Describe your personal character in five words or less | Forum

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Jason King
Jason King Sep 14 '15
Wow, my first opie here in years. Feels like just months, though.

To be specific, I mean character as in "strength of _______" rather than "playing a _______". 

I'll post my own after five replies. Just because I don't like replying to dead threads.
Owner/Admin Sep 14 '15

Quote from FraterMoloch I don't understand...
It is kind of vague. I think JK is asking you to define character using those two set of words. But, I could be wrong.
Jason King
Jason King Sep 15 '15
Alright, fine, since everyone is clueless, I'll go ahead:

Overconfident, Intelligent, Detached, Hyperintuitive, Fun.

Next time, it actually helps if you read the topic title.

Use five words (or less) and DESCRIBE YOU.
Heh Sep 15 '15
Stubborn, Curious, Meditative, Intense, Playful.
Jason King
Jason King Sep 15 '15

Quote from FraterMoloch Your topic don't help as it seems you want to hear about personal abilitites and not personality... i'm  free thinker, stubborn, intellectual, confident and intuitive.

I know my topic didn't help, because you cheated and used a SIXTH WORD. How dare you?

Oh, and the distinction between abilities and personality was entirely your own creation. I did say "character," did I not?
Shawn Sep 15 '15
Already dead. ;)
Owner/Admin Sep 15 '15
In his own word to me ' The egg has been broke and will never be fixed '.   All the Kings horses and all the Kings men. Could not put humpty back together again.  .
Shawn Sep 15 '15
Correction: already dead is a life philosophy. Oddly enough, it's the philosophy of the Octane station on SirrusXM. (Best radio station ever. :)

Character? That's something I haven't thought about in awhile. So, I'm going to fill in the blank for "strength of ____"

Perceptive, experimental, inquisitive, reasoning, meta

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