I guess it depends what you do with the hate... If you recognise it and then I would advise exploring the reason for such a strong emotion to be manifesting in such a way... And use it to fuel a constructive change...
I think hate often accompanies fear - we have a negative emotion towards something that we perceive as a threat. I say I hate Sharia Law... Basically because the introduction of it would change my life in ways which I don't want it to change - it threatens my lifestyle. I use that emotion to try to educate apologists. However, the emotion is not in what I say (that is usually calm and logical... Usually!) but the driving force behind me continuing to say it in circles where it is not received well. I take a lot of knocks - it would be easier for me to say nothing.
But to hate without a plan for resolution is a waste of energy, and to internalise the hate and stew is to sour one's own energy.
All emotions are tools and ultimately need to be used constructively.
@Padowan. I understand your confusion because Hate confuses me too. Even to the point where I wonder what hate is? I feel it is one of those words that get thrown around. ...Like love!
I say I hate Sharia Law. I hated my father for many years after he abused me. Some people say they hate their exes... I don't think I ever did, although I admit to going through a period of anger at the end of each relationship, but that is part of the grieving process. I have also experienced hating a couple of women in my time, but we all know that was due to an insecurity on my part. I guess that is my point - when we hate something it is really to do with ourselves and it needs to be investigated.
Most f the time when we identify the underlying cause the hate dissipates. If the cause is a continual threat than the hate (or any residual emotion) needs to be channelled constructively.
You are correct that it is not a very conducive emotional state with logical planning, but the same can be said about most emotions. Frankly, emotions scare the shit out of me! They seem to go hand in hand with a loss of control which leaves you vulnerable. I prefer to experience it in controlled bursts like when you listen to an inspirational song and the singer brings tears to your eyes and leaves you taking erratic breaths, but for the most part I'm like Spok - emotionally repressed. Lol! Probably not a healthy thing for a woman to do being that we are designed to be emotional.
Padowan, are you referring to hate about a situation in particular, or just hate in general?
Fear is the path of the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering.
This made me laugh. Not in a bad way, just that as I was reading through the responses the exact same thing came to my mind.
In all seriousness though, I love this topic. It's very thought provoking. I'm going to have to dwell on it a bit more before I can offer an intelligent response though (I didn't get much sleep last night so maybe after a power nap).