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Baphomets Mod
Baphomets May 15 '21
The Long Dark looks very interesting. 
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets May 15 '21
I mainly play puzzle games, I'm mostly addicted to those and I'm a dork so...  But I love Bejeweled, Hex, Sparkle, Zuma, Peggle, Shell Shock, Tetris, and PacMan. I did, however, complete the game Styx: Master of Shadows several years ago and have been debating whether or not to purchase Shards of Darkness. Styx is a stealth game and I tend to like those. It's like my life; as quiet and sneaky as possible. :)  Anyone else play Styx?

I also play D&D in real life. Not a fan of Neverwinter. Any D&D players?

The Forum post is edited by Baphomets May 15 '21
Singende Säge
Singende Säge May 15 '21
People really love tetris and pac-man these days? ok. I 've got a weak point on worms armageddon. I will win, no matter what you do, I'm the king.
The Forum post is edited by Singende Säge May 15 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets May 15 '21
I do love Pac Man and Tetris. If we're talking old-school pac man, I have the ghosts' movements memorized/correct path memorized up through board #10. I have been determined for years to memorize the rest of it and to keep improving my score. And Tetris, I have yet to find someone who can beat me so I admit, that one is getting pretty old. However, there are new remakes and timed remixes on pac man and tetris and I enjoy those too.
The Forum post is edited by Baphomets May 15 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
I'm just getting started. I ordered a bunch of games online and picked up the last of them yesterday. It was supposed to be the day before but ventured down south and got caught in traffic-jam Hell several times and no matter which road I chose they kept taking me farther south - like a dream of one of those fucked up little towns where every road leads right back to where you started from, same idea.

Of course the time deficit is further compounded by Covid and closing two hours early.

Edit : typo; farther not further

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
The intention is to build a modest game library that does not rely on any network services other than maybe a basic internet connection, if required. There is a lot I don't know at this point. Maybe looking to start with 20+ games and more later if decided.

I have twelve so far, a couple used, some bought in-store and the rest online : Ace Combat 7, Sega Genesis Classics, Nascar Heat Evolution, Need For Speed, Doom, Terra Trilogy, Pac Man CE 2(I bought this for Galaga actually), Uncharted, Tempest 4000, Earth Defense Force 5, Geometry Wars, and a cheap five dollar mistake that requires a subscription.

Edit : too much space

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
So prior the PS4 the gaming experience consisted of Chess, Backgammon, and Darts, pretty much.

Also on occasion I go to the Eagles Club to have a couple drinks and play pool - they have me ranked as an 'A' player and I will gamble with the best they have although lately it seems Pool is a declining passtime activity and very few play for money anymore.

Chess : my opponent realizes it's a game they can't win, and I don't let them. Spot them a Queen; same outcome, but I find it fun to engage weaker players.

Darts : modified version of Cricket and games I created and printed out sheets for. We buy various shafts, tips, and feathers and make our own. My darts are black and red ATM. Darts also becoming a thing of the past. I have been driving a lot lately (another game) so that takes away from everything as well.

I'm trying to write with GF sitting behind me rolling cigarettes and won't shut the fuck up with the Smoke Shop closing in a half hour so I suppose I should go now.

Edit : typo

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn May 16 '21
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