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ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 24 '16

It's official Hartnell is an SJW who was triggered by facts and truth; one thing I and Nhoj agree on is that Hartnell is a full blown cuck. He; Hartnell have three people pointing out the same issue of Islam/Sharia to him, only from different perspectives. Thereby, he gotten triggered or whatever happens to SJWs/cucks when hit with facts/truth and so shut down the discussion, in order to save losing face and exposure as a brainwashed dumb ass, who doesn't know what the hell he is talking about.

It's like Milo Yiannopoulos said, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant". Personally, speaking for myself, I say that Islam needs to be eradicated from the west, because let's face it, so called "moderate Muslims" are, as I think the London Muslim Mayor said to have Isis/extremist links called them, "Uncle Toms"...and with enough pressure from the Islamist majority can become swallowed up by, if not made to go from half assed to full assed Islam by that radical majority. That says a lot right there.

Quit Virtue Signaling/donning a good guy badge, Hartnell and instead face reality. Frankly, moderates are half assed Muslims, in well as according to the so called "radical minority".

Shadowlover, Hartnell's bringing homosexuality in the picture was typical diversion and last ditch effort to silence facts; it was the typical SJW shouting of party slogans/buzzwords, along with an attempt to project their own double standards onto their misperceived enemy....Facts!

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 24 '16
Shawn May 24 '16
I don't care, you can shake in fear all you want. However, this isn't the place for a hate rally, kapeesh?
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