I've only drank twice since taking it and I drank much less than I normally would so thats good anyway.
An addiction is usually a symptom not a condition.
Yes, addictions have a biochemical nature, but so does food and sunlight. Biochemistry can be altered and manipulated. We cannot blame addictions on biochemistry alone.
Cultural influences shape our minds, sometimes against our desires and needs. I had a drug addiction. Once I identified what it was I had neglected in myself, neglected to uncover and develop, the addiction had no more power.
The LHP, beyond Satanism, is a good step toward reaching self awareness. I see addiction as a time to do work on myself and not seek a way to push the addiction away but examine it.
You might want to ask yourself, "What does the buzz of alcohol give me that sobriety does not?"
Examine that part of yourself.