1. Indulgence- Indulgence is the sign of being unfettered on the emotional and mental levels.
2. Vital existence- Literally that what is vital to Existence, not relying or getting hung up on spiritual pipedreams(pie in the sky-ism), including material pipe dreams( the establishment's deified standard of success).
3. Undefiled wisdom- Wisdom not tainted with neither spiritual nor material pipedreams, nor the self deceit that is dogmatism; including social dogmatism.
4. Deserved kindness- This should be obvious, this is the law of justice, or Lex Talionis; their ends are as their actions deserve, good or ill.
5. Vengeance- Not literally, this is hyperbole referring to the logical follow up to the previous statement. If some one is no longer deserving of kindness then you withdraw the kindness, only to remain cordial to your enemy in order to avoid unnecessary and wasteful conflict; you defeat your enemy by defeating the conflict, because it takes two to tango and it's a pointless and trivial entangling.
6. Responsibility- Usually this gets confused with duty/obligations;doing what's expected of you, but responsibility is not this though. Responsibility is accepting, that what you get is what you give and not put the blame over on something/someone else nor justifying;basically not making excuses and instead be honest and wise enough to know and to admit that only you are responsible for your actions, feelings/emotions, thoughts/impressions and the consequences brought on by these.
7. Man as an animal- We are no less of the Earth than any of the other the kingdoms, simply we are born, bred and staid from/to Earth/ the Earth, as in soil. So we have our own particular way of being, though at the same time we are always having our ultimate way of Being Life.
8. Gratification in sin- Sin is what's taboo on the social as well as any other level such as religious/cultural taboos. Gratification is satisfaction and when satisfied one becomes spiritually(pertaining to consciousness) transcended. Not to mention that it's true what Lavey says about doing what's naughty, or rather considered so and whilst indulging in what is naughty, you'll come to realize that nothing is ultimately neither naughty nor nice.
9. Satan, the Church's best friend- This is obvious. opposites are entwined to each other the same as best friends are entwined; they compliment each other and are known by being contrasted with the other.
The preceding eight statements seem to be contained in the ninth statement. Could this perhaps be the "unknown known"?