what would you do if SHTF (Shit Hit The Fan) happened? | Forum

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gamerguy666 May 2 '16
I know it's a different and unique subject/question witch is why it's here and I am basing it in reality no zombie shit please. This should be interesting because this is truly a international forum which means different walks of life/countries/back rounds/states so no matter what the situation will be different for everyone here. But it could be anything you choose (economic collapse, pandemic, nationwide rioting, military invasion, ect) But as a control I will go with economic collapse.

At first i will just kinda watch the news and think "it will get sorted out"

and when it get's to the point of mass roiting and martial law is declared by the President. Is the point ill start talking to friends and family about ensuring they have food, gun's/ammo, any medical supplies, seed's and have a get out of dodge plan put into action 

Plan 1

 go to the mountains and hijack some rich person's house  there are a LOT of them around here and 90% of them have generators built in (if not home and we would bring our own thing's i would not steal anything) with enough food to last for 3-6 months long enough for most of the violence to blow over or lines to be drawn.

Plan 2

 Talk to neighbors and work to secure the surrounding area maybe build checkpoint's/barricades on roads leading to the neighborhood and try to get by and and wait until thing's settle down and help military/police restore order or do it ourselves if police or military is not around or active. 

And yes i have thought about this and talked with friend's and family. this is basically what the plan would be. Their are a lot of possible outcomes or shit could just go downhill i could go into it but this would go on for forever. 

Rich6Belial6Wilkinson6 Member
If shit hits the fan...and I emphasize the IF. But if it did..I'd go out swinging. If I'm alone I'd grab all of the weapons I could carry and start killing all in sight. At this point it's basically survival. So I'd make my way to a vast wooden area of approximately 2,000 + acres. I'd shoot,stab, mutilate my way there and live off the land foraging until things died down a bit and or enough people in an edition are dead and I'd make camp there. But I'd take my chances mainly in the woods. Now if I'm with someone like my wife and my kid...I'd take caution with who I kill and how I'd kill so I wouldn't draw attention to myself. I have a one year old..so supposing this happened while she's one..I'd be fucked due to the fact she couldn't keep quiet. She wouldn't understand what the hell is going on and would give my position away at camp. I could go on and on...I also enjoy thinking about things of this nature..good post!
The Forum post is edited by Rich6Belial6Wilkinson6 May 2 '16
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover May 2 '16
I grew up in the Australian bush so am quite comfortable in the sticks and surviving off the land. 

If the shit hit the fan the first thing I would do is get out of the city - people are crazy and unpredictable. Most people will plunder and loot before they think of looking after themselves as they are attached to society and its structures. 

I'd be happy to build a tribe - there is safety in numbers so long as they are manageable numbers. Trust would be important. Traitors would need to be killed and their heads stuck on sticks (just because I have a thing for heads on sticks and shrunken heads) - if food was scarce they would also be eaten as would any enemy. And it would probably be good to have a couple of large, loyal dogs around so they can bark if strangers approach. 

I'd very much rely on my instincts and inner voice as far as when to move on or in what direction is concerned.

ManxLoaghtan Member
ManxLoaghtan May 2 '16
I am already in remote countryside, near an underground stream and the ocean... the main thing would be weapons and survival of the "fittest" ... does that mean who is more able to run, or who is most likely to kill? I WOULD KILL... I would not want anyone else with me apart from those I already had in my household, and if they could not carry there own weight and fend for themselves, they would not be my problem, not in that kind of environment. Yes it would be all about your natural born animal that hides deep within you subdued by society, your other self, the beast within... time to set it really free! I am pretty good with herbs and shit, and could probably survive on just what was around without even needing meat for a long time, but that depends on what kind of "shit" has hit, if we went into a nuclear winter then pretty much everything is going to die! that would be the toughest kind of shit! 
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez May 3 '16
I already have my 12 legions of demons to be unleashed,  I'm ready and prepare,  the " IF "  will be a reality,  food will not be the problem for us,  we'll eat all the humans  who are not of our demonic legions. This could happen in my life time  or not, but it will happen,  I can see the religions of the world trying to unite themselves in one powerful religion to eradicate the forces of  darkness,  but they will  fail this time, we have the past experiences, and we will not let them to slave  us again. 
Agent May 3 '16
when the shit hits the fan; you don't plug in the fan
ol' grimey
ol' grimey May 7 '16

Quote from gamerguy666 I know it's a different and unique subject/question witch is why it's here and I am basing it in reality no zombie shit please. This should be interesting because this is truly a international forum which means different walks of life/countries/back rounds/states so no matter what the situation will be different for everyone here. But it could be anything you choose (economic collapse, pandemic, nationwide rioting, military invasion, ect) But as a control I will go with economic collapse.

At first i will just kinda watch the news and think "it will get sorted out"

and when it get's to the point of mass roiting and martial law is declared by the President. Is the point ill start talking to friends and family about ensuring they have food, gun's/ammo, any medical supplies, seed's and have a get out of dodge plan put into action 

Plan 1

 go to the mountains and hijack some rich person's house  there are a LOT of them around here and 90% of them have generators built in (if not home and we would bring our own thing's i would not steal anything) with enough food to last for 3-6 months long enough for most of the violence to blow over or lines to be drawn.

Plan 2

 Talk to neighbors and work to secure the surrounding area maybe build checkpoint's/barricades on roads leading to the neighborhood and try to get by and and wait until thing's settle down and help military/police restore order or do it ourselves if police or military is not around or active. 

And yes i have thought about this and talked with friend's and family. this is basically what the plan would be. Their are a lot of possible outcomes or shit could just go downhill i could go into it but this would go on for forever. 


lol With the implementing of the first plan, cops and military, particularly cops being around wouldn't be a problem because they would be arresting the hijackers of the rich people's homes ( not stealing anything doesn't cancel out hijacking). So you may have thought about this...a lot, but you haven't thought it out properly, it goes bust from the word go. "Get out of dodge plan"- "hijack rich people's homes, really?

That sounds like a plan from a horrible action movie- Red Dawn 3.0 lol

gamerguy666 May 7 '16
I will admit the first plan is not perfect in fact NO plan in history has ever been. But remember in this case these would be dark times and in order to do this plan 2 ether is not possible or is not sustainable.

 (Perhaps i should have switched the order because plan 2 is actually the first thing i would try to do)

 But it remains solid as for the mentioned police/military. Which do you think will be more important to them looting, raging gun battles, general chaos OR a somewhat minor B&E 90% chance one report of MAAAAANNNNY AKA needle in a stack of needles. Plus it's not like 911 would be working not to mention anyone who is still at their post/still care are more then likely thinly spread and under manned in the rather  severe case i would be actually be doing this in. 

let's say for argument's sake they do show up i would simply say something along the lines of "it wasn't safe anywhere else and we had no where else to go" and try to be friendly (as someone who know's cops for the right reasons and is on the first name bases it goes a long way) misdemeanor at most BECAUSE of no theft. 

plus yes i have put thought into this. not as much as you think but it's something i looked into. Have a look at the news :)

The Forum post is edited by gamerguy666 May 7 '16
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