I learned a long time ago it is not worth arguing with religious folk. You can’t hope to achieve much trying to enlighten mystical superstitious weak minded people. Why use logic and reason to argue or debate someone who has a deep rooted psychological need to resist it? It is like arguing the shape of a cloud with a blind man? People have a NEED to BELIEVE. I cant help but to see their “faith” for what it is. A Neurotic coping Mechanism deeply anchored in the character and emotional structure of a delusional and crippled victim.A even sadder fact is these righteous,pious pursuers of heaven will probably never recover.Their entire lives, security, thought process, logic, reasoning, longing and general impression of the world around them is built on these fairy tales .
These very people push into the trusting and delicate minds of children their very own fears and delusions. If faith based mentality was replaced over night with a rational objective approach to reality, Most of these peoples emotional and mental health would crumble in days.
Faith is rooted in fear. A fear of the unknown. The unpredictable. And most of all the fear of living a life free of their conflicting neurotic mechanisms. That they now are entirely dependent on as a permanent copping mechanism.A delicate house of cards to repress guilt, rage, fear, lust, ect..
If you doubt that it is the fear of losing ‘control’ and letting go that fuels religious fever and devotion consider this question…
Why would Organized Religion launch crusades to exterminate entire cultures, population and races?
They claim they are doing Gods work by ridding the world of savages, heathens, beastly, course, perverse and deviant people. It was to much for the holy to see free and unrestrained happy people half naked not ashamed of their own passions. These ‘primitive’, ‘Godless’ free loving living people threatened to expose the fear and inherent irrational contradictions that their culture, religion and faith rest and depend on.
It was necessary to rid the world of people who reminded them of what it is like to not live in a world based on fear, control, rigidity and repression. The righteous will not tolerate being reminded of what they gave up in the way of life, love and happiness to pursue their faith. Ironically ….They gave up the one thing they claim they value above anything else. The only thing they hope to reunite in some mystical intangible everlasting bless with their Lord. Their very essence, their soul.
It was necessary to burn countless thousands of woman alive simply because they reminded these miserable, impotent men that they themselves once felt alive in their groins. And what could be more murderously provoking than to arouse the last bit lust in some miserable, resigned, hateful shell of a man who longs for death?
The righteous and holy will always attempt to remove and exterminate others who think differently and do not reinforce their delusions. Even others that are equally crippled holy men of a different cloth. After all , what if the other religion is right? There was no clause for that in the gospels? So if they are right, that would make you wrong. And a cloud of anxiety and horror will surely await. There is no other reason or explanation to make light of how even intelligent, educated, worldly and presumably logical well adjusted people could ignore scientifically proven facts that are in sharp contradictions to their faith?
Even Scientist themselves are still spending their entire lives trying to prove evolution is false. That carbon dating and the known age of the universe around us is grossly inaccurate. In the opposition of all evidence and reason they still will not let go of their delusions. They can not. It is simply something they are incapable of doing. It would mean an end to the fictions they have grown depended on to cope and function. A dissolving of the very deep emotional layers of repression and rigidity they have spent a life time building.
Not to mention for the first time in their lives they are unsure of what lies beyond.
If a man of average intelligence reviews the idea of God with a rational objective approach he will come to one conclusion.
God is possible, but highly unlikely.
And one more Agnostic is born. God is nothing but an imaginary friend for adults.
The universal need to believe should be looked at as a mass induced psychosis. A protective mechanism early man evolved after the horror, uncertainty and isolation he must of felt leaving the comfort of the jungle for the open fields towards the unknown.