There are people out there that want to rule the world. I
don’t support globalism, not because I don’t think it would be lovely if we all
got along and were all fair and our ultimate leaders had our best interests at
heart. But let’s face it, as humans are, those notions are a pile of doodoo.
Actually a pile of doodoo is more realistic because at least it has a tangibility.
This post isn’t about minorities or religions or races, but
about how they are being used as pawns…
Imagine standing on the beach in Greece and watching 800,000
immigrants walk by you, about 70% of which are military aged men with an
aggressive presence. The sight, should make the hair stand up on the back of
your neck. Something in your gut should twinge and tell you that this is a
volatile situation. If you are an unaccompanied woman, you should be hiding
behind the biggest fucking tree you can find. Being around 500,000 men, many
who have come from a warzone, many who are willing to do what it takes to get
what they want. They are angry. You should be afraid - this is your survival
instinct! Now, instead of having your concerns validated, you are belittled for
them and have it implied that you are somewhat substandard. You will even have
fascists willing to bash you for being afraid. People are developing a fear of
fear. They are burying their fear and ignoring it. They are ignoring their
basic survival instincts. The lesson the ultimate leaders to be want us to
learn here is, “Don’t trust your instincts
or your gut. Don’t trust yourself.” They are removing your confidence in
thinking for yourself. They are removing your sense of self.
In Australia, our National Anthem has been removed from most
schools because it is offensive to Muslim people. Again, this isn’t about
religion but about our sense of self. Some military symbols have also been
removed from various places. And I believe in America, the Confederate flag has
been outlawed in most places. Our sense of identity is being tampered with. Not
unlike when Christians stole the Christmas Tree – the implication being if you like Christmas than
you are might not be a real Pagan. If you don’t sing the Australian National Anthem then
maybe you are not Australian after all – what is Australia? Small changes which
seem harmless on there own are being rolled out throughout the Western world,
but these changes are another way of removing your sense of self and your sense
of who your community is. The lesson here is, “You don’t really know who you are.”
Then we have the gender issues… The toilet debacle in the
States and the Safe Schools programme which they are trying to introduce in Australia.
The Safe Schools Program was being sold as an anti-bullying program which
sounds cool! In fact, when you look deeper it is a program devised to introduce
children as young as five to transgender issues. …Where little boys will be
encouraged to wear dresses to school. I don’t give a fuck who marries who – I actually
support the idea of polygamy too as I feel it is sometimes a natural occurrence
within our species. I don’t blame the LGBT community for the current politics
as I feel they are pawns. Most just want to live their lives. But they are
being used politically to further homogenise society and confuse a person’s
sense of self and their identity. I don’t want a man standing beside me when I
pee… The female restroom is my space as I am a female. Most little boys don’t
want to wear dresses – pants are their domain or their space. The message being
taught here is, “You are not who you
think you are therefore you don’t know your space.”
I believe other minorities are also being used as pawns. Eg.
Black Lives Matter. Minorities are being used to divide and conquer us as a
society. Removing the Confederate Flag also did this – dividing and conquering
the community.
When you combine these lessons, you get:
“Don’t trust your instincts
or your gut. Don’t trust yourself.”
“You don’t really
know who you are.”
“You are not who you
think you are therefore you don’t know your space.”
Once your sense of community and sense of self (your
identity) has been damaged or completely altered, it becomes very easy to
reprogram an individual and give them a new sense of self and community. Once
you no longer trust yourself or know who you are you become more dependent on the
system. Once you divide and conquer a community it is easier to build a new one
in its place. The world and its people is in the process of being broken down
so it can be rebuilt. People’s minds and their sense of self is being fucked
So once the dust settles, how do we reunite the people so they can live in happily and homogenously within the program? You give them a ritual which they can all share and a God they can all worship together. The Global Warming God… It doesn’t offend any of the current religions. Once people believe in it they are willing to pay tidings to it in the form of taxes. They are willing to adjust their lifestyle to appease it. The people will finally be united and moving together in one blissfully ignorant herd.
Just don’t ask
where the money goes… In fact, don't question anything.