Dada Art | Forum

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Juice Oct 9 '15
Quite possibly the most controversial, intuitive, and abstract type of art. Visual artists such as Andy Warhol, Marcel Duchamp, and Salvadore Dali; movies such as Eraserhead, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (IMO), and Cowards Bend the Knee; and much more. With many different mediums and portrayals, it's quite the subject. So, let's discuss it. It could be artists you think are akin to Dadaism, your favorite dada works/art (books, movies etc.) or anything else that could come into play.
Shawn Oct 9 '15
How about Jim Warren or Mark Ryden?
Juice Oct 15 '15
Jim Warren I'm familiar with. Mark Ryden I'll look into.
G.B. Feb 11 '16
since it´s now the 100 years dada anniversary, there are alot of museums here in europe having exhibitions. i will try to visit kunsthaus zürich possibly end of the month.

anyways, i just saw eraserhead, what a great movie, i was actually spooked a bit by it, i don´t normally get spooked that easily. it was more a surrealistic movie than dada in my opinion, but then again, surrealism was born from dada anyway. that movie is like a bad dream caught on film, i love it!

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