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Padowan Nov 6 '15


My time is limited but I watched your video. The speaker was seriously lacking in evidence, data and conclusive findings. He mentioned simulations but I saw no data of any except a few stories of misinterpretation to support his claim.

The closest I could gather of his flimsy point was that our perception of reality is distorted to increase survival.

What's new? We perceive what we want to perceive. We perceive only what we need to perceive.

But perception is not only influenced by our senses, or interface, and our interpretation (constructs) but outside of our control by biology and biochemistry and physics. If I tamper with the electrical current on a computer can I get it to malfunction or slow. Absolutely. If I tamper with your hormones and nutrients can I alter your perception. Absolutely. Your conscious is not entirely within your control.

Gender is a biological system, first. The construct  is formed by the meaning you apply to the system that is gender. And I can screw with your mental construct of gender by pumping you full of estrogen and observe you change from man to a man with female inclinations.

Biological and chemical systems are the closest I can say as existing components of reality, uninfluenced by our perception. On the other hand, our perception is greatly influenced by the balance of those systemic, scientific systems.

The Forum post is edited by Padowan Nov 6 '15
RevMel Member
RevMel Dec 11 '15
All behavious are somewhat learned. Humans do have certain innate qualities but things such as speaking, eating and interpreting are learned for the most part.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Dec 12 '15
I definitely think men have more will, if I am understanding what you mean.

Two friends of mine , (45yo and 50 yo) have recently entered into relationships. Now, during the honeymoon period, the men seem to be able to hold it together much better than the women - they can compartmentalise really well. They can go to work, do their things, take care of business and then enjoy my friends. Meanwhile, my friends are blithering messes. They can't focus on shit at the moment! They are just quivering piles of goo. Hilarious! And they know it - but knowing it doesn't help. And it doesn't get better with age. LOL. I know it doesn't mean the men love them less, and in fact can tell they are smitten themselves. And I know my friends will get past this phase and dust themselves off with what is left of their dignity. LMAO!

The thing is, under normal circumstances I think my best friend and I are more cardinal or rational or linear than most women. Just makes me afraid of getting in my next relationship. I am both excited about, and dreading the honeymoon phase. I mean, it feels awesome, but I don't have time for this blithering messed up goo shit! But I know it will happen regardless. Fuck!

But if you put me in an extreme dire emergency my will is out of this world. My inner Terminator has no emotion and will never, ever stop! But it is not male or female.
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Dec 12 '15
Yes, and that makes me think...

Isn't nature beautiful..? 

Which in itself is an emotional response... Lol.
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