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JasinElric May 17 '16

Quote from Nhoj Jasin speaks the truth. For too long "Satanism" has been anti-Christian but strangely silent about the Jews, and this is not just tolerated but actively promoted by the Jewish cultural establishment. It is the reason groups like "Church of Satan" and "Satanic Temple" have gotten so much exposure in the (jew)media, whereas more transgressive Satanists like ONA are all but invisible. Yet these anti-Christian "Satanists" think they are the great transgressors and rebels of the Western world, when in fact they are mostly just useful idiots. The real Satanic rebels today are in fact more like Nazis, since they are the only ones who dare to attack the cultural control system of the West at its root -- where Jews hold a dominant position, yet few dare speak their name.

It's time for a Satanism that is at least as anti-Jew as anti-Christian, rather than a tool of Judaic conquest.

I think Boyd Rice touched on the JQ back when he declined LaVey's offer to head the CoS.  I miss that guy.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 17 '16

By the way, I don't bash Christians. Christians don't bother me. To tell you the truth, Muslim people don't bother me either. Sharia Law bothers me a lot! Sharia Law will not permit us to live and let live.

Anyway, so if Jews are in control of the USA, why are they allowing the Muslim people in?

And also, what do you think the goal of the Jewish people is? Muslim people want to implement Sharia Law across the planet - that is their goal. What is the Jewish goal?

JasinElric May 17 '16
They're well aware that the values of Islam are at odds with both the contemporary, and traditional values of the west.  While the West is preoccupied with the chaos brought by open borders, the Jew is free of sight and scrutiny, able to plant further seeds of degeneracy in our homelands and establish themselves as the highest power.

Despite what some might believe, it's no coincidence that the most funded and vocal proponents of multiculturalism are Jews who promote this psychopathy in the West, but demand that Israel remain a completely homogeneous, self-determined nation.  

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 17 '16
The Rothschild Conspiracy explained in 4mins

Jews against Zionism and Rothschilds

I kind of admire the Rothschilds... They're pretty fucking clever. They look after their own and those closest to them and fuck the rest - it's quite Satanic really. 

But at the end of the day, I'm still not convinced that there is a whole lot the average person can do about flipping a system that most people are still dependent on. And because humans are humans, and survival of the fittest and ambition are real things - there will always be a Rothschild or similar. The only way you can beat this system is to give up money and live off the grid, and when the whole world is ready to do that, we will have beaten it.

JasinElric May 18 '16
The issue I see with contemporary Satanism is it presents itself as a champion of self-preservation, wisdom, and self interest, yet it's been twisted into this Leftist radical individualism.  

For instance, we care for our friends and families because we view them innately as extensions of ourselves; therefore, preservation of the virtues, values, and best interest of our family and friends would be more Satanic, by definition, than those who fuck others out of their resources to advance their own individual interests.  Satanism and Parasitism are not synonymous, despite common application by contemporary Satanists.

We beat them by realizing that we're not radical individualists.  The idea that Satanic communities exist is a testament to that fact.  Going forward, the best course of action is to, for lack of a better analogy, do as the Devil has.  

Did Satan fight that war alone?  No.  He fought with his comrades against the most oppressive force in all existence.  Did they manage to usurp the throne?  No, but they did gain self-determination and their own homeland, where they could govern themselves according to their virtues, their codes of honor, and the manifestation of the kind of world they wanted to live in.

That is our struggle, not merely as people who share a similar paradigm, but similar values, virtues, honor, and an idea of the kind of world we'd like to live in.  

Standing with those who share these fundamentals are our allies, regardless of religious affiliation.  The Jew does not care if you're a Satanist, a Christian, a Muslim, a Pagan, a Wiccan, or an Atheist.  The Jew cares only that you fall in line, and submit to their will.  I've seen great strides towards unity in the world of Nationalism to those ends.  It is possible to defeat this enemy.

In the end, of course we will continue our petty squabbles as we always have.  Conflict will not end by dethroning the Jew, but the threat of Globalism will no longer be present.  True human diversity will be preserved, and if we must fight one another, it will be to defend or advance our values and virtues according to our own will, not what we're told our will is. 

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 18 '16

Quote from JasinElric For a radical individualist (a far left, enlightenment era concept) who claims to have no stake in the world in which he lives, you certainly do have a bit to say about the aughts of Western civilization.

Even a radical individualist could take an objective stance on whether Nationalism or Globalism is the best course. You sound a bit confused, internally.

My band page on Facebook was just shut down. I violated no policies, I use no racial slurs, nor do I encite violence against any particular group. I do, however, criticize the Jew. With all the anti Christian bands on there that never get touched, tell me again who holds the power.

Whether you believe Jews to be a people or a religion, their dominance over the finance, media, laws, and public opinion of the Western world are undeniable. The land of Israel, the "nation" in which they currently occupy, was taken via genocide from the Palestinian people ever since the conclusion of WW2. 

My main point in all of this, is that if the Satanist stands opposed to all Abrahamic religion as oppressive, and unworthy leaders, why would any Satanist waste their time attacking the half dead Christianity, while the Jew fits the bill to the letter? You ask why I think contemporary Satanism is a pawn to advance Jewish interests? I don't know how much more clear I can articulate it.

Who said I was a radical individualist?  You are presuming way too much, like I said I don't care all that much about current affairs, the world and other people, what includes family and friends. I have been this way since a toddler, Satanism nor anything else for that matter has nothing to do with it. With that being said, is making an observation, then pointing out that observation caring? Pointing out squirrels going into an ant colony, after observing it and asking others what they think about that is not caring about the ants.

And you haven't given any clear and pronounced reason for why the Jews are doing what they are doing. You expect some one to buy what you're selling just by saying, "The Jews, the Jews, they are behind it all accept what I am telling you with no more than my telling it."

I get what you're saying about Satanism standing against all oppression, what includes the 'all oppressing Jews', only I am no Satanist crusader, so again I can care less about what's happening... it's not personally affecting me; I am not individually oppressed.

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 18 '16

Quote from JasinElric For that one guy who insist Jews are not at the foundation of every degenerate, SJW movement we see on the street today in the West, here's a handful of examples:

White Privilege(Tim Wise)https:///..._=dp-kindle-redirect
BlackLivesMatter(George Soros)http:///
Migrant Crisis(George Soros)http:///
Feminism(Several Jews)
Same-sex(Jews for Racial and Economic Justice)http:///...ocial-justice-issues
Pedophillia(Russell Dick)http:///...ussell-dick-7ba74610
Incest(Tauriq Moosa and Angela Merkel)

I'm sure that's all just coincidental and circumstantial.  Let's keep attacking the weakling Christians and ignore the tangibly destructive force right in front of our face, like good goyi-...erm...Satanists! 

Yes, it is all just coincidental and circumstantial. What you are doing is tantamount to someone who has a chip about WASPS and so point to circumstantial things where a lot of WASPS happen to be involved in and taking that as 100% proof that the WASPS have it in for all non WASPS.

You like to presume don't you, I'll call you sir presumes a lot. You take the general and typical case of those calling themselves Satanists who have a bug up their asses when it comes to a cultural relic like Christianity, then presume that I do the same.

JasinElric May 18 '16

I've cited several sources that substantiate my claims, check the previous page.

That edgelord mentality you carry is tiresome, I feel like I've met you a hundred times already. 

Do and think as you will, even in the face of all the evidence. Retain your indifference to the wellbeing of your surroundings, society will return indifference to your wellbeing in return. 

Nhoj May 18 '16
This is why Satanism, if it just means turning people into atomized individuals so they will be ripe for conquest by more organized and aggressive collectives, is a foolish ideology. At the end of the day, you are at the mercy of the power of collectives; if you abandon all collectivism, you will soon be conquered. We need a Satanism that places as much value on power and survival as on individual freedom. Radical individualism is only possible when your collective is secure. As our Western societies come under threat from hostile collectives, we have to collectivize ourselves to survive. In these circumstances, collectivizing is the Satanic thing to do.
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 18 '16

Quote from Nhoj This is why Satanism, if it just means turning people into atomized individuals so they will be ripe for conquest by more organized and aggressive collectives, is a foolish ideology. At the end of the day, you are at the mercy of the power of collectives; if you abandon all collectivism, you will soon be conquered. We need a Satanism that places as much value on power and survival as on individual freedom. Radical individualism is only possible when your collective is secure. As our Western societies come under threat from hostile collectives, we have to collectivize ourselves to survive. In these circumstances, collectivizing is the Satanic thing to do.
Take it from some one who has been abandoned by society from birth, when I say that society can be swallowed up by those hostile collectives for all I care.
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 18 '16

Quote from JasinElric Gimey,

I've cited several sources that substantiate my claims, check the previous page.

That edgelord mentality you carry is tiresome, I feel like I've met you a hundred times already. 

Do and think as you will, even in the face of all the evidence. Retain your indifference to the wellbeing of your surroundings, society will return indifference to your wellbeing in return. 

That doesn't substantiate nothing but circumstantiality. I refer you back to what I said about WASPs. You sound like some one with a chip on their shoulder about WASPs and so point to WASPs having their hands in some things and screaming that it's proof that WASPs are out to rule the world.

Society has been shown it's indifference to my wellbeing from the time I was born and so I return the indifference to them.

Here's something about your Jewish domination of the world. Oh and btw, I'm still waiting on your answer for WHY the Jews want to allegedly rule the world. Why is it their goal to do so. answering why is different from answering what and it's the latter you've done so far. With that here is that little something I mentioned just now:

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 18 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 18 '16
I just thought I would add that if/when you rally your collectivized troops to combat the "treasonous Jews" as you are apt to think of them be sure to write us from Gitmo so that maybe we can pool our resources to put money on your books so that you can visit the commissary to buy snacks and stuff. lol
JasinElric May 18 '16

Quote from ol' grimey

Take it from some one who has been abandoned by society from birth, when I say that society can be swallowed up by those hostile collectives for all I care.
This is completely antithetical to your OP.  If you really don't care, you would not start a thread about it.  I can only assume you're trying to convince yourself that you don't care.

I already answered your question, but you've been too busy strawmanning me to see it.  The Jewish oligarchs fund massive third-world immigration into the west, promote miscegenation only in the west, promote degenerate lifestyles only in the west, yet they demand the polar opposite for their own land, and we're all expected to not only accept that, but defend it!  

Why don't you tell me why they're doing this?  Tell me why Globalism, the death of all ethnic nations, cultures, and values, molded into a single slave-race, is a better idea than the alternative; Nationalism.  Given the current state of Global affairs, and the prominent Jewish position, who's interest does Globalism best serve?

I'm fairly certain I've said all I've needed to say on this matter.  I've done nothing but offer tangible points and the only substance you've offered is one hypocrisy after another.  This is precisely why I stopped coming around here.

Quote from Nhoj This is why Satanism, if it just means turning people into atomized individuals so they will be ripe for conquest by more organized and aggressive collectives, is a foolish ideology. At the end of the day, you are at the mercy of the power of collectives; if you abandon all collectivism, you will soon be conquered. We need a Satanism that places as much value on power and survival as on individual freedom. Radical individualism is only possible when your collective is secure. As our Western societies come under threat from hostile collectives, we have to collectivize ourselves to survive. In these circumstances, collectivizing is the Satanic thing to do.
You are a rare breed.  It's probably best to find a Nationalist organization that best accommodates your perspective.  Satanists will never come together along Nationalistic lines.  This subculture, like all other fun subcultures in the past, has been subverted to support Jewish interests.  

Might I suggest The Traditionalist Worker Party if you're in the US.  NPD or Golden Dawn if you're in Europe.  I like them because they understand that religious affiliations cause division, and have chosen to stand together, despite their disagreements. 

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 19 '16

It's not antithetical when I clearly stated in the first sentence, "I'm curious..." Speaking on my own sentiments I don't care. My reason for starting this thread was as I've just said the curiosity of what others thought about the issue of mass Muslim immigration into places that is counter to their own values and culture especially when their host/soon to be host countries are going the way of total liberal permissiveness, it's seems lunacy to allow West hating, if not anti liberal Muslims in an increasingly ultra liberal environment. Surely White guilt, equality and diversity quotas aren't the only reason. Perhaps they think that'll do away with the arriving Muslim's anti west sentiments on a if you love them they will love us back belief... In any case I trust that there is method to that particular madness of Muslims pushing Sharia codes onto us, like in that first video I enclosed in the OP, where Sharia patrols are formed to patrol the streets making sure no one is doing anything un Islamic, like drinking,(bye bye bars?) having gay pride parades... Curiosity of what others think was my motivation for the OP, not some crusading reason for the sanctity of puritanically antiquated values of chastity and virtue that you seem to be on. Incidentally, your anti Jewishness aside for a second, why is it such a big thing to you if the leaders/Establishment is pushing for the normalizing of "degeneracy" as you put it? I mean if you are down on incest, simply don't fuck any of your relatives. if homosexuality is 'gross' to you don't fuck another man...  it's really that simple. And how is what you're talking about "degeneracy" any different from Sharia talking about the same?

"The Jewish oligarchs fund massive third-world immigration into the west, promote miscegenation only in the west, promote degenerate lifestyles only in the west, yet they demand the polar opposite for their own land, and we're all expected to not only accept that, but defend it!"

^^ This is not the WHY, it's the what. I'm asking for the why, what you just turned on me to answer when I'm not the one pushing the BELIEF that Jews are out to dominate and rule the world, the burden of proof, in this case providing the why is on you to provide.   

The polar opposite for their own land in regards to "degeneracy"? Clearly you don't know what you are talking about. Israel is as much secular and liberal as any other western country, apparently you didn't get the memo when Netanyahu at one time mentions about all Israelis, including LGBT(Q) (A) living in peace and if I'm not mistaken hasn't Israel allowed for gay marriage in a way that does not violate separation of church and state, meaning the religious communities in respect to their religions issue marriage licenses, so the State provides civil unions for gay couples? Yes.

Oh, that's right you unnecessarily are concerned with their policy on who can be citizens, I already told you that Israel was founded by Jews for all Jews and Jews come in all races/ethnicities, colors and creeds. So if you weren't high up on your high horse you would see that. Plus, Israel isn't a huge land mass as Europe and America are, they would be smothered if they filled such a small land mass to and beyond capacity..and it would defeat the purpose of a JEWISH homeland for JEWS. do you not get that concept? You provide the who, the what and the where, but continue to fail to give the why. And Jews don't suffer from white guilt syndrome, so there is no guilt assuaging need for them to open their borders to anyone but Jews. Again it's that simple.

"Tell me why Globalism, the death of all ethnic nations, cultures, and values, molded into a single slave-race, is a better idea than the alternative; Nationalism."

The answer is in the name of the PROGRESSIVE doing away with monolithic antiquarianism. You see how I provided you with a why? The only reason you can't provide me/us with a why is because you are operating under a delusional belief of Jewish domination of the world based on circumstantial evidence of some Jews who have their fingers in some pies that you don't like the taste of.

" Given the current state of Global affairs, and the prominent Jewish position, who's interest does Globalism best serve?"

This makes no sense without the why you keep failing to give. Not only that, but to assume that Globalism serves Jewish interest is stupid, excepting you don't believe in the global take over of the Jews for no specified or good reason. This isn't some bad Hollywood action movie where you have some bad guys doing things for no good reason but only to give the good guy crusader a reason to beat up the bad guys, with long over the top fight sequences and high speed chases. How does globalism serve Jewish interest? Hint, the answer ties into the why you keep not providing. As a side note, you wonder why Facebook banned you for your song content, how about Facebook being owned by a Jew, who goes by the name of Mark Zuckerberg? So, maybe you didn't know that a Jew wouldn't take to kindly to you knocking him as a Jew by spewing anti Jewish song lyrics with a hint of Jewish takeover conspiracy theory. If I'm not mistaking HITLER AND NSDP also put out the same content in their band's lyrics; I mean party's propaganda. Where are you from, Ur-anus?

I think the reason you stopped coming around here is because no one was falling for your Jewish conspiracy theory bullshit, but you thought you would give it another go, because some how you caught wind of this post.

what were you doing lurking the whole time rubbing your hands together saying. "Oh boy, I hope I can find another opportunity, or a sap gullible enough to accept my gospel of the Jewish take over". 

Overall, like I said I have no stake in the game of this versus that. And objectively speaking both Globalism and Nationalism and everything in between is only as good as the believers in each. Either works only in so far as the minds of the beholders would allow. For example, you believe in Nationalism, so naturally you THINK/BELIEVE that's where it's all happening man. Whilst on the foil side of that those who believe in Globalism think/believe that's where it's all happening. Who is right, who wrong? can there be an answer of which is which when you are dealing only in subjective summation? Whose mom is better, mine or yours? See what I'm saying.

JasinElric May 19 '16
Basically, you've done nothing more with this word stew than deny, then justify, everything I've stated.  It's a little confusing as to why you dislike SJWs, as you're here using the same circular logic and double standards.

the free thinker here.  I'm just a crazy, brainwashed wackjob.  If your Enlightenment Era relativism helps you sleep at night, good for you.  As I've said, I've said all I've needed to say on the matter.  
JasinElric May 19 '16

I think many on the left feel responsible for "caring" about the Muslims who are caught in the military conflicts in the Middle East and thus are willing to accept them into their lives and countries. 

Like Shadow stated, Islam is a virus, just like any other Abrahamic religion, however I think Islam is the most dangerous in that it seems people are more easily co-opted into becoming Suicide Bombers, etc in Islam. 

I think America and other western countries have done a lot of damage to themselves though through continually interfering with the Mid-East politics, these people have been fighting over sand and fairy tales for thousands of years, if we think we can make them become civil members of a "global" society, good luck. 

Best thing America could do I think is to cut any and all aid to any Middle Eastern country, close our doors to people from the Middle East for the time being, and let them kill each other. There's far too much going on here that could be fixed or improved to try to help people who spit in your face when you offer a helping hand. 

I should clarify that I'm not saying no Muslim is trustworthy or there are genuinely nice people within Islam, but they still adhere to a religion that promotes blind obedience and I can't support them. 

I would assume that for the sake of consistency, your points apply to Israel as well.

I mean, they're kind of funding the migrant crisis and persecuting all Europeans who speak out against it.

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 19 '16

Quote from JasinElric Basically, you've done nothing more with this word stew than deny, then justify, everything I've stated.  It's a little confusing as to why you dislike SJWs, as you're here using the same circular logic and double standards.

the free thinker here.  I'm just a crazy, brainwashed wackjob.  If your Enlightenment Era relativism helps you sleep at night, good for you.  As I've said, I've said all I've needed to say on the matter.  

No, I demolished and explained reasons that negate everything you've stated.  It's confusing to you because you don't know why I scorn SJWs seeing as you are not in my head. I scorn SJWs for 1. there typical moronic cave dwelling mentality, allowing them to only shout slogans and buzzwords whenever they are hit with anything that blows their "hate speech, micro aggression triggering" horse shit out the water. 2. they are just blindly being dragged down stream by the current of progressivism turning into regressivism; I mean you can't get more regressive than allowing the barbarians through the gates into a place that is not as primitive and backwards as they are culturally speaking and so that's just regressing into lunacy, if nothing else. 3. their hypocritical double standarding; which I am not doing by the way simple Simon. 4. their smoke screen status to IMO is to detract from the real and only issue here, namely immigration mishap. Of course they and their spiel and non issues are smoke screens for immigration, only a Putz such as your self can't see it.

"You're the free thinker here.  I'm just a crazy, brainwashed wackjob."

glad you are smart enough, honest enough and man enough to admit that. The only circular logic, minus the logic here is what you are bringing to the table. You: "The Jews, the Jews! It's all the Jews they are behind everything; everything what's wrong with world, everything going wrong in my life. they're responsible for the wide spread 'degeneracy'; Hitler and my comrades over at have told me this is so, not to mention all the biased research I have done." Me: Really, why is this happening, if it's happening at all"?  You: "The Jews, the Jews! It's all the Jews they are behind everything; everything what's wrong with world, everything going wrong in my life. they're responsible for the wide spread 'degeneracy'; Hitler and my comrades over at have told me this is so, not to mention all the biased research I have done." And on the circle spins.

"Enlightenment Era relativism"

Actually, I think the word you are looking for is Common Sense, in the sense of Thomas Paine's use of the word as another name for logical reasoning.  Oh, now you want to keep trying to bail when you haven't won a convert to your kooky belief in a global Jewish take over and undermining of "good', "wholesome" and "decent" Goy monolithic, non progressive way of doing things. Sorry, it doesn't work that way, you don't get to make a burden of proof claim with the intention of bailing out when you haven't won another thin brained convert who just jumps on board with what your selling just because you provide biased research material that's circumstantial at best and think it'll be A-ok to go ahead and bail without providing the demand for the burden of proof for the smoking gun. Basically you are just claiming with no substantial hard evidence of a Jewish imperialistic regime bent on destroying, undermining and miscegenating all Goys, particularly and especially European Goys for some unspecified reason other than your stating it to be so, while providing BIASED material to bolster your claim as if it's unbiased and objective information. You don't get to bail out till you not only give me the way I demand, but also the 100% proof of the truth of what you say. Till then we can do this all day, I am a relentless non retreating opponent, and you my friend have opened this can by making unsubstantially non objective claims of a premise/belief, or whatever you call it. Prove that what you are claiming is anything, but a delusion, then you can bail out. Otherwise, you just look more and more delusional, not to mention resentful of some one else's success....or perhaps something else.

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 19 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 19 '16

Quote from BigB
Quote from JasinElric

I think many on the left feel responsible for "caring" about the Muslims who are caught in the military conflicts in the Middle East and thus are willing to accept them into their lives and countries. 

Like Shadow stated, Islam is a virus, just like any other Abrahamic religion, however I think Islam is the most dangerous in that it seems people are more easily co-opted into becoming Suicide Bombers, etc in Islam. 

I think America and other western countries have done a lot of damage to themselves though through continually interfering with the Mid-East politics, these people have been fighting over sand and fairy tales for thousands of years, if we think we can make them become civil members of a "global" society, good luck. 

Best thing America could do I think is to cut any and all aid to any Middle Eastern country, close our doors to people from the Middle East for the time being, and let them kill each other. There's far too much going on here that could be fixed or improved to try to help people who spit in your face when you offer a helping hand. 

I should clarify that I'm not saying no Muslim is trustworthy or there are genuinely nice people within Islam, but they still adhere to a religion that promotes blind obedience and I can't support them. 

I would assume that for the sake of consistency, your points apply to Israel as well.

I mean, they're kind of funding the migrant crisis and persecuting all Europeans who speak out against it.

Yes of course. I would cut all aid to anyone in the Middle East. Then again I'd cut all aid to any country that promotes dogmas in place of logic, so essentially we wouldn't help anyone. 

He makes the claim of Israel, which he is now using as code for his anti Jewish Hitlerian rhetoric of a global Jewish take over and undermining conspiracy for no objectively substantial reason other than his projecting his insanity on a people he has a bug up his ass about. The barbaric Muslims Jew blame the same as ol' Jasin here.

With being said. BigB we need some middle eastern allies, and by the way, Israel may be situated in the middle east, but they are a western nation. They are culturally upgraded, and just as constitutional as we are,unlike their Palestinian, Arab and other primitive neighbors. The problem is not necessarily middle eastern allies in an over all sense, only whom of those we choose to get in bed with and the insane idea of thinking or even "caring" about barbarians who aren't necessarily escaping anything, other than the lack of feeding off all the cool stuff they can get for free in these western countries allowing them in. They are coming to milk us, to exploit that veneer of generosity by like you said co opting terrorists to blow shit up, including themselves in the name of stopping the "Great Shaytan", imperialism of the west. Which is how they see us. take for example the "migrant' crisis in Germany  for example, a lot of them are getting disaffected for not quickly getting the parasitic lifestyle they were promised, bemoaning the deplorable conditions within the Red Cross camps, the boredom... but of course they wont leave of their own accord(one man has stated if Germany were to ask them to leave he would "Go home, to my country, if they say, they no want here") what with the promise of free stuff and the opportunity to do what they have tried to do round about six centuries ago, which is conquer the west, completely Islamizing it and they have found the perfect means by invitation to infiltration.

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 19 '16
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 19 '16
May I suggest Jasin, that you start a separate thread for your anti-Jew stuff. It happens sometimes that threads get mixed up during conversation, but when you are as passionate as you are about a topic, it should have its own thread.

And then those of us that wish to can get back to discussing the damage the left poses by increasing the intake of Muslim refugees.

JasinElric May 20 '16


Oh no, it's fine.  I'm quite done here.

Grimey asks me for evidence for my assertions, I provide evidence, he calls it circumstantial and proceeds with ad hominem.

I have not derailed this topic by offering a relevant point to the OP, so I don't see much sense in a separate thread.  There's such a huge focus on the destructiveness the Left causes, but when I bring up the most prominent financiers and proponents of the Left, all hell breaks loose and I'm a Hitlerian. (Since "coincidentally" they all happen to be Jews) 

So yeah, I'm done here.  I mainly came to see what the new crop is up to.  I haven't been on this site in almost a year. 

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