Does anyone else have a fav? Or is into murderabilia?
Does anyone else have a fav? Or is into murderabilia?
Edmund Kemper is cool though. He is extremely intelligent and very self aware. He actually turned himself into the authorities after killing his mother which he believes was the victim he wanted to kill the whole time, the co-eds were just substitutes for her.
I'm also fascinated by someone who could fuck a decapitated head....I mean I'm a weirdo but that is truly deranged. I'm interested in psychology too, that's probably why I find that aspect of his killings so compelling. I probably have the stupid wench syndrome...there's something sickening yet romantic about thinking of Eddy kiss me through the bars. Could I be the one to catch his interest, when no one else has been able to??? I haven't sent the letter yet, I thought about sending him money for the commissary so he might be more inclined to respond to me.
Ok I'll check out Gandal Ghalom.
Scorsese is making 'Devil in the White City' - Leo is playing HH Holmes (America's 1st serial killer)
"What was clear was that Jack the Ripper was not some frenzied out-of-control individual, but someone who was able to disguise his insanity and appear normal to those around him. Jack the Ripper was ushering in the twentieth-century phenomenon of the serial killer."
I think the idea of being able to disguise your insanity is what fascinates me the most about serial killers. I always feel like I 'appear normal' to the world around me but have really odd thoughts and interests....