The Nine Satanic Statements W/ Annotative Commentary | Forum

ol' grimey
ol' grimey Mar 27 '16

1. Indulgence- Indulgence is the sign of being unfettered on the emotional and mental levels.

2. Vital existence- Literally that what is vital to Existence, not relying or getting hung up on spiritual pipedreams(pie in the sky-ism), including material pipe dreams( the establishment's deified standard of success).

3. Undefiled wisdom- Wisdom not tainted with neither spiritual nor material pipedreams, nor the self deceit that is dogmatism; including social dogmatism.

4. Deserved kindness- This should be obvious, this is the law of justice, or Lex Talionis; their ends are as their actions deserve, good or ill.

5. Vengeance- Not literally, this is hyperbole referring to the logical follow up to the previous statement. If some one is no longer deserving of kindness then you withdraw the kindness, only to remain cordial to your enemy in order to avoid unnecessary and wasteful conflict; you defeat your enemy by defeating the conflict, because it takes two to tango and it's a pointless and trivial entangling.

6. Responsibility- Usually this gets confused with duty/obligations;doing what's expected of you, but responsibility is not this though. Responsibility is accepting, that what you get is what you give and not put the blame over on something/someone else nor justifying;basically not making excuses and instead be honest and wise enough to know and to admit that only you are responsible for your actions, feelings/emotions, thoughts/impressions and the consequences brought on by these.

7. Man as an animal-  We are no less of the Earth than any of the other the kingdoms, simply we are born, bred and staid from/to Earth/ the Earth, as in soil. So we have our own particular way of being, though at the same time we are always having our ultimate way of Being Life.

8. Gratification in sin- Sin is what's taboo on the social as well as any other level such as religious/cultural taboos. Gratification is satisfaction and when satisfied one becomes spiritually(pertaining to consciousness) transcended. Not to mention that it's true what Lavey says about doing what's naughty, or rather considered so and whilst indulging in what is naughty, you'll come to realize that nothing is ultimately neither naughty nor nice.

9. Satan, the Church's best friend- This is obvious. opposites are entwined to each other the same as best friends are entwined; they compliment each other and are known by being contrasted with the other.

     The preceding eight statements seem to be contained in the ninth statement. Could this perhaps be the "unknown known"?

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey Mar 27 '16
Hartnell Mar 28 '16

I'll give you an E for Effort. At least you put it out there, and in doing so, took a risk of ... well... this.

1. Indulgence- Indulgence is the sign of being unfettered on the emotional and mental levels.

Nope. It's not a sign, an indicator,... a badge. It's not like you drink a glass of water as an indicator of how thirsty you are. You have a thirst, and you quench it. It's that simple, on the surface of it anyway.  It's the exact opposite of being a hungry ghost. Here you go.

2. Vital existence- Literally that what is vital to Existence, not relying or getting hung up on spiritual pipedreams(pie in the sky-ism), including material pipe dreams( the establishment's deified standard of success).

Meh, not bad. Vital existence is existence ala existentialism + vitality. Do you know what it's like to feel fully alive in the moment? That's vital existence. 

3. Undefiled wisdom- Wisdom not tainted with neither spiritual nor material pipedreams, nor the self deceit that is dogmatism; including social dogmatism.

Defiled wisdom is like shitting in your own pants -- only you can shit in your own cup o' wizdom.

4. Deserved kindness- This should be obvious, this is the law of justice, or Lex Talionis; their ends are as their actions deserve, good or ill.

It's more akin to good business. 

5. Vengeance- Not literally, this is hyperbole referring to the logical follow up to the previous statement. If some one is no longer deserving of kindness then you withdraw the kindness, only to remain cordial to your enemy in order to avoid unnecessary and wasteful conflict; you defeat your enemy by defeating the conflict, because it takes two to tango and it's a pointless and trivial entangling.

Boundaries are important. they're enforced with ... force. Have you ever seen one cat play too rough with another? What happens?

6. Responsibility- Usually this gets confused with duty/obligations;doing what's expected of you, but responsibility is not this though. Responsibility is accepting, that what you get is what you give and not put the blame over on something/someone else nor justifying;basically not making excuses and instead be honest and wise enough to know and to admit that only you are responsible for your actions, feelings/emotions, thoughts/impressions and the consequences brought on by these.

Doing what's expected of you is conformity, not duty or obligations. This is more about not having fleas.

7. Man as an animal-  We are no less of the Earth than any of the other the kingdoms, simply we are born, bred and staid from/to Earth/ the Earth, as in soil. So we have our own particular way of being, though at the same time we are always having our ultimate way of Being Life.

We eat, we shit, we fuck. The more we try to elevate ourselves, the more we ignore our fundamental humanity.

*Edit* In fact, there's a critical height a person can reach in elevating themselves where they become stuck up.

8. Gratification in sin- Sin is what's taboo on the social as well as any other level such as religious/cultural taboos. Gratification is satisfaction and when satisfied one becomes spiritually(pertaining to consciousness) transcended. Not to mention that it's true what Lavey says about doing what's naughty, or rather considered so and whilst indulging in what is naughty, you'll come to realize that nothing is ultimately neither naughty nor nice.

See above. + The sins represent our strongest primal drives. The alternative is constipation ala hungry ghost style.

Satan, the Church's best friend- This is obvious. opposites are entwined to each other the same as best friends are entwined; they compliment each other and are known by being contrasted with the other.

One translation for this statement is simply "Pfffft!" and I'll leave it at that.

Don't forget the Joker, man. :)

The Forum post is edited by Hartnell Mar 28 '16
ol' grimey
ol' grimey Mar 28 '16

lol I like how opened your repost. With that let's jump right in to it.

"Nope. It's not a sign, an indicator,... a badge. It's not like you drink a glass of water as an indicator of how thirsty you are. You have a thirst, and you quench it. It's that simple, on the surface of it anyway.  It's the exact opposite of being a hungry ghost. Here you go."

I am not sure if you are American, especially born and bred, but you obviously haven't heard the phrase "the SIGN and mark of....", or maybe heard it but can't comprehend it's meaning. At any rate, indulgence as the sign of.... was me saying some one liberated from the fetters I mentioned is not hung up on and having some kind of twisted view of your own predilections, proclivities, inclinations and so forth. You know, "i musn't do this, say that, or think the other because society, the church, the courts, my neighbors, my friends all say that I mustn't and that it's wrong. So, therefore the indulgent one is free, liberated that sense I was annotating on.

" Do you know what it's like to feel fully alive in the moment? That's vital existence. "

Do you know that any passage/phrase can a mean a million+ things to a million+ individuals? Do you know about seeing something on many different levels?

"Defiled wisdom is like shitting in your own pants -- only you can shit in your own cup o' wizdom."

Do you know that any passage/phrase can a mean a million+ things to a million+ individuals? Do you know about seeing something on many different levels?

"Have you ever seen one cat play too rough with another? What happens?"

Are you cat or a human? Cat ways are not human ways and vice versa. Pigs eat their own shit, so are you going to do the same because it's an animal, like you are told you are?  You're trying to justify forcing a square peg into a triangular hole, because both are shapes.

"Doing what's expected of you is conformity, not duty or obligations. This is more about not having fleas."

Your concern with meeting the approval of your peers with trying too hard to be facetious is conformity. I ask again, are you American? because if not I'll excuse your ignorance in American parlance, idioms and such. Is being "responsible to yourself and your pack" not implying obligation/duty? Yes, it is.  So are you conforming to the dictates of some one not you, by agreeing and doing just what you were told is your "responsibility"? Yes, you are, judging by what you just said.

"We eat, we shit, we fuck." The more we try to elevate ourselves, the more we ignore our fundamental humanity."

That's a sad and pathetic way of thinking of yourself, not to mention insecure. what, is elevation only reserved for "qualified" pundits, scientists and the inventors, designers and makers of your cellphone, or your plasma television?

" The sins represent our strongest primal drives."

Or, so you were told, making you obligated to accept it because it was told you by some one you place on the pedestal as some one knowing more than a lowly eating, shitting and sleeping machine, as you clearly said this is how you think of yourself.

"One translation for this statement is simply "Pfffft!" and I'll leave it at that."

Yeah, I was going to leave it out, but since I already had nine in the title, I said, "What the hell." lol

The Forum post is edited by ol' grimey Mar 28 '16
Hartnell Mar 29 '16

Are you cat or human? Etc etc.

I make this point a lot myself, so naturally I think it's cool. However, you avoided my question entirely.

Maybe you don't have cats or dogs or anything, but all animals have their way of saying "Enough! Stop it!" Boundaries be important, as I said.

Thanks for the response, I wish I had enough time to fully respond. Friend me and I'll friend you.

ol' grimey
ol' grimey Mar 31 '16
oh. I thought it was rhetorical, but to answer it in the light of what you said about boundaries just now, it's the same with rough housing, so yeah I get what your getting at. However, with humans there is a thing called "having sense enough..." What you're saying is basically the breaking point called of long suffering, but in the context of what we're talking about to withdraw kindness when it's no longer deserved doesn't necessarily mean, "I'll get you for that", type of mentality. That's the sign and mark of a very thin skinned person who is bounded by compulsion, in this case compulsion to vengeance in the literal sense for a slight (literally something not all that serious). Or in your analogy of rough housing; rather going overboard, and the overall vengeance victim mentality, let's face it vengeance is the result of being victimized, or rather the feeling of being victimized is victimhood mentality. Anyway, to feel enough is enough leads to the compulsive reacting on emotion predominating. Remember, "The watchword of Satanism is indulgence....not compulsion". With compulsion meaning that which isn't proactive and so of course indulgence is what's proactive, on this particular level at any rate.
Hartnell Mar 31 '16
I didn't say anything about compulsion. That's all in your head. When a cat plays too rough with another cat (or when another cat doesn't play at all) it growls, then hisses, finally swats and moves. Each is in proper measure to the offense. It can go directly to swatting if it's boundaries are crossed fast enough -- however, the one thing it doesn't do is sit there and take it. It also doesn't hold a grudge. If the other cat stops, it's over. I do believe there's a rule of the earth about this.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Mar 31 '16
I like this discussion. It is interesting and making me think... (Smell that?)

Grudges... I don't think I am one to hold grudges, but in saying that I am very good at detaching. Is detaching and walking away a form of a grudge? 

As fas as the swatting thing... That is very true and when I was young most of the boys I knew got in a spat at one time or another and sometimes with their best mates. Then it was done and no grudge was ever held. Women don't spat so much and women also tend to hold grudges ...forever! 

Apart from the fact that we're just bitches, why do you think that is?

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Mar 31 '16
So now I am thinking about the purpose of a grudge... I think men and women are different like this because it would not work to have two equally aggressive individuals in a partnership. Women traditionally, will often cave (outwardly) before a man. Perhaps the purpose of a grudge in this context is to protect. A grudge will resurface if a behaviour is repeated. And if it is repeated often the accumulated grudge should be enough to remove the person from the situation or to deal with it effectively another way. 

Also, I have said before that bad things happen to people that hurt me (or especially to those who hurt my cub). Perhaps I am not detaching that effectively in the incidences. Could a grudge also be used (like sex) as an effective tool for focussing magical energy. If I walk away and then my pixie gets revenge for me... Maybe I didn't entirely walk away. Maybe I instead unconsciously invoked someone to deal with the situation for me. 

ol' grimey
ol' grimey Mar 31 '16

Quote from Hartnell I didn't say anything about compulsion. That's all in your head. When a cat plays too rough with another cat (or when another cat doesn't play at all) it growls, then hisses, finally swats and moves. Each is in proper measure to the offense. It can go directly to swatting if it's boundaries are crossed fast enough -- however, the one thing it doesn't do is sit there and take it. It also doesn't hold a grudge. If the other cat stops, it's over. I do believe there's a rule of the earth about this.
Cat ways are not human ways. I'm not saying stand there and take it, there's nothing to take, offense deals with emotions not facts. So yeah, we are talking about compulsion when it means to compulsively, without active will react emotionally to things. Hurt makes for hurt, but the hurt needn't come directly from you, the universe takes care of itself basically. I learned this mainly from experience.
ol' grimey
ol' grimey Mar 31 '16

Quote from ShadowLover            

See my response to Hartnell.
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