Oh no, it's fine. I'm quite done here.
Grimey asks me for evidence for my assertions, I provide evidence, he calls it circumstantial and proceeds with ad hominem.
I have not derailed this topic by offering a relevant point to the OP, so I don't see much sense in a separate thread. There's such a huge focus on the destructiveness the Left causes, but when I bring up the most prominent financiers and proponents of the Left, all hell breaks loose and I'm a Hitlerian. (Since "coincidentally" they all happen to be Jews)
So yeah, I'm done here. I mainly came to see what the new crop is up to. I haven't been on this site in almost a year.
In spite of your evidence so called, there is loads more evidence to the contrary of what you present. See the thing with research is the topic researched has it's counter; all research is bias in one direction or another. If you are researching you are doing so only in pertinence to your pro position, ignoring any research counter to what you want to find.
"when I bring up the most prominent financiers and proponents of the Left,"
This is the problem. Whether these prominent financiers and proponents.. are Jews, WASPs or whatever, you are in very muddy waters when you are talking about these people in very radical ways calling them treasonous and such, implying that if they are the root of the problem, then they must be rooted out. You know what it sounds like you are talking and advocating right? If not let me literally spell it out for you. T-E-R-R-O-I-S-M. That's right, you are calling in not so many words active dethroning of what you see as 'our masters' who are looking to breed us all out into one single slave race; which doesn't make sense in itself, if masters want to enslave the earth's population why do they have to be a single race, why not various "slave races"? But back to my point, this silent terrorism you are calling for does not fly here nor anywhere else where you have people with brains who aren't out to dethrone alleged masters. Now if you want to spend the rest of your life in Gitmo being water boarded and shit be my guest, but you aren't going come here or any where else hoping to gain new recruits for your ideological cause of taking down what you perceive as enemies of the people. what's that you aren't silently advocating terrorism? What, do you plan to veto for your perceived masters to step down? Of course you're not. Like I said you aren't going to find crusaders for your cause here, I'm certainly not a horned crusader. Go find gullible fodder somewhere else.