In Western religion the focus on doctrines has been immense. Christianity, by and large, is a doctrinal religion. The importance of belief is not as a practical, but as a social and adherential, even *salvational* advantage.
That is, whereas in Satanism, more often than not, the attitude is as represented in this thread, that belief is withheld until experience arrives to bolster it up as a kind of subjective evidence to support that belief. A great many Christians and Muslims (not so many Jews!, which should give us reason to link Satanism and Judaism again and again regardless of theology!) talk about "believing in" and "believing on" as a testimony of faith ABSENT anything whatever to justify it.
And so to ask "Why do you believe...?", without anything mentioned that IS believed, is a truly confused approach, striking right down into this gulf of mentality by implying that there is or that there is not any reason to do so.
My break with Western religion in this regard came to me long before i ever thought of becoming a Satanist. I was asked so many times "What do you believe?" that i undertook a complete philosophy of unbelief (really before ever reading tales like "Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever" by Stephen Donaldson or philosophic treatises such as "The Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener" by Martin Gardner). It took the form of a catechism in inversion.
"What do you believe?"
"I believe as little as possible."
"Huh? You don't believe in XYZ theories of origination, theology, origins of life, etc. Western doctrines?"
"No, i haven't found enough evidence to warrant my lending my intellectual weight to these ideas merely because they are popular. I think it is valuable merely to collect up the various hypotheses of the world on the matters involved and see where they lead."
"But don't you realize that {Paschal's Wager; you'll burn in everlasting flames after death for not believing as you are commanded}?"
"I've heard that story, and i avow that any god or spirit or human being whosoever extorts my belief i shall oppose until the end of my days with enthusiasm and justification for attempting to coerce my reason with a threat of pain. This is the true evil of the world that empiricism, the view that alliance to ideas should be based on experience and observation, rather than reward and punishment, should be put down and faith picked up on the basis of fantasy rewards in nonexistent realms relating to fictional essences for which have no reliable evidence."
"It's not a threat, it's a promise! I fear for your soul!"
"And i am here speaking for mind and body, that a life wasted on chasing after unfounded phantasms is a travesty!"
"Alright (relenting), so what DO you believe in? I mean, you said you believe as *little* as possible. What little is there you cannot help but believe?"
"I believe that i am a human animal living on a planet in a vast universe for a finite duration, aging and dying through a singular life of astounding and interesting phenomena of which i am beginning to learn. I believe that technology is the application of knowledge we can rest our belief upon confidently because it is tried and tested repeatedly through manufacture and usage. I believe that religion, spirituality, the occult, mysticism, and the variety of agents, intelligences, and techniques involved in these are very interesting and worthy of my time to test them out and see what they produce in the way of experience, information, and knowledge."
After such a catechism we would then begin an enthusiastic exploration of the things we had experienced and what we found interesting about that, rather than comparison of doctinal litmus, avowals of creed, or testimonies of faith.
Troll Towelhead, Satanist Grand Mufti