Loyalty and Integrity | Forum

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ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Apr 11 '16

I was listening to Zach's Consortium speech on Facebook and his comments about loyalty and integrity and honour really interested me. He was saying how he would like to see more of it amongst Satanists and he seemed disappointed that many were lacking this and behaving like the rest of the human herd. (Did I get that right, Zach?)

I have always been a really loyal person and have tried to live with integrity. And honour is everything! I have never been a joiner simply because many religious or spiritual groups then want your complete and utter devotion and I couldn't offer them that without destroying the part of myself that was curious and hungry for knowledge. I wanted to look at all philosophies - not just one.

I became a member of SIN because I knew Satanist's wouldn't want to hinder my personal quests for truth and knowledge. Satanists aren't threatened by my outside interests. I like it here because many of the things which feel right to me are incorporated in Satanic philosophy and I am an advocate for LHP. But I am not actually a Satanist because I believe in the continuous existence of energy so can't fathom the birth, death, done thing. It doesn't make sense to me and I am okay with that. It is not what this post is about.

Why I liked Zach's speech is because it made me feel like less of a loser. You see, I contemplate whether loyalty is another moral put upon us. Are loyalty, integrity and honour morals we put on ourselves to give us an identity which we can be proud of? Are we meant to step beyond these self-imposed limitations in order to meet our full potential? These thoughts make me nervous... Simply put, if honour, loyalty and integrity are meant to be transcended to acquire ultimate Godliness I don't think I am ready. Thinking about transcending those aspects of myself makes me sad.  

ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 12 '16

Honor, loyalty and integrity. The first two are ideals that really mean nothing in the long run, at best they are/can be feigned to come out smelling like roses, so yeah they are imposed obligations the same as any other, whether self or societally imposed, it's still an imposition. Since when did ethics and morals play a key role in the character of Satanists? If you ask me that's imitating the herd. It's also contradictory to speak on one hand of "looking out for number one", whilst on the other overly concerned about making sure people see/think of you as full of honor and loyalty. What's more, on the character level, either a person is naturally loyal and honorable or they are not.

Demanding that this person and that, especially if they are Satanists be full of something they may or not be full of is no different from the herd's demands and I don't know about you, but it's like I always say, I am not obligated to any one, if I feel the person deserves my loyalty and for me to be honorable towards them, then I will if I so choose, but you shan't catch me being one or the other, or both just because it's expected of me or I'm dictated to be this. 

As for integrity, it's being true to what is and only a fool or complete retard would lack it.

I transcend aspects of myself more and more when ever time to lay to rest the old and birth the new. Clinging is not becoming, even/especially if it affects you emotionally to let go, leading to more clinging.

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey Apr 12 '16
Sturmgeist88 Apr 12 '16
Loyalty is a necessary quality of a good person, but it is an element that should be preserved only for worthy causes, or supportive and loyal friends and family.

Many 'satanists' simply leave Satanism most of the time. However, as a collective, we are honestly far superior to most other religious groups, label or serious. We do not behead those who insult us or are non-satanist. Most satanists are mainly just selfish atheists (non-theistic satanism basically being "Worship yourself") but as a label.. Satanism is the most peaceful religion of them all.

Most atheists in the west are usually a lot smarter than the herd, but some atheists (commies, rampage killers) have killed a fuckload of people.

When I think of people calling themselves satanist, I can't really think about many cases besides that one kid who posted here a long while ago.

So due to satanism being logical and peaceful, that is why I keep loyal to it. And we should all.
ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 12 '16

Quote from Sturmgeist88 Loyalty is a necessary quality of a good person, but it is an element that should be preserved only for worthy causes, or supportive and loyal friends and family.

So due to satanism being logical and peaceful, that is why I keep loyal to it. And we should all.

I am the first to admit that I am aware and self honest enough to know and to admit that I am not at all a good person, no one matters to me but me, that includes friends and family.  Satanism may be peaceful, but does not equate to being loyal to people you damn well will never remain loyal when the chips are down...that goes for those who themselves claim to be loyal. people will always say one thing and mean something else. As far as I've seen in people loyalty lasts for as long as convenience dictate.

That kid you mentioned is a perfect example of the types of failures Satanism tend to attract for the power of the name, only to fail to be able to cope with more than a fair share of jeering, or whatever that kid's issue was. in any case, I say, he did himself and the world a favor of ridding himself and the world of himself; if suicide was his only option then he deserves the grave. On that note, I hope you know he was inspired by the vengeance doctrine always touted by Satanism and lauded by Satanists, that's what happen when you misinterpret a hyperbole like, 'Satan represents vengeance...' as being literal, as your average Satanist give lip service to, in order to feel as powerful as that kid wanted to feel by 'smashing his enemies on the other cheek', see what I am saying? It's Satanists that espouse such drivel, repeating Lavey, a self avowed sociopath, as he states in The Secret Life Of A Satanist, that perhaps unwittingly/unintentionally bolster such people. Even Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and every other blind person in the world can see that. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize this. So, if Satanists find such acts deplorable/reprehensible, why continue to uphold the might is right theory if you aren't prepared to handle the literal reality of people being/doing just that?

Wouldn't the logical and non contradictory thing to do be the abandoning of the might is right theory, especially if it's actual implementation is found to be reprehensible by the righteous black sheep? I have no opinion on the kid and his actions, rather I have the fact of saying, 'responsibility for the responsible; the over emphasis on might is right, vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek... is undoubtedly the responsibility of Satanists that play at bigness by emphasizing it, so seize responsibility for what you are inspiring and encouraging in failures, if you yourselves are not failures and just play Satanism as if it was a game of ego fulfillment as it appears to be amongst the majority of those who identify themselves as Satanists. If you find such actions to be deplorable stop espousing the vey doctrine that encourages such action; 'vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek... it's as simple as that. Do you people not understand hyperbole? Unless, you're just the non violent version of that kid?

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey Apr 12 '16
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Apr 12 '16
I was thinking about what loyalty actually meant so of course I figured I would start with the dictionary... 

Loyalty: allegiance, faithfulness, fidelity, obedience, fealty, adherence, homage, devotion, bond, trueness, trueheartedness, steadfastness, fastness, staunchness, dependability, reliability, trustiness, trustworthiness, duty, constancy, dedication, contentness, firmness, stability, steadiness, patriotism.
At first I was considering that it is perhaps just an emotion, but now I'm thinking it is probably part of the human instinct. Without loyalty on some level we would probably be extinct. Mothers (for the most part) are fiercely bonded to their children and will be devoted to them no matter what. Couples are dedicated to each other (so long as they each hold up their perceived end of the bargain). Women and children are vulnerable without men, so men were designed to be territorial and possessive and have an obligation to the family unit. If they didn't the women and children may have perished. It follows that there is strength in numbers so families became clans and patriotism was born. In conclusion, I think, although loyalty can be felt as an emotion it actually runs much deeper into the dna than an emotion. I think without it the human race wouldn't have flourished.

That is not to say we should be frivalous with our loyalties... If something betrays your loyalty - may it only do it once. But I think if that prevents us from showing loyalty again than the original betrayer has won and you are forever its slave - no longer thinking and feeling for yourself but reacting to a memory. 

ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 13 '16

Quote from ShadowLover I was thinking about what loyalty actually meant so of course I figured I would start with the dictionary... 

Loyalty: allegiance, faithfulness, fidelity, obedience, fealty, adherence, homage, devotion, bond, trueness, trueheartedness, steadfastness, fastness, staunchness, dependability, reliability, trustiness, trustworthiness, duty, constancy, dedication, contentness, firmness, stability, steadiness, patriotism.
At first I was considering that it is perhaps just an emotion, but now I'm thinking it is probably part of the human instinct. Without loyalty on some level we would probably be extinct. Mothers (for the most part) are fiercely bonded to their children and will be devoted to them no matter what. Couples are dedicated to each other (so long as they each hold up their perceived end of the bargain). Women and children are vulnerable without men, so men were designed to be territorial and possessive and have an obligation to the family unit. If they didn't the women and children may have perished. It follows that there is strength in numbers so families became clans and patriotism was born. In conclusion, I think, although loyalty can be felt as an emotion it actually runs much deeper into the dna than an emotion. I think without it the human race wouldn't have flourished.

That is not to say we should be frivalous with our loyalties... If something betrays your loyalty - may it only do it once. But I think if that prevents us from showing loyalty again than the original betrayer has won and you are forever its slave - no longer thinking and feeling for yourself but reacting to a memory. 

ye gods, she finally got it!....as far as that goes anyway.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Apr 13 '16
Lol! Got what?
ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 13 '16

The entire quote I responded to with, "ye gods, she finally got it...but especially, "Women and children are vulnerable without men, so men were designed to be territorial and possessive and have an obligation to the family unit".

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey Apr 13 '16
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Apr 13 '16
I have an extremely primal perspective on human interactions. I never disputed any of that. 

When I check the dictionary for honour and integrity they actually both have very similar meanings... Basically, the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right. 

Of course, morals are subjective so I think it is simply living true to yourself. 

ol' grimey
ol' grimey Apr 13 '16
Right, but dictionary aside, integrity can also be used as a synonym for "letting your yes be yes and your no, be no....basically honoring your word, so yeah.
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