1. expulsion from one's native land by authoritative decree.
2. the fact or state of such expulsion: to live in exile.
3. a person banished from his or her native land.
4. prolonged separation from one's country or home, as by force of circumstances: wartime exile.
5. anyone separated from his or her country or home voluntarily or by force of circumstances.
6. the Exile, the Babylonian captivity of the Jews, 597–538 b.c.
verb (used with object), exiled, exiling. 7. to expel or banish (a person) from his or her country; expatriate. 8. to separate from country, home, etc.: Disagreements exiled him from his family.Now that we got that out of the way. There are a handful of people that have been exiled from this network. Be it by the ban hammer or in its shadow. Some creep back in like bed bugs. Suck a little blood and scurry away to tell their ' friends ' how much this place sucks. Well, if it sucks why do you keep coming back. Because you like it here. That is why.
Got news for you exiled. You are not coming back. You can try as a sock and you may get away with it for awhile. But as soon as you are discovered you are gone. No chances, no warnings. Gone. Go play somewhere else. You are not wanted here. Nor will you ever be taken back.