Women leaders in the Satanist community | Forum

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ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Mar 10 '16
@Harold. But what really freaks a man out is when you walk out the door with nothing! That's when you have to watch yourself because the loss of control can make them a bit psycho! 

Women and money is an interesting and multi-faceted subject. I would like to say that the women you speak of are stupid themselves but are they? It is in their DNA to nest and these days that involves shopping for nice things to take to the home. Doesn't Satanism encourage women to use their feminine wiles to get what they want?

Also, there is a flip-side to this. I have spoken to men and much of the initial conversation involves them telling me what they own and how fine they are. The only thing they are sharing about themselves is their financial attributes - any wonder they end up with gold diggers. I don't date men that start conversations like this because to me it screams of a shallow and scared person that hasn't even begun to gauge their true worth. I don't care if you're rich or not. ...Although a car with a good rumble under the seat might make me smile devilishly. ...But only if you know how to drive it!

I've never skinned an ex. I know in myself what is mine and what isn't. Now, because I chose to ditch and to start over from scratch every time, I am broke... Maybe I am the stupid one? In hindsight would I do it differently? No... I'm just not attached to possessions. 

The funny thing is... And this is where men are a bit bat shit crazy! I have dated men that have judged me because I am poor, but are comfortable dating a woman with money even if they acquired it by skinning a few exes. Go figure... 

But you are correct. Some women will put up with all kinds of shit to be attached to a man with money and/or prestige. 

Me... I don't want any more exes - at my age I can't afford to keep starting over.

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover Mar 10 '16
RevMel Member
RevMel Mar 15 '16
Unfortunatelytghis discussion has gone in directions, not intended. It was  my opinion that women be more represented in satanic leadership. Not sexual roles, or feminism. Leadership in Satanism. That's it.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Mar 16 '16
RevMel, why do you think not so many women are leading in Satanism?
VenusSatanas Oct 31 '16
There are plenty of women role models in Satanism.

Take the first - Anton LaVey's wife, Diane LaVey, who extensively organized his meetings and his career along with writing his book for him. She remained in his shadow unfortunately but perhaps this is how she wanted it to be

Anton and Diane's daughter, Zeena Schreck, who not only lead the church for some time, but was also instrumental in creating her own church as well. She has done television interviews during the time of the Satanic Panic

There was Blanche Barton, who also helped to run the Church of Satan and had authored books with Anton LaVey000000

Then there was Lilith Sinclair, the wife of Michael Aquino, who both had been instrumental in the early days of the church of Satan. When they left, she helped to run the Temple of Set

And of course there is Diane Vera, who after running her own church in the early 200's branched out and created a unique and valuable resource with her New York Satanist group. Her writings have helped many in their path in Satanism

i could go on, but im not. Point is, there are many women in Satanism if you know where to look and when you do, you will see how they have contributed to satanism overall.

'its never a question of who is better, men or women.. its the question of what these people, be they man or woman, have done to advance the cause of Satanism over time.
claudio12 Jan 4 '17
Dove e come posso vendere la mia anima?
claudio12 Jan 4 '17
Where and how can I sell my soul?
nith Jan 4 '17

I can see the point in a “Satanic Leader” being an oxymoron but the logic leaps from authority of gods to accepting nothing beyond the self is more than a little flawed (on face value).

Quote from FraterLuciferi
I consider "Satanic leader" is an oxymoron. Satan rejected the authority of gods above himself, so why would a Satanist accept something beyond himself? 

Without going too deep into what is a god and what authority it has, I would ask you to look at your meaning of a leader. There are some leaders who are not fit to lead yet demand followers and yet there are other leaders simply ahead of others and don't want followers.

I would like to play semantics with the last line.

Why would a Satanist accept something beyond himself?

I accept language that is not purely of myself so I can communicate with others. I also find myself be forgiving to anyone who does not hold this language as their first language. I often accept ideas not of my own and place them into the challenge understanding category. It is from here I can not only question but trial the ideas.

Yes, simply accepting something without question is silly at best but I also found you don't have to advertise everything you are questioning.

nith Jan 5 '17

Ok, is Satan an actual being to you or just an archetype?

Either way wasn't the point to not take things on face value. If this is true wouldn't it be beneficial (and also fun) to play devil’s advocate against all,,, including Satan? If the point of not being a follower type is to question everything then why leave out the questioner themselves. Also to question anything you first need to address it.

I understand the social norm of using quotes for a form of borrowed validity but it would be more interesting if you add your thoughts in your words.

Back on forum topic;

When it comes to a female or male leaders and what would be better, there is no room for generalisations. It totally depends on the person and not what form their body parts have.

The real question is why would you need a leader unless you are a follower?

nith Jan 6 '17

The idea that a person is set in their place by traits at birth has been proven wrong on many fronts and is a rather ignorant statement to hold onto.

Quote from FraterLuciferi
It both depends on the person and the sex... Men has the hunt instinct and women have the mother instinct which shapes the differences between the sexes...

Maybe if you google something like “nature vs nurture”. Also I would laugh at someone saying they can hunt simply because of an ideal trait they may or may not of been born with. Now if you are having a language issue and were trying to say providers or something else then rewording you statement may help.

nith Jan 7 '17

The satanic goat goat does not represent me and I do not think skills my ancestors honed automatically means I am good at them. I also think instincts I develop do not automatically pass to my offspring. There is a reason people from one generation teach the following generation their skills.

I also don't see how any symbol can represent me. I can run but at what stage would I call myself a runner and would that define me,,, no it would not. I am a male but does that mean I do what every other male does. I think if you knock down or at least blur some of these limits you project on yourself and others you may find something new.

nith Jan 7 '17

I would say male and female are not individuals for the most part. Anyone who says they are a true individual is fooling themselves. We all gather to certain types of people and certain events and places. I see it more as different degrees with the herd on one side and the loner on the other.

A few site resets and site moves ago I had a blog up stating we are reflections or refractions of our parents with environmental aspects changing certain particulars. The act of finding out what parts are us and our thoughts is the first part in becoming your own person.

I like instincts! I like refining those instincts and being aware of them. Just like balance, instinct is something that can be learnt. Yes there are basic instincts but they are unrefined and often work against us. Like if someone asks you how you would act in a dangerous situation and honest reply would be “don't know till it happens” or recount what happened last time if it actually happened.

nith Jan 12 '17

What the hell??? This sounds like a plot line from a B-grade movie.

Quote from FraterLuciferi
Quote from nith

Anyone who says they are a true individual is fooling themselves. 

I disagree. If you are excluded from the herd then you are forced to think for yourself and it shapes the true individualism. That's what happened to me.

You make what is meant to be an experience of understanding and growth sound like a victim complex add on to an Emo's wet dream.

RevMel Member
RevMel Mar 3 '17
RevMel Member
RevMel Mar 4 '17
Agreed, Zora, is wise.
Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 12 '17
I've read this blog, and the first question that comes to mind is what does statism, such as voting, politics and militarism have to do with Satanism? I think those who worship the state instead of deifying themselves are giving their power away to those who hold a position that most aren't worthy of having. Why would I put my focus on voting in politics for someone else to make decisions in my life when I am fully capable of making my own life choices? I do not appreciate having the state involved in my life, and outside of this forum I do what I can to stand for a message of anarchism, agorism and a stateless, decentralized voluntary society, which I deem is more in alignment with Satanism. Just as I don't bow down to some mystery spook God in the sky, I certainly do not respect these so called "leaders" in mainstream America. You can plainly see how much of a b.s. storm the United States is in by who we have elected a President, and to think the lesser of the two evils is bat sh*t crazy, Hillary Clinton.  Personally, for me Satanism is leading yourself, making yourself the ruler of your own life, not becoming a part of the "system" and certainly not on some welfare line looking for a handout from the State, or going to the local church's breadline. LEAD YOURSELF. 
VVOTAN-XIV Nov 12 '17
There is no weaker sex?


When was the last time you seen a hot Swedish model laying some bricks on some building site? Other than some Kosher music video?

Bismuthiel Nov 18 '17
Quote from RevMelThere are certainly more than enough men out there fronting for the path. Opinions?

There are certainly more than enough Africans out there fronting for basketball and football.

There are certainly more than enough Jews out there fronting for Hollywood.

If any of the above statements bothered you then you're probably a hypocrite.

Quote from ShadowLover

Women have only been allowed to vote for about a hundred years and politics is as old as history - we're still catching up. 

Free men were only able to vote a decade before women were in many Western nations. Prior to that only the elite were allowed to vote. The fact everyone makes a big deal about women getting to vote and ignores that very few people could vote to begin with is one of those divisive tactics used to prevent you from realizing who rules you.

Quote from RevMelsatanism does NOT measure someone by capabilities
"Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong"

"It's too bad stupidity isn't painful"

Just saying.

With the "right" (Re: WRONG) mindset Satanism is just as judgmental as any other dogmatic religion, designed for a small number of ruling elite to lord over the plebeian masses with their smugness.

Quote from RevMelyour comparison is irrelevant, immaterials and driven by personal bias

ALL opinions are irrelevant, immaterial and driven by personal bias.

To quote the Great Gonzo himself - "With the possible exception of things like box scores, race results, and stock market tabulations, there is no such thing as Objective Journalism. The phrase itself is a pompous contradiction of terms."

Did you somehow believe you were exempt because of your righteousness?

Also for a guy that accuses others of being Christians you're sure acting like one by implying there's a set definition of what is and isn't Satanism, that the Satanic begins and ends with LaVey, that nothing exists outside of this rigid and unchanging framework that was perfected the moment it was written.

Glass houses, thrown stones.

Quote from Karverdreadmorewe also are more easily manipulated emotionally by women          
This is a sexist implication. I mean, there's a lot of thinly veiled sexism in this thread by people who are well meaning and thinking they're being the opposite of sexist, but this is just wrong.

Men manipulate women emotionally just as much as women manipulate men.

The difference is the mechanics in how we manipulate one another. Men are typically blunt, women are typically deceptive. Never forget that a wrathful raging man is just as manipulative as a traitorous sycophantic woman.

Bismuthiel Nov 18 '17

Quote from VenusSatanas There are plenty of women role models in Satanism.
You sort of defeated your own point in that those women are primarily known because they are being propped up by a more powerful and important man.
Quote from nith

Why would a Satanist accept something beyond himself?

Why would a Satanist make a demonic pact?

Because they are getting something in return.

In the world of the satanic Pride and Ego is the currencies in which we trade.

Quote from CrystalYou can plainly see how much of a b.s. storm the United States is in by who we have elected a President, and to think the lesser of the two evils is bat sh*t crazy, Hillary Clinton.
I don't understand this sentiment when Trump is easily the most Satanic president America has had since the Founding Fathers. Everything about his life exemplifies Satanic principles. He is Strong, and inspires Strength, whereas Clinton is Weak and seeks to Weaken others. I understand not liking him on a personal level, but there can be no denial about how Satanic he is.

I do admit, however, that with all the child rape Clinton has been associated with she is pretty Satanic herself.

Quote from CrystalPersonally, for me Satanism is leading yourself, making yourself the ruler of your own life, not becoming a part of the "system" and certainly not on some welfare line looking for a handout from the State, or going to the local church's breadline. LEAD YOURSELF. 
If everyone was a Satanist in the way you described very little could be accomplished in a society as a whole.

I want people who WANT to be free TO BE free, but by the same extent why would I want someone who WANTS to serve to be free when it would be distressing for them? If anything I want these people to serve worthy masters. If as a goal Satanism seeks supreme spiritual satisfaction through the pursuit of pleasure it must be accepted that some people are satisfied by their own altruism.

Some people were born to stand before the altar - some were born to BE the altar.

Crystal Support
Crystal Nov 18 '17

Serve to be free? Do you see leadership as a form of service? There are various forms of leadership, service is only one of those types. If you've taken even one psychology course, you'd know that. 

I am not for serving anyone, unless it's in a voluntary relationship of mutual exchange and even that is not a service. It is an agreement between two consenting adults such as in the example of barter and trade networks. I'm not sure what you're getting at here. I think Satanism is more about being self-serving and not being a martyr to other people's thoughts, wishes, desires, and opinions.  

The Forum post is edited by Crystal Nov 18 '17
Bismuthiel Nov 18 '17

Quote from Crystal

Do you see leadership as a form of service?

Actually, personally, yes, being the "Leader" with title as opposed to simply doing whatever you want and being followed as a consequence of your force of character is a service. Politicians are referred to as "Civil Servants" after all.I'd rather be the latter than the former. Being "in charge" often means giving up too much personal power, and more often than not being the leader just makes you someone to scapegoat. 
Quote from Crystal

If you've taken even one psychology course, you'd know that.

The arrogance in this statement is both amazing and detracting from whatever point you're trying to make. 
It actually reminds me about how college kids take their first classes of sociology and suddenly think they have everything figured out.

It kind of sounds that's what you're doing, or do you only listen to political opinions if they come from political scientists too?

Quote from Crystal

I am not for serving anyone

Do you have children? A spouse? Parents?

You've served plenty of people during your lifetime in what was mainly a one sided exchange. Don't pretend you've never been altruistic just because it makes you feel like less of an edgelord.

Quote from Crystal

I'm not sure what you're getting at here.  

A) People who choose to be servants are like the asexuals of satanic ideology - it seems superficially contradictory to it until you realize that both somehow satisfy and nurture the ego. As long as the servant recognizes they are not serving out of blind devotion but because serving brings them pleasure they are perfectly in line with satanic thinking.

B) Literally everyone living for themselves as a self-styled god would be a terrible thing.

Quote from Crystal

I think Satanism is

Stop thinking Satanism is anything.

Unlike most clearly defined religious ideologies that have a beginning and an end and a central structure governing it Satanism has existed and will always exist in a quantum state where it is EVERYTHING that EVERYONE described while simultaneously being NOTHING that ANYONE described.

God tried to put the devil in a box once, and we all know how that turned out.

The Forum post is edited by Bismuthiel Nov 18 '17
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