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ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 20 '16

Quote from JasinElric


Oh no, it's fine.  I'm quite done here.

Grimey asks me for evidence for my assertions, I provide evidence, he calls it circumstantial and proceeds with ad hominem.

I have not derailed this topic by offering a relevant point to the OP, so I don't see much sense in a separate thread.  There's such a huge focus on the destructiveness the Left causes, but when I bring up the most prominent financiers and proponents of the Left, all hell breaks loose and I'm a Hitlerian. (Since "coincidentally" they all happen to be Jews) 

So yeah, I'm done here.  I mainly came to see what the new crop is up to.  I haven't been on this site in almost a year. 



In spite of your evidence so called, there is loads more evidence to the contrary of what you present. See the thing with research is the topic researched has it's counter; all research is bias in one direction or another. If you are researching you are doing so only in pertinence to your pro position, ignoring any research counter to what you want to find.

 "when I bring up the most prominent financiers and proponents of the Left,"

This is the problem. Whether these prominent financiers and proponents.. are Jews, WASPs or whatever, you are in very muddy waters when you are talking about these people in very radical ways calling them treasonous and such, implying that if they are the root of the problem, then they must be rooted out. You know what it sounds like you are talking  and advocating right? If not let me literally spell it out for you. T-E-R-R-O-I-S-M. That's right, you are calling in not so many words active dethroning of what you see as 'our masters' who are looking to breed us all out into one single slave race; which doesn't make sense in itself, if masters want to enslave the earth's population why do they have to be a single race, why not various "slave races"?  But back to my point, this silent terrorism you are calling for does not fly here nor anywhere else where you have people with brains who aren't out to dethrone alleged masters. Now if you want to spend the rest of your life in Gitmo being water boarded and shit  be my guest, but you aren't going come here or any where else hoping to gain new recruits for your ideological cause of taking down what you perceive as enemies of the people. what's that you aren't silently advocating terrorism?  What, do you plan to veto for your perceived masters to step down? Of course you're not. Like I said you aren't going to find crusaders for your cause here, I'm certainly not a horned crusader. Go find gullible fodder somewhere else. 

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 20 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 20 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 20 '16
JasinElric May 21 '16
Grimey, the straw man shit is tiresome.
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 22 '16

Quote from JasinElric Grimey, the straw man shit is tiresome.

And your useful idiocy to John Allen what's his face is astounding.  He put's his ideas in your head, winds your little key and off you go spouting his delusions about the Jews. Picture this, a non moderate, middle class somewhat religious Muslim; you know the kind I mean, the ones that fly planes into buildings going on about the Jews the way you are, claiming that they are in a conspiratorial cabal to take over the world like the super villains you might find in G.I. Joe, or Batman and shit. Then that jihadist is saying that they are also the root of the "degeneracy' that is rampant in today's society, continuing on to say that something must be done about this blight to decent moral upstanding people; by the by I like how depravity, deviancy, aberration and perversion is more and more becoming normalized, it's their right to be such. That's not my issue with the regressive left, but perhaps more on that later. Once making the case that the Jews are this huge problem that needs to be solved with all implications in order, what the hell do you think would be drawn from that? Another scenario, picture a Nationalist such as yourself saying all the same things our jihadist above have said... Are you starting to see the parallels between yourself and the common variety Jihadist? So straw man? really?

Now, my issue with the regressive left has to do with their censoring/censuring any opposing view that runs counter to their well crafted and hatched narratives, their sense of entitlement that borders on hypocrisy to where only they can have an opinion and a forum to voice those opinions, by which they shut down any and all opposing views, facts... from anywhere on the right, and SJWs are the foot soldiers of the left, the same as you are the foot soldier of JAM. Any view opposite/opposing to "the Jews are out to rule and dominate the world, they have plans of miscegenation to where they create a single amalgamated race, of which they will enslave..." gets shut down as straw manning or any other label that would delegitimize the opposing view.  I ask you WHY do everyone need to be dwindled down into a single amalgamated mongrel race in order to be enslaved and you fail to answer, instead you give me bullshit and biased research. What didn't your puppet master nor your comrades tell you why this is the case?

I have no Justice league crusade against super villains like you do. I have questions of why are things being steered toward ultra liberal permissiveness, only to allow a group of people in who would push all that work back like 40000 years, get what I'm saying? The Caitlyn Jenners would have to go back in and remain in the closet, there would be no more women free to walk out dressed as they see fit; hell they wont be allowed to leave the house at all. And on the contrary situations go,  why create this space for these kinds of freedoms, only to spit in it's face by allowing backward, primitive desert rat barbarians into your residence. That's the issue I'm raising and here you come spitting some conspiratorial cabal shit that has radicalized extremist undertones to it.

If you believe this extremist ideology that's your problem, only don't go trying to foist it on to others as if it's objective 100% fact.


The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 22 '16
Hartnell May 22 '16

Quote from ol' grimey

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

What of the freedom of your women walking out wearing what she feels like? As that freedom along with all other freedoms we all have would be null and void to accommodate our pleasing the sensibilities of the Muzzies; anything/everything deemed offensive to them would be outlawed and not to mention there would be the cultural violence of the muzzies themselves when offense to Allah is shown by our flaunting our freedoms in the face of the Islam enslaved Muzzies. It's like George Bush said, "They hate our freedom and way of life". And they are coming to impose themselves onto us, like they are in Germany, Sweden and other places. 

Here's an interesting alternative perspective for you. I used to have some good friends in Saudi / Kuwait. Mostly we spent our time talking about each other's culture because we were both curious. 

So, how many have you known? Or are you afraid of a boogieman that's been dangled in front of you on television for fear votes? 

Everyone's human. Let that sink in.

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 22 '16
Everyone is human... 

That is very true. I am also a curious person and have spent a lot of time talking to middle-eastern people ever since 9/11. The first of which I met on a dating site - a man's wife contacted me and asked if I would have sex with her husband because she wanted to please him but he wanted to do things that were against Allah and she didn't want to do them. ...And I wanted to know more about these mysterious people that the world was so afraid of. So I went to their home and they cooked me a nice meal, and I talked to them (amongst other things). And anybody who knows me knows that sometimes I lack boundaries in conversation in that I will ask the hard questions. Not just about Allah and the Koran but also about wife bashing and fgm. He was from Jordan, and she was a Muslim Phillipino. I learned that Islam is a lot like traditional Catholicism only their Messiah lived a long and happy life because he was a Holy. It doesn't make sense to them that Jesus died. They explained to me that wife bashing and fgm were cultural things and not Islamic things. Fgm is part of north African tradition. After I left the husband contacted me and asked if I would see him without his wife present but I declined - I don't pretend this to be a Muslim thing because back then I used to sleep with quite a few married couples and every single husband except one, did the same thing, and they were western men.

I also spoke to a moderate Iranian Muslim man who was studying in Norway. I used to proof some of his thesis for him for grammar. He asked me what Australian's thought of Muslims and I told that most Australians are easygoing but some hate Arabs. He told me that he fucking hates Arabs too. I was confused and said that I thought he was an Arab. He explained to me that he was Persian and Arabs are filthy. I learned that Muslim was just an umbrella term that Westerners use but the middle-east sees it very differently. 

I also learned from another Iranian husband that a Muslim man will kill to protect his wife and children - he was a lovely man. His wife was away and I made fun of him because he had to make his own dinner and he said that he went to his parents. He never attempted to make inappropriate conversation with me.

I spoke to a practising doctor in the USA that was Muslim and he explained to me that most of the earth's problems could be solved by the institution of Sharia Law and that democracy was a disease. 

In conversation I mentioned to an Egyptian man that I wanted a boyfriend and he banned me from seeing other men and told me that I would be his second wife because his first wife didn't want to have sex with him any more. I asked if she still had a clitoris - apparently she did. I also asked why the women wear black and he explained that black is less attractive to men - that men are sexually attracted to vibrant colours. And the fgm made a woman more pure because they don't think about sex. If a woman has a clitoris she would cheat on her husband. I said that I didn't cheat on my husband when I was married and he was surprised and said that I was a rarity. Obviously I had no intention of marrying this man and moving to Egypt. I told him it was because I like wearing colours and I would have no friends and he said his sisters would be my friends. Mwah, who is a free spirit starts freaking out about now. This guy was serious. He even offered for us to move to Russia. 

When I used to play backgammon online, I found Iranian men to be very polite and courteous. I found Turkish men to be obsessed with sex to the point where you couldn't just play the damn game, they kept asking you about sex before they would have their turn - I hated it when my opponent was Turkish. A couple of times I just quit the game to get away from it and then I would lose points. But in their favour I like belly-dance, Turkish Delight and kebabs! I also regularly make humus.

This is just a few conversations and a few people of many. I am a seeker and I am open-minded. Muslim people are human like the rest of us. But we can't let that blind us from the facts. 

We caused the Wars in the middle-east which prompted the invasion of the West by Muslim people (before that they were just content to hate each other...) But don't pretend that there is no invasion. And just because our govts are responsible, doesn't mean that we should lay down all guilt-ridden and let our children suffer for it. I do not want Sharia Law in my country in any shape or form or on any level. 

I can like Muslim people as individuals, but still vehemently oppose Sharia Law. And part of my strategy is to limit the Muslim numbers and their voting power.

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover May 22 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 23 '16

Quote from Hartnell
Quote from ol' grimey

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

What of the freedom of your women walking out wearing what she feels like? As that freedom along with all other freedoms we all have would be null and void to accommodate our pleasing the sensibilities of the Muzzies; anything/everything deemed offensive to them would be outlawed and not to mention there would be the cultural violence of the muzzies themselves when offense to Allah is shown by our flaunting our freedoms in the face of the Islam enslaved Muzzies. It's like George Bush said, "They hate our freedom and way of life". And they are coming to impose themselves onto us, like they are in Germany, Sweden and other places. 

Here's an interesting alternative perspective for you. I used to have some good friends in Saudi / Kuwait. Mostly we spent our time talking about each other's culture because we were both curious. 

So, how many have you known? Or are you afraid of a boogieman that's been dangled in front of you on television for fear votes? 

Everyone's human. Let that sink in.

It sunk in. Everyone's human, but every human aren't backwards primitive desert rats that'll have Isis members slipping in amongst the other desert rats because a bitch like Hilary or an imbecile like Obama will open the doors for those desert rats to come in because they too think "everyone is human". That's called being out of touch with reality.

Maybe you would sing a different tune if let it sink in that Isis love using pretty white girls for this; think about your pretty white female relatives when watching this:

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 23 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 23 '16

Quote from Hartnell
Quote from ol' grimey

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

What of the freedom of your women walking out wearing what she feels like? As that freedom along with all other freedoms we all have would be null and void to accommodate our pleasing the sensibilities of the Muzzies; anything/everything deemed offensive to them would be outlawed and not to mention there would be the cultural violence of the muzzies themselves when offense to Allah is shown by our flaunting our freedoms in the face of the Islam enslaved Muzzies. It's like George Bush said, "They hate our freedom and way of life". And they are coming to impose themselves onto us, like they are in Germany, Sweden and other places. 

Here's an interesting alternative perspective for you. I used to have some good friends in Saudi / Kuwait. Mostly we spent our time talking about each other's culture because we were both curious. 

So, how many have you known? Or are you afraid of a boogieman that's been dangled in front of you on television for fear votes? 

Everyone's human. Let that sink in.

In case you didn't know every culture is not as good as any other culture.

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 23 '16

Quote from Hartnell
Quote from ol' grimey

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

What of the freedom of your women walking out wearing what she feels like? As that freedom along with all other freedoms we all have would be null and void to accommodate our pleasing the sensibilities of the Muzzies; anything/everything deemed offensive to them would be outlawed and not to mention there would be the cultural violence of the muzzies themselves when offense to Allah is shown by our flaunting our freedoms in the face of the Islam enslaved Muzzies. It's like George Bush said, "They hate our freedom and way of life". And they are coming to impose themselves onto us, like they are in Germany, Sweden and other places. 

Here's an interesting alternative perspective for you. I used to have some good friends in Saudi / Kuwait. Mostly we spent our time talking about each other's culture because we were both curious. 

So, how many have you known? Or are you afraid of a boogieman that's been dangled in front of you on television for fear votes? 

Everyone's human. Let that sink in.

Cultural relativism at it's best. Everyone is human.

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 23 '16

Quote from Hartnell
Quote from ol' grimey

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

What of the freedom of your women walking out wearing what she feels like? As that freedom along with all other freedoms we all have would be null and void to accommodate our pleasing the sensibilities of the Muzzies; anything/everything deemed offensive to them would be outlawed and not to mention there would be the cultural violence of the muzzies themselves when offense to Allah is shown by our flaunting our freedoms in the face of the Islam enslaved Muzzies. It's like George Bush said, "They hate our freedom and way of life". And they are coming to impose themselves onto us, like they are in Germany, Sweden and other places. 

Here's an interesting alternative perspective for you. I used to have some good friends in Saudi / Kuwait. Mostly we spent our time talking about each other's culture because we were both curious. 

So, how many have you known? Or are you afraid of a boogieman that's been dangled in front of you on television for fear votes? 

Everyone's human. Let that sink in.

Everyone's human.

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 23 '16

Quote from Hartnell
Quote from ol' grimey

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

What of the freedom of your women walking out wearing what she feels like? As that freedom along with all other freedoms we all have would be null and void to accommodate our pleasing the sensibilities of the Muzzies; anything/everything deemed offensive to them would be outlawed and not to mention there would be the cultural violence of the muzzies themselves when offense to Allah is shown by our flaunting our freedoms in the face of the Islam enslaved Muzzies. It's like George Bush said, "They hate our freedom and way of life". And they are coming to impose themselves onto us, like they are in Germany, Sweden and other places. 

Here's an interesting alternative perspective for you. I used to have some good friends in Saudi / Kuwait. Mostly we spent our time talking about each other's culture because we were both curious. 

So, how many have you known? Or are you afraid of a boogieman that's been dangled in front of you on television for fear votes? 

Everyone's human. Let that sink in.

Hartnell May 23 '16
You didn't answer a single question I asked. Diverted like a true bigot. Well done.
Hartnell May 23 '16
Oh noes! I bet they're too lazy to work AND want our jobs too! LMFGDAO!
Hartnell May 23 '16

Quote from ol' grimey

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

If you mean am I going to join you in already hiding in the closet, lol, no.
The Forum post is edited by Hartnell May 23 '16
Hartnell May 23 '16

Quote from ShadowLover Everyone is human... 

That is very true. I am also a curious person and have spent a lot of time talking to middle-eastern people ever since 9/11. The first of which I met on a dating site - a man's wife contacted me and asked if I would have sex with her husband because she wanted to please him but he wanted to do things that were against Allah and she didn't want to do them. ...And I wanted to know more about these mysterious people that the world was so afraid of. So I went to their home and they cooked me a nice meal, and I talked to them (amongst other things). And anybody who knows me knows that sometimes I lack boundaries in conversation in that I will ask the hard questions. Not just about Allah and the Koran but also about wife bashing and fgm. He was from Jordan, and she was a Muslim Phillipino. I learned that Islam is a lot like traditional Catholicism only their Messiah lived a long and happy life because he was a Holy. It doesn't make sense to them that Jesus died. They explained to me that wife bashing and fgm were cultural things and not Islamic things. Fgm is part of north African tradition. After I left the husband contacted me and asked if I would see him without his wife present but I declined - I don't pretend this to be a Muslim thing because back then I used to sleep with quite a few married couples and every single husband except one, did the same thing, and they were western men.

I also spoke to a moderate Iranian Muslim man who was studying in Norway. I used to proof some of his thesis for him for grammar. He asked me what Australian's thought of Muslims and I told that most Australians are easygoing but some hate Arabs. He told me that he fucking hates Arabs too. I was confused and said that I thought he was an Arab. He explained to me that he was Persian and Arabs are filthy. I learned that Muslim was just an umbrella term that Westerners use but the middle-east sees it very differently. 

I also learned from another Iranian husband that a Muslim man will kill to protect his wife and children - he was a lovely man. His wife was away and I made fun of him because he had to make his own dinner and he said that he went to his parents. He never attempted to make inappropriate conversation with me.

I spoke to a practising doctor in the USA that was Muslim and he explained to me that most of the earth's problems could be solved by the institution of Sharia Law and that democracy was a disease. 

In conversation I mentioned to an Egyptian man that I wanted a boyfriend and he banned me from seeing other men and told me that I would be his second wife because his first wife didn't want to have sex with him any more. I asked if she still had a clitoris - apparently she did. I also asked why the women wear black and he explained that black is less attractive to men - that men are sexually attracted to vibrant colours. And the fgm made a woman more pure because they don't think about sex. If a woman has a clitoris she would cheat on her husband. I said that I didn't cheat on my husband when I was married and he was surprised and said that I was a rarity. Obviously I had no intention of marrying this man and moving to Egypt. I told him it was because I like wearing colours and I would have no friends and he said his sisters would be my friends. Mwah, who is a free spirit starts freaking out about now. This guy was serious. He even offered for us to move to Russia. 

When I used to play backgammon online, I found Iranian men to be very polite and courteous. I found Turkish men to be obsessed with sex to the point where you couldn't just play the damn game, they kept asking you about sex before they would have their turn - I hated it when my opponent was Turkish. A couple of times I just quit the game to get away from it and then I would lose points. But in their favour I like belly-dance, Turkish Delight and kebabs! I also regularly make humus.

This is just a few conversations and a few people of many. I am a seeker and I am open-minded. Muslim people are human like the rest of us. But we can't let that blind us from the facts. 

We caused the Wars in the middle-east which prompted the invasion of the West by Muslim people (before that they were just content to hate each other...) But don't pretend that there is no invasion. And just because our govts are responsible, doesn't mean that we should lay down all guilt-ridden and let our children suffer for it. I do not want Sharia Law in my country in any shape or form or on any level. 

I can like Muslim people as individuals, but still vehemently oppose Sharia Law. And part of my strategy is to limit the Muslim numbers and their voting power.

Do you realize that your conclusion has nothing to do with the experiences you stated?
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 23 '16
That's the point, Hartnell... I can know and understand a people from the inside but still separate myself emotionally and be able to make clear decisions regarding their politics. 

As we speak, Muslim people are doing their utmost to institute Sharia Law in Australia, and it pains me to admit that they are winning quite a few battles. I don't have to hate the people to detest Sharia Law. 

I know there are many beautiful Islamic people. I understand that we have wronged them and where their loathing for the West stems from both politically and Spiritually. We got in their face and now they aim to get in ours and I don't blame them for that. 

But that doesn't mean I will allow that to happen. My loved ones take priority in my eyes. Clearly put, it doesn't matter the history... Islamic men do not get to rape Australia's daughters on my watch. They do not get to remove female genitalia. They do not get to burn our churches and institute a separate Sharia govt. They do not get to tax our tampons. And they do not get to change our customs and our way of life. And I don't care how fucking nice you are, you do not get to do these things.

Hartnell May 23 '16
Oh boy. I've heard all shit from freak out Christians about Satanists during the Satanic Panic. 

The plot is thinning.

Hartnell May 23 '16
Since you're on the Muslim trip, why aren't you on the homosexual hate train? Less believable? Uh... yeeeaaaaah...
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 23 '16

Quote from Hartnell
Quote from ol' grimey

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

If you mean am I going to join you in already hiding in the closet, lol, no.
lol What closet are you referring to? 
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