Every culture has lore dealing with preternatural(along side nature) entities variously called Sprites, Elves, Fairies,also including, but not limited to Djinn and D(a)emons. These entities were always understood to be an upgraded version of Man; where Man is limited by his nature these entities described are less limited where Man is concerned. They also were said to take an interest in as well interact with the human world, working behind the scenes as it were; motivators, desires, behaviors... all were said to be influenced by these entities who moves in the world through man, as this is the only way these praeter natural entities can interact with our world. Now, when we look at specific entities like Djinn, we can easily see the correlation with Daemons; latter corrupted to Demons, both are said to share the Earth with Man; both are native to the earth as much as we are and both Demons and Djinn are said to live longer than we do and that their bodies are made of a different, though only by degree substance than our own. The chief Djinn is a supra personal being called Iblis in Arabian cultural/folklore, with Islamized Arabia Iblis became associated with the Christian Satan, making Satan of the Djinn and not an Angel, falling or otherwise; in Islamic lore Satan is understood to be a Djinn who because of pride(he refused to obey an express command of the one said to be the creator of the heavens and the earth, creator of Angels, Djinn and Man; not necessarily a cosmicly supreme Being, only greater than Man, Djinn and even Angels, since these came to be by this greater one in respects to the scope and reality of these beings.) was vilified for his pride and so he along with the host of Djinn who were of the same mind as Iblis went through the Earth accursed by God and his angels and vilified to man by these very same Angels and their chief; Jehovah/Christ.
The common thread throughout all the various lore about these entities is that whether Angel, or Djinn, praeter natural alliances are formed by these with likeminded non praeter natural humans; us. Satanists are so because of the same inclination, orientation and mind as Satan/Iblis and the respective Djinn; some Djinn like some men were said to be allied with the creator of the heavans and of the earth, his Angels, who knows no freewill of choice like Mankind and Djinn have, so they literally have no choice but to follow the so called Prince of Peace. Others of the Djinn were said to be within Iblis's camp; of the same ilk as that one so previously named as were their counterparts amongst the race of man and these all were understood to be in accord with each other, designated by God and his angels and allies as devils, demons of the most vilest sort for their unalike nature and unwillingness to bend the knee to unreasonable demands and who are individuated from the collective mindset. So the point I am making is to the ones who are quick to denounce and negate otherworldly things as a plausible reality, because it doesn't fit the narrative of the 19th century materialist model that has predominance today in the West, I am suggesting to you that you reexamine things in the reliable and consistent lore dealing with the creatures I name above and recognize that they are just as plausible to exist as much as it's plausible that they do not exist. They at least are most certainly the archetypal psychological forces back of our motivators, our behaviors, our character... It's just that the lore of myth give these forces/powers a plausible praeter naturally human reality; they communicate the psychological in terms we can relate to, ergo the personifying of these powers/forces, making a Satanist a Satanist at the psychic root, the same as Jews, Christians, muslims and all their ilk being so cause of their psychic root. There is single Nature with it's two sides; physical and metaphysical, with Nature being the third of these two sides and these three are One. From the One comes the two, from the two comes the three and in these is unity/unification, a singular unification. All arise simultaneous to and with all that preceded it and what comes after it. Choice exist alongside choice less-ness, cause alongside effect and so on it goes. Whether we like it or not there are areas where we are left choiceless, as there are areas where we have the power of choice and our task is to know; to be aware of where our choice is and where it is not, enacting our power of choice where it has influence, and having the faith to trust that where we lack choice we still made the best decision possible, whether that decision was unconscious( a product of psychological forces in this case) or if it was conscious( a deliberate premeditated choice). To know that our power is in choice and that what ever we may decide on doing, either consciously or unconsciously, we still choose to do or choose to not do; the proverbial Angel or Demon as it were may be whispering in our ears by way of impulses, or what have, yet in the final analysis the power to choice to act on or to refrain from these impulses/urges, thoughts, agendas, behaviors... is always in our hands and there are no excuses; no blames and no justifications for why we did what we did, or why we acted in a moment the way we did. Or, why we were a jerk to some body, why we said or did this, instead of that. You can't escape choice, none of us can nor can we escape where we are seemingly choice less. We can choose to be fully aware or we can choose to be less aware. We can choose to be ignorant, or we can choose to know and we can choose to do or choose to not do. To be or not to be is not only the question, but it's also the choice. And though we are products of our environment, of our psyches, the power of choice ever remains with us. Responsibility to the responsible.