A modern day edit of the Bible | Forum

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Kat Chapter Head
Kat Dec 22 '15
Hello, as the bible has been edited so many times, if it was edited again today, what do you think would be left in/added/taken out? :)
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Dec 22 '15
If it was written in this day and age it would probably have a few more chicks in it. And something about Jesus' marriage and children.

Although, even modern news stories are filled with clever inaccuracies to sway opinions, so if written today it would probably still be full of half truths and "slights of hand".
Kat Chapter Head
Kat Dec 22 '15

Do you really think it would contain more women? The catholic church is still hugely sexist and they still denounce the idea that Jesus had a family.

I think they'd probably take out some of the bits with rape in and cutting off hands for stealing etc.

I think they'd change creationism to intelligent design too.

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Dec 22 '15
That is very true about Catholicism, but there are many other branches of Christianity where women aren't as demonised,

I am of the opinion that if you were rewriting the Bible today to control the people then you would have to make it relatable to those people so they could swallow it. But your point about Catholicism does demonstrate that different cultures would probably relate to different versions.

A little bit of science and some clever marketing. You would do well to make them fear something tangible and entwine it into the plot. And perhaps commission a celebrity to endorse it... LOL.
Hartnell Dec 22 '15
Google: Jeffersonian Bible
Kat Chapter Head
Kat Dec 22 '15

I think there's definitely branches which demonise them less so yes :)

It's amazing how much people will still follow the opinions of their religious leaders -the pope is still so massively influential. So it would be interesting to see which sort of political view point it would take.

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Dec 22 '15
I am of the controversial opinion that those that mean to control  have already re-written the Bible and applied it successfully to modern day people. It is not however a Christian Bible, and there is no Christian God, instead they have made the God of this modern ideology more tangible and swallowable.

The God is the environment and the adversary is man-made global warming. They have included testimonies by numerous scientists and demonised even a greater amount of scientists, claiming these people have been lead away from the true path by the evil forces of big business.

They have created fear - the fear of dying through catastrophic events. But it is not to late for you to be saved, you just have to gladly pay your tidings and carbon taxes. And just like any other church, nobody really ever sees the results of where all this money actually goes - they just blindly trust the word of their God's Holy men that by making this atonement they will be saved.

They have created division in the masses where those who believe ridicule and belittle those who don't, publicly shaming and stoning them... Where those of us who don't believe sit around and wonder WTF?

The fear of global warming has successfully herded the masses (including those who grew out of the Christian faith) and now has whole countries collecting money and paying it to God's Holy Bank and New World Order.
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Mar 1 '16
Kat : Most of the  modern translators of the Bible have translated it to fit their religion's doctrines and  beliefs. There are others writers who have written their own Bibles with modern situations, as Hartnell wrote before. To me it could be  really funny to read about angels carrying guns ,Jesus smoking marihuana, and so forth.  Every thing would be written completely contrary to what is already written. 
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