Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
What about physical and chemical differences - these things alter habits and behaviours...But the way we classify difference is a matter of social construction really. Even if you accept that sex is a biological construct, it's entirely different from gender. Gender relates to postions and roles in society, whereas sex is literally what chromosomes and genitals you have -- and even then I'd argue the entire concept of sex is a societal concept which we've constructed in order to categorise things. Why don't we say all males are people with red hair and all females are everyone else?
I think we are very different and those differences should be appreciated. When you look at the animal kingdom you see the different behaviours of males and females in each species. You can say that it is the social construct of that species but that construct was built on the differences and how to utilise them to the best advantage.
Here's an overview:
My only view is that sex roles / sterotypes exist and that ultimately as a mental construct they are mutable. Unlike sexuality, which is a different beast but connected to sex roles schematically (in people's heads only). Sex roles are mainly cognitive -- what you think about something, sexuality is what actually turns you on. The two conflict if what turns you on isn't what you think should turn you on.
Google: sex roles psychology.I'm getting Http 500s when attempting to connect to the link dude sorry,
Here's an overview:
My only view is that sex roles / sterotypes exist and that ultimately as a mental construct they are mutable. Unlike sexuality, which is a different beast but connected to sex roles schematically (in people's heads only). Sex roles are mainly cognitive -- what you think about something, sexuality is what actually turns you on. The two conflict if what turns you on isn't what you think should turn you on.
The link works if you copy and paste everything except https :/ / -- I don't know what the deal with that is.
1. Monsters can and/or do exist.
2. Monsters are capable of existing within closets.
I also refer to this as a whole as the metaphysical level because it forms the basis for what we think of as "reality" by giving the rules of possibility, probability, necessity, dependences (blah blah blah you get the idea) for which things exist (including 'reality') and can possibly exist.
Maybe this is better:
the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.
Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it,
I agree with Kat. Excessive testosterone in females spurs hair growth in normally masculine regions and extra estrogen in men promotes breast development and a altered ability during sex. Even in nature one of the most aggressive female critters is the Hyena due to its elevated testosterone levels.
These basic hormones affect our physical features, our behavior and our sexuality. Social construct and learning is irrelevant if you can't fight 'nature.'
Biology and chemistry influence sociology and psychology.
Nature as a mental model is a construct. But you can't deny the elements of the 'constructs of science' that control your existence.Here's a link to an awesome TED Talk on perception of reality. Basically from an evolutionary point of view, accurate perception of reality isn't actually that beneficial. We're basically running on a Human Operating System like Windows. Now digital data exists as 1s and 0s, but on Windows/Mac/Linux you interact with files and folders. Those files and folders don't actually exist, they're constructs of the operating system designed to let you interact with the world.
In other words, how long will your 'construct-tive capability' (your psychological brain) last without water?
Even better; without glucose?
Now I have to contend with two geeks. ;)
I'll watch your video and Hartnell and I have had this discussion before. Obviously he has yet to convince me that perception determines "Reality." Sure, it determines your reality - but there is 'existence' beyond our interface of perception or we would have nothing to perceive.
If there is an interface then there is a computing system and 'something' to interface with. Otherwise it would be an 'INNERface.'
As she said: we've had similar conversations before. Have fun. :)