I agree that the Jewish people pretty much control the worlds money, but they don't seem to tell people who to worship or what to wear or what to eat...
Now before you go off your narni, I live in Australia and we don't really have a strong Jewish presence, at least not strong enough for me to notice. In fact, I have only ever met a few Jews and that is my current landlord and his wife and son, and they are good to us. The only other Jew I had interaction with was a fellow I used to play backgammon online with and me being curious, used to ask him all sorts of questions. He was reluctant to answer but only because he was trying to have a affair with me and it made him uncomfortable to talk about his God while doing such. Lol.
Jews control the international banks in nearly every country in the world, so it is more than the West that they have a grip on. Because of this, they obviously profit from the natural resources of those countries. But this kind of sounds like good business. To have achieved this without needing to religiously or culturally influence the hosts seems to say they are able to separate their religion and day to day lives from their business. What I'm getting at, is isn't this type of successful business dealership what a lot of people aim for but never achieve? I mean, if every Jew suddenly died from a Jew bug, wouldn't a million other people strive to replace them in the top positions of control.
Meanwhile, you have the Muslim people who do want to change our religion, our culture, what we eat, how we dress, etc. And they are prepared to do what ever needs to be done to achieve that, including breeding us into a minority where they can achieve the voting majority. Seems far more pressing. I mean, while you are protesting the Jewish influence, the Muslims are achieving cultural domination. I'm not saying not to do it, but just make sure our people survive long enough to exist in this Jew free world.
Like I said, I have had very little to do with Jews and I'm curious. I guess I am wondering what your objective is... What are you afraid of? What are you trying to achieve? What is your plan to achieve it, and when do you think it will be achieved?