Thank you for all of your thoughful responses so far. Many voices serve as bellows to our collective black flame.
Here's where the Third Side Intelligence LaVey aptly posits as one emancipatory teaching. Heres a link in case your interested.
One of the best stealth tricks is don't disagree with everything you don't like.
So many people think that if you don't openly disagree then you must agree, use this flaw. This is why the single word reply of “ok” is a good cover phrase as it denotes you have understood what was said but does not say you agree.
In the same way that the less I care about someone the easier it is to be polite and people take the politeness as caring.
Besides that, I'm selective, even in Satanic community. Too many people think that one Satanist should accept another just because they can poke at a keyboard.
@Debe, The word “ok” like many other words has multiple uses in conversation. Combine that with most people want others to agree with them and often look for signs of that agreement. Once this use of the word and base reaction is identified it can be used as trick or simple conversation ender.
Much of the time the use of a word depends on factors outside those stated. Take for instance Frater, depending on his actual intelligence and understanding (unknown at the moment), he could be anything from a well worded troll to a rhetoric using idiot.
If the intent is not known it can confuse the use of the word “ok”. The only way around that confusion is the explanation of the actual intent. If I was only to use catch phrases then those that assume my intent will get any meaning out of it they want to but even that will be just a guess.