Ha, I find it ridiculous that I even took the time to respond to your comments the first time.And yet you reply again, and again act like a edgy teenager whilst doing so.
What happened to your ego to be so impoverished that a difference in opinions demands you to act arrogantly despite a lack of any content to your words?
your thoughts on leadership are entirely YOUR thoughts, doesn't make them set in concrete for anyone other than yourself and whomever you persuade into following themIf you actually believed this you wouldn't bother posting your opinion online because that statement could be applied to literally anyone on any subject. It would make online discussion a pointless exercise in mental masturbation where everyone posts just to read their own words.
Secondly, asking me personal questions such as do you have any children is a no go for me. I am a privacy advocate, and I will not be answering questions from random strangers online for whatever purposes.You've completely missed the point of what I said and avoided it altogether.
As far as my comments on course work, I've got my work cut out of me for quite a few years, actually. I am working on a bachelor's degree, work a full time job, run a blog of my own, and usually, spend whatever spare time I have relaxing.Again, you missed the entire point.
I am awfully tempted to simply walk away from the discussion or any other conversation that could arise with you by blocking you.Why are internet tough guys so thin skinned?
I refuse to believe people like you get into the satanic for any reason other than to act like a total edgelord and shit on those around them.
To quote the devil himself - "After an inferior man has been taught a doctrine of superiority he will remain as inferior as he was before his lesson. He will merely assume himself to be superior and attempt to employ his recently-learned tactics against his own kind, whom he will then consider his inferiors."
P.S. I only listen to TED Talks, interviews from master minds like Aquino and the sort, lectures and those of my own ilk, that's what kind of answer you were looking for from me, wasn't it? lol
No actually, I have no idea what you're talking about. You continuously missed the points I made and have splintered off into random tangents of talking about how you're a privacy advocate followed by divulging personal details about yourself.
As you can see they're dedicated fans of The Don dedicated to getting him votes by making the people who are against him look stupid by association. If they took out the Satanist part people might actually sympathize with them.
you're probably one of these vacuous derps, aren't you, Bismuthiel?I'm satanic, not a Satanist. It's one of many adjectives that can be used to describe me, not my philosophy or worldview. I'm not an "ist" into "isms". Frankly "Ists" and their precious "Isms" is what brought this world its current ruinous state be they religious, economic or philosophic in nature, and Satanism is no exception to this.
I'm not interested in seeking truth as much as I am in exposing lies.
*I wonder why so many "satanic" people seem so concerned with how the world is - as if it is somehow broken to begin with, within their power to change, and they know just what will fix it.
That's why I came to this thread - not because I actually care about the subject of the thread, but rather because I care about the amount of hypocrisy and stupidity within in.
For example, the opening of this thread starts with saying there's "more than enough men" leading Satanism. This is not a pro-woman statement, but rather it's an anti-man one.
A pro-woman statement that would not have been anti-man would have been "Why aren't there more women in leadership roles?" or "What can be done to encourage women to take up leadership?"
Yes, as all of politics stem from an "ism".I'll humor you. Of all the countless things that, in your mind, brought "the world" to its "current ruinous" state, the best you could come up with is "ists" and "isms"? That's what needs fixing?
An easy example using the internal conflict of America would be Liberalism versus Conservatism.
In Europe Islamism versus Nationalism.
In the world as a whole Capitalism versus Communism.
Eliminating these isms would not end conflict between individuals or even between nations over resource, but it would end the increasing amount of violence and chaos in the streets we now see as these Ists take their Isms to war.
I think the whole premise is borked. There are no leaders in "Satanism"; only usurpers.Very much so, as since LaVey's death we've seen an explosion of satanic organizations which seem to do nothing other than regurgitate old ideas and serve as a cult of personality.
I'm certain we'd come up with an ism to describe what you are proposing.
I suggest Fuckism.
What the hell was so hard about "Lead yourselves"? I don't understand how a person can twist a simple idea into something so slip shod, full of redundant rhetoric and a play on semantics as I've seen in this thread. I say the sky is black, and undoubtedly, some jerk off (male or female, doesn't matter.) will argue the point, call whatever I say moot, and call it white. All of this banter is pointless. I am only wasting my own time in these types of conversations, online debates. Not only are debates annoying as fuck when everyone thinks they're correct in their own perspective, it leaves some of us with a bitter pill on our tongues.
It's disgusting how some of you actually take the time out of your only one life to break down some one else's thoughts, and try to put your two cents in where they're really not needed, nor were asked for. If you have the time for all that shit, more power to you, however, I do not. Even if I did, I would not waste any more time throwing pearls to swine.