Guilty Pleasures | Forum

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Hartnell Nov 9 '15
What your top guilty pleasures?
Hartnell Nov 9 '15
One of then for me is Power Rangers. SPD in particular has some high points (amazing fight coreography) but all in all, it has very little redeemable value. At the most, it's a fun show that doesn't take itself too seriously.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Nov 9 '15
I have a modest collection of Barbie Dolls. I always loved them but never had any as a child - we were poor and my Mum didn't like them. Among my collection I have one collectible - Calla Lily Barbie. I would like to get more collectible ones but really can't afford them at them moment. ...Although I did see the Rose Barbie from the same collection, with papers, at a pawn brokers, I should lay-by her...

In the mean time I collect secondhand ceramic dolls from thrift shops. I like them when they have really pretty faces, but I especially love that they look secondhand, Their hair is just a little less than perfect and my favourite even has a dirty looking mildewy pigmentation in the fabric of her clothing.

The Forum post is edited by ShadowLover Dec 19 '15
Millsy Member
Millsy Dec 19 '15
I miss recreational drug use but haven't had the desire to indulge in awhile...though it is returning with a vengeance.  

so I'll say:

...films about taboo subjects....

ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Dec 19 '15
So went to a car boot sale this morning to sell stuff, and accidentally bought two more dolls. : )  And a Scarface dvd. And Bram Stoker's Dracula. And a coffee! Dolls were only $2 each so saved heaps of money! ; ))

Here is one of them. She's so pretty! The label says her name is Megan, and although I like that name she doesn't look like a Megan to me...

MisterOwl Dec 20 '15

I'd have to say my biggest guilty pleasure is watching romantic comedies. I don't, exactly, know why, but they just put me in a good mood.

Asmedious Dec 30 '15
Sitting on my sofa in the middle of the night, smoking cigarettes,  and watching TV and movie marathons on DVD,  while my cat sleeps on top of me.

If you would have asked me this question even ten years ago,  my answer would have been a whole lot different.

Revan Member
Revan Dec 31 '15

playing old arcade games on my laptop.. moon patrol, dig dug, track and field and all those

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