@Shawn & Anne Yes, let's just throw out inductive reasoning altogether, who cares if it's mathematically valid, and the only basis to support magic."
You didn't directly address any of my points. I accept aiming for the structure but you missed. It's not inductive reasoning, it's deductive. I deduce that since it's obviously not his original idea, that he must have been told the idea by someone. Then, since he clearly hasn't ever questioned the idea, it's obvious that he swallowed it whole cloth with zero skepticism.
Then I point out that, unless he was trying specifically for a meaniingless non-sequitur, that by responding 'No, science isn't dogma' makes absolutely no sense unlesshe thinks that a 'science fact' (third grade term, not a scientific one' is 'science'. It gets even more absurd by saying that this particular science (actually a science fact) isn't a teaching because it's grade school curriculum.
Math isn't science. (Some but not all) scientists use math, true, but so do waitresses at the local burger joint. Your point is invalid there as much as it was by claiming I was using inductive reasoning.
Look, I'm a programmer. I understand the actual math of logic. If you want to pretentiously claim something like that again I'm going to have to ask you to 'show your work'.
And, it's the only basis for magick? You've clearly never read my blogs, and moreover, clearly have no clue about magick. I am a practicing magician but I don't usually talk about magick in mysterious terms -- though I understand what they refer to. Instead, I normally speak about magick the languages of engineering and psychology. Yes, the real shit, not the pop shit.
If you'd like to fart in the wind some more at least quote my post and address the quote directly.