(s), he certainly done so when Trump married Melania. know, the stuff about if you're pretty, then use it to your advantage...if you're ugly, then use that to your advantage...
Trump has this enigmatic presence. He's not much to look at...heck, even his wife is just kinda fugly...but he says crazy shit, says he doesn't say the crazy shit, and when people call him on his bullshit, he just shrugs it off. One of his tactics is found in the movie Cable Guy. There's a part where Steven is going to his parents' house for family game night. The cable guy answers the door. Before Steven has a chance to call him a nutcase (cuz he had been stalking him and whatnot), the cable guy says, "Get in here you psycho!" (Or something like that.)
Trump did that stuff all thru the campaign. He would irritate Hillary and before she could tell him he was delusional, he would call her delusional or whatever. (Think of the "nasty woman" thing...there's no one more nasty than him but since he said it about her first, she can't say it about him.)
I believe that some things are evil (perhaps there is evil in everything). Thing is, we can harness that evil to facilitate our own needs and desires. Yet, I've not heard that Trump is a Satanist. Yet, I've watched him use magick and I just wonder if he really understands what he's doing. Not in the sense of being completely unqualified to be I'm talking about fucking around with forces that can lead to your demise if you don't tread lightly and intelligently.
If he is a Satanist and is hiding it, he shouldn't. He seems more like a corporate weasel that would use any weapon to win the war he wages. I don't trust's that mistrust that you feel for someone that you know would use your sister or possibly fuck with your kid's head. I really think he's a sociopath and I know I'm not alone in thinking that. He's the ultimate psychic vampire utilizing Satanic ideologies for a very selfish purpose.
Trump wins because the population don't fall for the retarded political correctness and they can see the problems with islamic people in Europe. We can say a lot about Trump but I think at least he can hold Putin back. Putin knows that when a republican president are elected then then NATO are developed and the Russian military are from 1992...Putin isn't an enemy, let alone threat to the West over all, nor America specifically, he was only painted as such by the Lefties, simply because like Trump and dare I say Assad, Putin is a Nationalist and as far as the Globalist Left is concerned that is a stalemate to their further progress with their Internationalist/Socialist/Collectivist plan/goal/agenda.
The key word is that the places you mentioned are a part of NATO. NATO is a Globalist arm. Don't believe me, just look at all the Globalist agenda fulfilment there in Denmark- Political Correctness, huge migrant influx in spite of whether the people want it or not. Denmark needs a Dexit, the same as the UK had with Brexit. Brexit happened because the British people saw the dictatorial Statist nature of the EU. so Putin as well as Trump are anathema to Globalism.
To stop Globalism I guess war is necessary. It would be a war between the Globalists backed countries and the anti Globalist backed countries. Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Union? No, the only ones who want to do that on a planetary scale are the Globalists. Don't fall for the (Globalist) propaganda.
It's not a theory. A conspiracy, yes. It is to quote Bush, "A big idea". it's been in the works for a very long time and great strides up to now have been made in it's implementation.