Hartnell, it is illogical to make the leap from me opposing Sharia Law to hating gay people. Completely illogical! In fact, opposing Sharia Law today is actually protecting gay people tomorrow. It is Islam which is intolerant of gay people - certainly not myself.
Muslims are calling for a dual legal system to be introduced in Australia. Actually, they already have a Sharia system operating in the back streets, they just want us to legally accept it.
Between 2013 and 2014 there were 250 child marriages in Australia. I oppose this. Under our laws the husbands and parents can be prosecuted. Sharia wants us to butt out and mind our own business. But like you said, these people are human. These little girls are human beings. It is not that safe for girls younger than fifteen to be giving birth. And I'm a Social Darwinist and am probably more tolerant than others - I recognise that men are attracted to certain curves and these curves sometimes appear on girls as young as ten or eleven. If you put make-up on a 13yo with big boobs some men start to feel uncomfortable, but you know what, most shake their heads and think... Fuck! It's a kid! I would like to think that in Australia, every little girl will always be allowed to be a little girl, and not have to worry about wifely responsibilities.
One of the most recognised risk factors for FGM is when a girl is born to a mother who herself has had FGM. Analysis of ABS and UNICEF data suggests that there are 83,000 women and girls in Australia who may have been subjected to FGM. Around 5,640 girls under the age of 15 may be in danger, and 1,100 girls are born every year to women who may have had FGM. This means that three girls a day are born in Australia who are at high risk of being subjected to FGM.
I oppose this too... At the moment, we can still prosecute doctors and parents who do this - I would like to keep it that way. By rejecting the introduction of formal Sharia Law we can keep FGM illegal, and hopefully in time, overcome this barbaric ritual. These little girls are human beings too and they are being robbed of their sexual enjoyment. It is so sad...
I support decreasing the occurrences of acts such as these in Australia... I oppose the institution of Sharia Law, even as part of a dualistic legal system.