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ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 23 '16

Quote from Hartnell You didn't answer a single question I asked. Diverted like a true bigot. Well done.

It doesn't matter how many I may know or don't know. I know that not all mid east people are nice quaint middle class- upper middle class people and the refugees coming here and already in Europe aren't those types. Despite what Islamophiles say.  Bigotry has nothing to do with it, it has everything to do with the reality that just because they have a head, two arms, two legs and emotions doesn't mean they are like your what I presume to be middle-to upper middle class Saudi/Kuwaiti friend.

Surely you aren't as naïve as you sound? I suppose that just because the people you see and deal with on a daily basis aren't marauding, raping, murdering, vicious and just plain nasty people you think every single human being are cute, cuddly, gushy individuals who are all heart. Someone sounds sheltered, privileged and pampered, if only to a degree.

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 23 '16
Hartnell May 24 '16
Argument of witchhunter.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 24 '16
Hartnell, it is illogical to make the leap from me opposing Sharia Law to hating gay people. Completely illogical! In fact, opposing Sharia Law today is actually protecting gay people tomorrow. It is Islam which is intolerant of gay people - certainly not myself. 

Muslims are calling for a dual legal system to be introduced in Australia. Actually, they already have a Sharia system operating in the back streets, they just want us to legally accept it. 

Between 2013 and 2014 there were 250 child marriages in Australia. I oppose this. Under our laws the husbands and parents can be prosecuted. Sharia wants us to butt out and mind our own business. But like you said, these people are human. These little girls are human beings. It is not that safe for girls younger than fifteen to be giving birth. And I'm a Social Darwinist and am probably more tolerant than others - I recognise that men are attracted to certain curves and these curves sometimes appear on girls as young as ten or eleven. If you put make-up on a 13yo with big boobs some men start to feel uncomfortable, but you know what, most shake their heads and think... Fuck! It's a kid! I would like to think that in Australia, every little girl will always be allowed to be a little girl, and not have to worry about wifely responsibilities.

One of the most recognised risk factors for FGM is when a girl is born to a mother who herself has had FGM. Analysis of ABS and UNICEF data suggests that there are 83,000 women and girls in Australia who may have been subjected to FGM. Around 5,640 girls under the age of 15 may be in danger, and 1,100 girls are born every year to women who may have had FGM. This means that three girls a day are born in Australia who are at high risk of being subjected to FGM.

I oppose this too... At the moment, we can still prosecute doctors and parents who do this - I would like to keep it that way. By rejecting the introduction of formal Sharia Law we can keep FGM illegal, and hopefully in time, overcome this barbaric ritual. These little girls are human beings too and they are being robbed of their sexual enjoyment. It is so sad... 

I support decreasing the occurrences of acts such as these in Australia... I oppose the institution of Sharia Law, even as part of a dualistic legal system.

Hartnell May 24 '16
You're not opposing "Sharia Law", you're being a rube -- that's the connection. 

How exactly is repeating the same kind of hate-filled rhetoric as the KKK opposing "Sharia Law"? I'll remind you that you said "islam is a virus and must eradicated." It wasn't until I entered the conversation that anyone mentioned that a Muslim could even be a human being.

About FGM, you did live through the Satanic Panic, didn't you? That bit about forgetfulness of past orthodoxies is a Satanic Sin for a reasion.

The Forum post is edited by Hartnell May 24 '16
Hartnell May 24 '16
Let me be blatant: If I fell for the FGM bit, I might as well fall for the SRA bit.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 24 '16
I said Islam should be quarantined... I didn't say eradicated. And I do believe it should be quarantined. Especially the radical part, but seeing as though it is difficult to distinguish between radical and moderate, quarantining and vetting is absolutely essential. And even many moderate Muslim people believe Islam needs an overhaul. 

The numbers I pulled came from our left wing news company. I don't even like them as they are left wing biased - they would be the last ones to blow out those numbers. 

Honestly, to me the Satanic Panic were just words in a song in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Maybe I was too young or maybe it was an American thing, but I seemed to have missed it. Oh wait... Maybe that was a Satanic Mechanic...

Hartnell May 24 '16
So you did. 
Quote from ShadowLover Islam is a virus and like any other virus it needs to be quarantined for the safety of the general public.

Hartnell May 24 '16

Quote from ShadowLover I said Islam should be quarantined... I didn't say eradicated. And I do believe it should be quarantined. Especially the radical part, but seeing as though it is difficult to distinguish between radical and moderate, quarantining and vetting is absolutely essential. And even many moderate Muslim people believe Islam needs an overhaul. 

The numbers I pulled came from our left wing news company. I don't even like them as they are left wing biased - they would be the last ones to blow out those numbers. 

Honestly, to me the Satanic Panic were just words in a song in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Maybe I was too young or maybe it was an American thing, but I seemed to have missed it. Oh wait... Maybe that was a Satanic Mechanic...

That's intersting. YOU have a problem telling a radical from a moderate. So they all look the same to you? Heard that one before. Not just among the standard racists, mind you. (Even the guy who would be known as Dr. Suess got in on it). Since it was so difficult to tell Japanese-ameicans from devious spies from Japan, we decided to quarantine them for the safety of the general populace for the duration of WWII -- a move which is now considered one of the worst human rights abuses America has ever perpetuated. To this day there's NO evidence an actual spy was quanteened, only thousands upon thousands of American citizens. 

I noticed that your info was not merely second hand but instead went the extra mile to be third hand. Which, BTW, is one step BEYOND hearsay. 

Look up the Satanic Panic. People were spewing the same crap you are: "Don't pretend there's not a problem , for the safety of us all, etc." Actually, the "don't pretend witches don't exist and they don't want to kill you" goes all the way to King James, and the inquisitors had the damnedest time telling a witch from the ordinary populace. Whouda thunk it?

The Forum post is edited by Hartnell May 24 '16
Hartnell May 24 '16
:: hands you a torch and pitchfork ::
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 24 '16
Firstly, Islam is not a race... And if people can so obviously see a difference between radical and moderate Muslims, then why did nobody recognise those responsible for the San Bernadino massacre? People who considered them to be friends couldn't even tell. 

If you think that this will be the last Islamic attack in the USA than cast your vote and open your borders. If you believe that they will assimilate into your culture and not make waves then cast your vote accordingly and open your borders. The refugees need you. I'm sure they will be grateful and happily accept your invitation and flood in. It's your borders - do what you want. 

Besides, radical Islam is not that much of a threat. It's a bomb here and there. A few people die but in the overall picture it is not a big deal. Radicals will use violence to try and institute Sharia Law. Moderates will use peace and superior voting power. After all, that flood you want to let in will also have a right to vote.

It's probably not that big of a deal to you guys yet - You have a very small percentage of Muslim people in your country. ...Unlike Germany and Sweden.

Actually Hartnell, I am interested to hear your theory on why there are so many rapes in Sweden... And how do you think you could reverse the trend?

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover May 24 '16
Hartnell May 24 '16
You're saying the same shit they've been saying about Latinos here. They're streaming across the border! Oh noes! They're growing in number and their kids born here can vote! We'll all wind up speaking Spanish!


According it whites in the south circa early 20th century -- it was blacks who went on raping sprees. Do you believe that? Should we hide from black people? Quarantine them? (Sigh) I forgot, it's just the Muslims, and not a standard bigot line heard over and over through the years. Nope, your bigotry is right, true and unique! (Bullshit. It's carbon copy of every other bigot bullshit)

You live in Australia, right? You're behind the US South in bigotry by over a hundred years .But believe me , I've heard all this fear-based reactionary bigot bullshit before. Only the time and target differs.

Funny thing you mention the Confederate flag in your NWO post -- it's largely used by bigots, thus it's unpopularity. But, hell, ramble on, let's see how more absurd you can get.

The Forum post is edited by Hartnell May 24 '16
Nhoj May 24 '16
Hartnell is what we call a "cuck". His kind think that having no tribe, no nation, no strong roots of any kind, but only an allegiance to some abstract ideas created by degenerate intellectuals, is a viable strategy in a Darwinian world. It sounds like he comes from the South and has moved to a bluejew city where he has been programmed to hate his own kind and heritage. In the jewcuck's world, the main bad guy is always the white Christian (KKK? Classic bluejew straw man), who they reliably point to when someone brings up Islam. Essentially he has internalized the narrative of the exilic jews, who always work to subvert the gentile majority, open their borders, break down their cohesion and destroy their nations. Bad move cuck, because in a chaotic, globalized world where competing tribes with stronger creeds are trying to bury you, you need strong tribes and borders more than ever. Ask the jews if you don't believe me -- tribalism simply WINS. Deracinated cuck-liberalism is weaksauce bullshit that won't survive!
The Forum post is edited by Nhoj May 24 '16
Hartnell May 24 '16
I live in the Bible belt dumbass. 
Shawn May 24 '16
And we're done. Thread closed. I take responsibility for stoking the bigotry and this isn't the place for it. 
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