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Rich6Belial6Wilkinson6 Member
I'm always in the market to purchase art. Especially abstract\dark art. Contact me if you have anything worth looking at. Ave!
Galeazzo62 Member
Galeazzo62 Sep 7 '17
Hi there,
          I have some work on the Deviantart site. Though this work is pre-Satanic. It is a collection of photography and Dark and abstract art.
I'm going to completely change my style and produce work to glorify Satan.
Just one thing, if you decide to buy one of the cups, I advise you to go for the smaller, cheaper ones as with the larger ones they use a white background which looks bad as a background, also the quality of the print on the cups isn't really very good. They also do prints of the Art and mousemats etc... Anyway, Happy Hunting and HAIL SATAN!
Satanic International Network was created by Zach Black in 2009.
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