At first i will just kinda watch the news and think "it will get sorted out"
and when it get's to the point of mass roiting and martial law is declared by the President. Is the point ill start talking to friends and family about ensuring they have food, gun's/ammo, any medical supplies, seed's and have a get out of dodge plan put into action
Plan 1
go to the mountains and hijack some rich person's house there are a LOT of them around here and 90% of them have generators built in (if not home and we would bring our own thing's i would not steal anything) with enough food to last for 3-6 months long enough for most of the violence to blow over or lines to be drawn.
Plan 2
Talk to neighbors and work to secure the surrounding area maybe build checkpoint's/barricades on roads leading to the neighborhood and try to get by and and wait until thing's settle down and help military/police restore order or do it ourselves if police or military is not around or active.
And yes i have thought about this and talked with friend's and family. this is basically what the plan would be. Their are a lot of possible outcomes or shit could just go downhill i could go into it but this would go on for forever.