The Commies Are Here, The Muzzies Are Coming! | Forum

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ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 15 '16

I was curios to know if Satanists and over all Left Handers would run in the proverbial closet when the regressives begin to let the Muzzies in, all under the name of "equality" and "diversity" and as an attempt to assuage their white guilt, because let's face we all know Muzzies don't take too kindly to traditional American/Western values, and they see the likes of us as committing Shirk along with all other non Muslims.

What of the freedom of your women walking out wearing what she feels like? As that freedom along with all other freedoms we all have would be null and void to accommodate our pleasing the sensibilities of the Muzzies; anything/everything deemed offensive to them would be outlawed and not to mention there would be the cultural violence of the muzzies themselves when offense to Allah is shown by our flaunting our freedoms in the face of the Islam enslaved Muzzies. It's like George Bush said, "They hate our freedom and way of life". And they are coming to impose themselves onto us, like they are in Germany, Sweden and other places. 

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 15 '16
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 15 '16
Islam is a virus and like any other virus it needs to be quarantined for the safety of the general public.

Regressives are idiots that don't acknowledge the natural laws. They think if you love something than it has to love you back, that if you are tolerant of something than it will be tolerant back. In nature, if you allow a virus, or enemy, or opposing force to infiltrate your community without a fight, it will dominate you.

How many women and little girls do they get to rape before our men invoke their natural territorial instincts and piss the motherfuckers off. 

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover May 15 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 16 '16

"Regressives are idiots that don't acknowledge the natural laws. They think if you love something than it has to love you back, that if you are tolerant of something than it will be tolerant back."

Too right. If you ask me, I would say that it's a result of extreme idealism, if not something else to boot.

How many indeed, but men, a lot or many have been well cucked out by proper indoctrination to give them a proper pissing off. It's like I said a few years ago to some one, it would appear that compared to today's western males, muslim men seems to be more manly than they are considering.

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 16 '16
Yes they are strong. That is why so many white girls ran off to become brides of ISIS. Women follow strength.

Unfortunately these men are indoctrinated into and enslaved to a crazy set of ideals which makes them very dangerous. Banded together they are a perfect killing machine. I don't believe in God or the Bible but I do believe in prophecy, and I tend to think that we are about 30yrs into the hundred year war and so much of Western society is still sticking up for the enemy - they are honestly in for a rude awakening because the Muzzies are still getting their people in position and just warming up.

At the same time you have the Socialist UN about to disarm all the good people and redistribute the wealth. Saudi representing Human Rights and WHO declaring bacon a health hazard. None of it is going to be pretty. 

But it was good to see some of the German men storming the streets and trying to protect their women. A lot of our boys have it together, and when push comes to shove many more will join in. Regressives defended the Nazis until the eleventh hour too, but eventually they saw the light. Guns in faces will do that to a person.

JasinElric May 16 '16
Islamic invasion is not a virus, it's a symptom of a greater disease. I don't care much for the symptoms, the disease concerns me more.  Try asking, who is letting them in, and who is benefiting most from Islamic conflict with the West?

Is it in Europe or the US' best interest to have hordes of economic migrants from the third-world replace their demographics, and decimate their cultures, undermining every possible Western value?  Not really, but nonetheless, those borders are open, and this is happening.  So if not the indigenous people of these nations, who's interest does this best serve, and who holds the prominent seats of power/finance in these nations?  Who's making these calls?

To me this is a simple deduction, but we dare not mention their name.  Questioning their dogmas results in career termination, defamation, and imprisonment.  

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 16 '16
Jasin, I understand what you are getting at, but I don't know how to fix it. Do you? Can it even be fixed?

It is the influx that we, the common people, are going to have to deal with, and it will eventually be dealt with in the good old fashioned way. I just don't see a different outcome here - I wish I did. 

But I am open to suggestion...

JasinElric May 16 '16
ShadowLover, I think people need to start seeing passed the heads of the Hydra.  Once that happens, nature will take it's course as it always has and always will.  

Nature herself has already decided that parasites cannot survive without their host.  They will be shaken off eventually, and the strong will become stronger in the end.  All we can hope to do at this point is limit the amount of casualties along the way.

Overcome your fear of being called names.  Speak your mind, but be sure you're well researched.  Show the world that you will not bow to unworthy masters.  This used to be the way of the Satanist before it was usurped by the Left, but I still believe in the core concept that Nature always wins.  Critical thinking, when applied to itself, yields some interesting results. 
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 17 '16
Trust me, I get called the names all the time and it doesn't bother me. What I have found though is that calm and compassionate responses to name callers yields better results over time. Many are on my page now - they understand that I was not coming from a place of hate or racism or bigotry, but of genuine concern for mine and their loved ones. 

Now I just get called bigoted and hater because I don't want men next to me when I pee. Lol.

I agree nature always wins eventually - we are on the same page pretty much.

I guess where I am sceptical is where knowing the truth will save us. Conspiracy theories have been shouting for centuries but knowing the truth rarely helps the knower or the world around them. The witches still burned, Twin Towers still fell, Jesus Christ was still crucified, Towns were still crop-dusted, the oil still spilled in the Gulf, Fema camps are still in existence... And I feel like I am in a nightmare and screaming and nobody can hear me. 

Don't get me wrong - I would rather see than not see. But we know most people are not ready to be unplugged and the herd moves like a tidal wave. Look how quickly they embraced Climate Alarm and how eager they are to appease it. It does my head in. 

From what I have seen, in the end... There is no end. There is just another plot that we can look at and say, "Look, it's another plot!"

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover May 17 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 17 '16

Hood blacks and black nationalists blame whitey, white nationalists blame the Jews, David Icke blames the reptilians, Alex Jones blames the globalists, Christians and popsters blames the illuminati and there's just blame upon blame of a certain tangible group, but the issue is more than skin deep. We war not with flesh and blood, so to speak, but with premises and ideologies. The culprit is any one who holds to regressive extreme idealistic, cultural and moral relativistic thinking; INDIVIDUALS, it matters not of the physical vehicle. I had heard the case against the Jews, the lizards, the illuminati, whitey... and they have been found by me to be wanting and to be the same shit in different toilets; all is the blame game and what's more all is an attempt to scapegoat the issue.

The other thing I would like to point out anyone with a political issue of screaming "these are the people that are to blame for what's wrong with the world", is more than a little suspect about their motives of pushing blame in a particular physical direction(Jews, 'whitey') in public forums, be it offline or online, if you know what I mean. what's more, what possibly do Jewey or whitey, whatever the case may be, possibly have to gain from alleged white or black genocide? Stop blaming the physical persona and go below the skin deep surface to the premises. Also, those looking for specific usual suspects, as it were need to look no further than themselves; after all who is that put jewey or whitey, or... in their elected positions? The voters, the people, so if things are going to hell in a hand basket who but the people put the regressives in power. So yeah.

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 17 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 17 '16
I also want to add, the cosmic and in this case historical cycle ever turns and no one can stop it, once things are set in motion they can only go to it's logical and inevitable, if not inexorable conclusion. Can you stop the big crunch any more than you can stop the big bang, if you get my drift. again, once the wheels have been set in motion; once a particular ideological premise have been given sway by those who have the voting power there is no stopping the way things eventually turn out, once the people have spoken you can not stifle the reverberation,
JasinElric May 17 '16
ol' grimey,

It isn't a matter of blame, it's a matter of deductive reasoning.  You cannot group every argument presented to you in one convenient dismissal package.

"INDIVIDUALS" are not responsible for anything.  Public opinion is a herd mentality, and it is not shaped by multiple individuals coming to the same conclusion.  It's shaped by those in power coercion, usery, and above all, money.  Democracy is bullshit.


Theses far-left ideologies so prominent in the West that have taken a stranglehold over all people, if traced back to the origins of their proponents, there is a Jew to be found.  You can either call that a conspiracy theory, or the biggest coincidence in the world.  Regardless of label, it's fact.

Do I blame the Jew for everything?  Certainly not.  They would hold no power without their European collaborators, and meek masses, willing to sell their future for a dream and a sack of gold.  They should be held accountable for their treason to the people just as much, but make no mistake, these parasitic, unsustainable ideologies are not their creation.

I've heard of White Genocide, and there may be something to it, as the European people make up less that 8% of the global population and steadily declining, due to birthrates being below replacement levels, and replacement populations from the third-world.  I haven't heard of Black Genocide.  Is that a thing?  Last I checked they were not a global minority, and have no issue repopulating themselves, whether it be in their indigenous lands or the West.

This brings me yet again to the fact that you cannot group every argument into one package and dismiss them, then claim to be a critical thinker.  That's the epitome if hypocrisy. 

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 17 '16

If White Genocide is a thing for white nationalists, then of course on the flipside of that, Black Genocide is a thing for Black Nationalists and both are figments of the respective holders' imagination. What is the herd but a collection of herd minded INDIVIDUALS. You can not have a herd without a collection of individuals. the result of deductive reasoning is finding that premises that individuals hold is back of what we are talking about here ad if you ask me, you are grouping the issue in the convenient dismissal Jewish package. Jews tend to be and vote left typically and yes that is coincidental, that's the same as concluding just because a specific people typically vote and are right have a colluded effort to take over, dominate and destroy the world for no good reason. for the sake of argument let's say Jews have this desire, what is their purpose, point; their reason for doing so? The White and Black Nationalists come up with imaginary genocide of their respective race, but what would you say is the reason without resorting to racial or any other apologetics?

"They should be held accountable for their treason to the people just as much,"- the residents in Gitmo, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo bay also thought the same. "but make no mistake, these parasitic, unsustainable ideologies are not their creation."- Those very ideologies are upheld by the very ones who vote in power the very individuals who also hold to their shared common premises/ideologies and outlook. Such Ideologies came about by extreme idealistic and regressive minded individuals, no matter if the people spawned these ideologies or not, they are still shared by the people. Incidentally, what coercion? no one puts a gun to regressive voters' heads saying, "vote left or die"! These regressive populace/herd vote in alignment with their mentality and the herd goes where the popularity is, Regressivism happens to be popular for no conspiratorial reason other than the conspiracy of ensuring the Left, read Regressive vote.

"This brings me yet again to the fact that you cannot group every argument into one package and dismiss them, then claim to be a critical thinker.  That's the epitome if hypocrisy."

Again, you need to take your own advice on this one, as you are guilty of grouping this argument in one package, the Jewish package.  

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 17 '16
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 17 '16
Actually, we had a situation in Australia last year. We had a conservative leader who basically told the UN to fuck off and wasn't prepared to sign us over. It was predicted back in Feb that he would have to be removed by Dec because that is when the documents needed to be signed. He was ousted from within in about October I think, and the new guy signed the documents. Now we have a left party and a barely right party run by a lefty. Sucks! It's not what anyone voted for.

I don't think most of the problems are about race or skin colour. I think no matter what the situation you will find the origins with a man making a lot of money and using race wars to forward their own agenda. Like you said Grimey - same shit, different toilet.

I think in the end we can only do our best when we vote to prevent shit from getting in our face, and be prepared to deal with shit when it does get in our face. We can be compassionate and understanding as to why somebody becomes a rapist or a murderer, but it doesn't mean we have to tolerate the action.

And when people make excuses for the behaviour of Muslim men in Europe... Here is an excuse. They rape because they are at war. Rape and capture of women has always been a part of war since the beginning of time. They take hostage of their wombs and plant their seed to strengthen their own forces and breed out the enemy. 

People these days are such pussies that they can't conceive of such a thing even when it is happening right in front of them. Muslim men say they are going to rape the women. And Regressives still tell us that we are imagining it. Can you bury your head in the sand any deeper than that?

JasinElric May 17 '16
Still waiting for the argument for Black Genocide.

Coercion isn't always done by the sword, as I have outlined, just as genocide is not only committed by physical attack. Read the UN definition of genocide, and while you're at it, read the definition of coercion. 

I've also already stated that Jews are not solely to blame, but their collaborators as  well.  I've presented no such prepackaged argument as yours, and certainly not one rooted in such hypocrisy. 

You seem to think this was all done democratically, placing some sort of faith in the idea that public opinion is shaped free of coercion. I can point you to several studies that explain how exploitable democracy is, though I doubt you care.

When discussing contemporary politics, it generally boils down to two choices: Nationalism or Globalism. I've chosen my side. What's yours?

ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 17 '16

I have no stake in that game. I don't care enough about current affairs, the world, other people... to place my stake in either Globalism or Nationalism. I'm all about Me-ism. Well, of course it wasn't all done democratically and yes I understand that coercion isn't necessarily done by the sword nor is genocide necessarily by physical attack. My point is that regardless a certain mentality is the fault of regressive coercion and dare I say genocide, if only the genocide of traditional western values... The Jews and their "collaborators" are nothing more than groups of individuals who have a regressive and Leftist mentality/premise/ideology. The prepackaged argument your are presenting is that of the "Jews and their collaborators", with emphasis on the Jew. It's like I said there is no Jewish conspiracy, collaborated or otherwise, it's just a cabal/collective of likeminded individuals who think they have the extremely idealistic "Truth" view of the world and it's coincidental that many of the regressive Leftists are of the Jewish persuasion. As for black Genocide, the rhetoric of the Black lives Matter movement is a perfect example of the Black Genocide belief, but of course it's not exclusive to them. The Uhuru socialist movement is another example where that belief is prevalent, it's also prevalent in the new Black Panther Party and other similar groups.

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey May 17 '16
JasinElric May 17 '16
For a radical individualist (a far left, enlightenment era concept) who claims to have no stake in the world in which he lives, you certainly do have a bit to say about the aughts of Western civilization.

Even a radical individualist could take an objective stance on whether Nationalism or Globalism is the best course. You sound a bit confused, internally.

My band page on Facebook was just shut down. I violated no policies, I use no racial slurs, nor do I encite violence against any particular group. I do, however, criticize the Jew. With all the anti Christian bands on there that never get touched, tell me again who holds the power.

Whether you believe Jews to be a people or a religion, their dominance over the finance, media, laws, and public opinion of the Western world are undeniable. The land of Israel, the "nation" in which they currently occupy, was taken via genocide from the Palestinian people ever since the conclusion of WW2. 

My main point in all of this, is that if the Satanist stands opposed to all Abrahamic religion as oppressive, and unworthy leaders, why would any Satanist waste their time attacking the half dead Christianity, while the Jew fits the bill to the letter? You ask why I think contemporary Satanism is a pawn to advance Jewish interests? I don't know how much more clear I can articulate it.

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 17 '16
Jasin, if you are talking about the Rothschild's interest in wars around the world over the last few centuries, that is kind of my point... How would you even begin to combat that? People knowing doesn't mean they can do anything about it? You would need every person on this planet to band together and they wouldn't because too many would be paid not too. Wealth filters down and the top five levels wouldn't give that up and if they did they would be dead and somebody else would eagerly take their place. It is in too many people's best interest to be part of the mob - not to take it down. 
Nhoj May 17 '16
Jasin speaks the truth. For too long "Satanism" has been anti-Christian but strangely silent about the Jews, and this is not just tolerated but actively promoted by the Jewish cultural establishment. It is the reason groups like "Church of Satan" and "Satanic Temple" have gotten so much exposure in the (jew)media, whereas more transgressive Satanists like ONA are all but invisible. Yet these anti-Christian "Satanists" think they are the great transgressors and rebels of the Western world, when in fact they are mostly just useful idiots. The real Satanic rebels today are in fact more like Nazis, since they are the only ones who dare to attack the cultural control system of the West at its root -- where Jews hold a dominant position, yet few dare speak their name.

It's time for a Satanism that is at least as anti-Jew as anti-Christian, rather than a tool of Judaic conquest.

The Forum post is edited by Nhoj May 17 '16
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 17 '16
I agree that the Jewish people pretty much control the worlds money, but they don't seem to tell people who to worship or what to wear or what to eat... 

Now before you go off your narni, I live in Australia and we don't really have a strong Jewish presence, at least not strong enough for me to notice. In fact, I have only ever met a few Jews and that is my current landlord and his wife and son, and they are good to us. The only other Jew I had interaction with was a fellow I used to play backgammon online with and me being curious, used to ask him all sorts of questions. He was reluctant to answer but only because he was trying to have a affair with me and it made him uncomfortable to talk about his God while doing such. Lol.

Jews control the international banks in nearly every country in the world, so it is more than the West that they have a grip on. Because of this, they obviously profit from the natural resources of those countries. But this kind of sounds like good business. To have achieved this without needing to religiously or culturally influence the hosts seems to say they are able to separate their religion and day to day lives from their business. What I'm getting at, is isn't this type of successful business dealership what a lot of people aim for but never achieve? I mean, if every Jew suddenly died from a Jew bug, wouldn't a million other people strive to replace them in the top positions of control.

Meanwhile, you have the Muslim people who do want to change our religion, our culture, what we eat, how we dress, etc. And they are prepared to do what ever needs to be done to achieve that, including breeding us into a minority where they can achieve the voting majority. Seems far more pressing. I mean, while you are protesting the Jewish influence, the Muslims are achieving cultural domination. I'm not saying not to do it, but just make sure our people survive long enough to exist in this Jew free world.

Like I said, I have had very little to do with Jews and I'm curious. I guess I am wondering what your objective is... What are you afraid of? What are you trying to achieve? What is your plan to achieve it, and when do you think it will be achieved?

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover May 17 '16
JasinElric May 17 '16
For that one guy who insist Jews are not at the foundation of every degenerate, SJW movement we see on the street today in the West, here's a handful of examples:

White Privilege(Tim Wise)https:///..._=dp-kindle-redirect
BlackLivesMatter(George Soros)http:///
Migrant Crisis(George Soros)http:///
Feminism(Several Jews)
Same-sex(Jews for Racial and Economic Justice)http:///...ocial-justice-issues
Pedophillia(Russell Dick)http:///...ussell-dick-7ba74610
Incest(Tauriq Moosa and Angela Merkel)

I'm sure that's all just coincidental and circumstantial.  Let's keep attacking the weakling Christians and ignore the tangibly destructive force right in front of our face, like good goyi-...erm...Satanists! 

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