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ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Mar 3 '16
Yeah I know. I was trying to have an efficient energy source but instead made half the city radioactive and killed off residents over and over again. You would think the stupid fucks would stop buying in a place that has that type of history. Anyway - didn't save it. Will rebuild from scratch with solar panels. Fucking winging greenies - I wish they had pedal power and then I would make the fuckers create their own damn electricity.
Asmedious Mar 4 '16
I'm not a gamer, so I don't know anything about them,  but can't you just use good 'ol  fossil fuels?   
gamerguy666 Mar 4 '16
Sim city is good but in my opinion Cities:skylines is SO much better all around. not as many bugs, Also no Zombies no Earthquakes no bullshit ruining what you took the time to build from nothing.
JicNikk Member
JicNikk Mar 6 '16
Bloodborne.. cause I'm a glutton for punishment.
Agent Mar 7 '16
oooo Mar 7 '16
Portal :)
gamerguy666 Mar 9 '16

Quote from apprenticeofsatan Portal :)
Portal 1 or 2?
VenusSatanas Oct 31 '16
fuck yes!! im still addicted to final fantasy xii , just got a modded ps2 so im looking forward to playing the international zodiac job version as well. other than that, i am an old school gamer and i have been collecting nintendo and super nintendo games since 2007 before they got mad expensive! got a sega, sega cd etc. handheld emulator with numerous game systems. i beat tons of nintendo games back in the day, and also beat mortal kombat 2 in the arcade after playing it a month. Also, killer instinct 2 a week after the arcade got it. the arcade owner was pissed!! lol!! those were the days

but yeah im still addicted to my final fantasy
FerrousLucius Mar 27 '18
I've played World of Warships since Closed Beta. Got alot ofk Justthe ships unlocked in my spare time. Kinda been catching up with the latest generation of games.  Working my way through Wolfenstein New Collsus and Sniper elite 3 at the moment. The new Battlefield is next on the list for me. What little spare time I have anymore.

FerrousLucius Apr 10 '18

Quote from AK I know the feeling. 

It sucks. 

I have to wake up anywhere between 5:00 am and 10:30 am (it is up to me - knowing what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by) Then I clock-out 8 hours later. However I decide to work-it out. 


1) I am a spoiled brat, and there is nothing anyone can really do about it.

2) I know what I'm doing. 

So I walk 4 feet to my workstation in my bed room. Write code. Hop on conference calls. Some, but not all, of which are meaningful.

Also watch and feed this thing (SIN) like a fish-tank you have to sort of break-up the monotony (which is why I'm here basically 24-7)

Book flights to places I want to be.

Book flights for people (Maria) who I want to see. 

Hurdle myself down the block in which I live in which no fewer than 3 people have been murdered in the last 2 months in order to stretch my legs. 

I like the entirety of the FF series up to 7 (which is the best IMO) 3 was pretty good, too. 

Hypothetical question: 

if you could describe yourself as a FF (Final Fantasy) character from any of the series' which one would it be, and why?

(edit) *to go first: it's not Cloud Strife, but Cid Highwind. It's better to know who and what we are than to imagine that we're the main protagonist. 

I would go with Cid Pollendina from FF4. He never took things too seriously. He was laid back but got shit done.
TL49877 Apr 22 '18
Mainly GTA V but am branching out to games like Yakuza 6, god of war (soon), pubg (when PS4 gets it) rocket leauge, the like.  (PS4 by the way)
lordbeweismittel123 Member
lordbeweismittel123 Jun 19 '18
you guys play any of the far cry games?
GoetiaGordon Jul 1 '18
Right now Im replaying tomb raider definitive edition, then onto rise of the tomb raider.
Slacker666 Jul 24 '18
I'm currently playing World of Warcraft and Skyrim...
WaeWictis Jul 27 '18
No one for dark souls?
Slacker666 Jul 27 '18
I love Dark Souls. I need to buy the remastered version. Such a fun and frustrating game all at the same time.
Deadpuppet01 Oct 1 '18
Skyrim, modded all to hell.
Deadpuppet01 Oct 4 '18
Grand Theft Auto V

Took 5 hours to download.

Deadguy1349 Jan 30 '19
Gta V online, simply cause of its chaotic nature of pvp.. And trolling 

The Forest, the building and crafting aspect is great, but hacking up native cannibals who invade your camps and cooking the arms and legs to consume for health is pretty fun. 

Rainbow Six Seige... Something about blasting some unsuspecting player who thinks he's safe with many holes through the wall he's hiding behind is very satisfying. My 6 year old shouting "I killed him dad, shot him right in the face like you said" playing together made me want to keep playing.

Hatred, pretty cool in concept.... Mass murder screaming civilians with guns and exolos sieves to advance to the but without the fps mod I'm not too good with top down games. Executing a civilian to refill my health so I can finish killing the cops and other random bystanders was worth the money for the pre-order. 

Asmodeus Mar 22 '19
Left4Dead, Killing Floor and Age Of Empires... always down for co-op online ;)
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