Your Personal views on Satanism?N | Forum

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Brittany McVean
Brittany McVean Sep 7 '15
I was wondering, what personal views does everybody here (if Satanist) - believe in, concerning Satanism? I was just wondering because I'm trying to do as much research as I can, particularly on people IN Satanism as a whole, not just certain sects. I would love to take the time to learn different views and opinions and/or beliefs when it comes to others here on the path! 

   I feel the more information we can learn off of one another, the more we can accept and realize we are on different journeys, and perhaps get a feel of free-will and thinking due to all the many ways we choose to build our paths - Theistic, or not! Maybe, we can even learn a little something new about ourselves?

                                 Thank you, and HAILS!

Jason King
Jason King Sep 7 '15

Quote from Brittany McVean I was wondering, what personal views does everybody here (if Satanist) - believe in, concerning Satanism?
I used to play a game with people once. It was called "pick the most Satanic tarot card." I think if you can make such a pick, and defend it ideologically with a straight emoji, you have at least some basis for your Satanism. Atu XV is cheating, btw. Try the Ten of Disks . . . 
Heh Sep 7 '15
Easy E: Two of Pentacles - balance is key. The Left-Hand Path is like walking a tight rope, but no matter how much turbulence tries to knock you off the path you remain on the thin line with a Pentacle in each hand - Power and Pleasure; the Power to be yourself in a world of others trying to tell you who to be - what to believe and how to act - and being able enough to enjoy your Pleasures no matter how mundane or taboo others may think they are.

OP - Satanism is about challenging ones beliefs and stepping out of ones comfort zone to become the best version of oneself, looking beyond indoctrination and long held biases for what helps someone lead the most successful and enjoyable life possible. It's also about seeing the joke and laughing at ourselves and the world around when we get too serious. I always saw the Devil as a suave character and with that confidence comes someone you do not want to push around because you just know you would regret it.

I am theistic (I believe in a nameless and boundless something) but I do not see Satan as that power, but Satan as the power of the material plane, my body, and desires. Malkuth or Midgard if you will. Not quite magical but still having a unique power over the existential realm.

Jason King
Jason King Sep 8 '15

Quote from Heh Two of Pentacles - balance is key.
Believe it or not, I agree. Well, sort of. Even though the entirety of reality exists within a meta-balance, no single time-slice (or, more broadly, Nirmanakaya) exhibits this feature. The reason for this is rather simple and has to do with the hyper-interconnected nature of reality itself. The existence of the electron requires the existence of the positron, neither of which is an electrically "balanced" particle.

The reason I went with the Ten of Disks is that it represents the final outward manifestation of presencing reality before the process begins to reverse itself. As a corollary, it is the "furthest point" from Kether (and by extension Ain Soph) which is generally (mis)understood as a token of the one god.

Traditionally, Vamachara (OG LHP, BTW) taught exactly this method of attaining enlightenment. By embracing taboos (or the lowest of the low), one would attain the unstained mind (which is the highest of the high). Essentially a backdoor method to achieving sainthood by means of a life lived in sin. A shortcut. In the innermost Nyingma schools of Tibetan Buddhism, this practice is shortened into the Thregchod and Thodgal teachings, which lie within the gTerma "The Unstained Blade" among other lineage-traditions.  

Brittany McVean
Brittany McVean Sep 8 '15

Quote from Easy E
Quote from Brittany McVean I was wondering, what personal views does everybody here (if Satanist) - believe in, concerning Satanism?
I used to play a game with people once. It was called "pick the most Satanic tarot card." I think if you can make such a pick, and defend it ideologically with a straight emoji, you have at least some basis for your Satanism. Atu XV is cheating, btw. Try the Ten of Disks . . . 
What about the Eight of Cups? It symbolizes ideas and happenings that have reached the end, or full potential, giving rise to new ideas - such as in Satanism, where we are all learning and growing with it in some ways or another? It also represents perhaps new ideas for a better change - new information or outlooks on the path? Me being a Theistic, 
I feel it's important for us to constantly seek education, and new understanding in the path - even perfecting one's self to become the best you can be before physical death? As I know, I will never be done learning or growing, no matter how far down the Path I go.
Jason King
Jason King Sep 12 '15

Quote from FraterMoloch The only source to Satanism is Satan and that's why it's . . .
I hope you realize the problematic nature of this statement. Substituting terms for terms, one is left with Christianity. And Satanism is NOT Christianity with different labels. Watch my video here (the one everyone keep rating #1) to see a bit of the difference.
Andy Mohr
Andy Mohr Sep 12 '15
Plain simple: individualism, hedonism and materialism using Satan as an archetype.
Heh Sep 13 '15
Not to talk for anybody else, but Satan is a Christian invention because the very idea that Satan emerged from Lucifer is a Christian philosophy, being that 'Satan' is not a being in the bible but a statement (ah-satan - an adversary) and Lucifer came after Satan historically, being the Latin version of the bible was translated from Hebrew and/or Greek.

No, Satanism isn't a reaction to Christianity but a reaction to the slave-mentality of religion in general, at least from a LaVeyan standpoint. It is also a rich magical tradition all on its own from the Goetia, Qliphoth, and certain sects of vampirism.

Jason King
Jason King Sep 14 '15

Quote from FraterMoloch
Lucifer predates Christianity as he is a roman god and Satan was a name given to Lucifer later in the hebrew bible... 
This is not true as stated, and depends on a conflation of two parallel, yet distinct mythologies. And this error is only due to the use of Latin as the vulgar language of the 2nd stage Catholic Church (with Greek being the first).

The character in Isaiah 14 was named Helel ben Shahar, literally "son of dawn," who was identified astronomically with the planet Venus, commonly known as the Morning Star.

The minor Roman god Lucifer was also identified with said heavenly body, and so when translations needed to be made into Latin from Hebrew, Helel became Lucifer.

As we all know, the character of Satan was invented by the author of Job as a foil of sorts, yet an angel still admitted to heaven. Much later, when the Church Fathers were crafting their own mythos, they began to identify certain characters that were originally distinct. The Satan of Job, the Helel/Lucifer of Isaiah, and ultimately the nahash of Genesis were all combined into a character that ultimately resembled the Angra Mainyu/Ahriman of Babylonian Zoroastrianism. An anti-god, if you will.
Danniel Ford
Danniel Ford Sep 14 '15
On the most basic level Satanism is all about the self, thus egoism, hedonism, and materialism. This in general would suffice. But there are many pitfalls, for in seeking these one opens oneself to self delusion, egomania, and the other ills that come with being totally self centered. If Satanism is about self empowerment and self liberation than one risks becoming a victim of one's own power and ambition if one fallows such a path without knowing restraint and self control. To indulge in all so called sins one must be able to withstand one's indulgences and not become a slave to them. Otherwise what kind of Satanist are they? The point of such indulgence for Satanism is of course not to just transcend them and thus become imprevious to them, that would be more in line for some of the heretical Christian and Hebrew sects. The point is to actually satiate oneself - that is why it is matter over spirit - but always to do it without becoming prey and perishing oneself, that is power.
Owner/Admin Sep 14 '15
Well said. And agree with most of what you said. Although this can be found from the works of LaVey and others. So I really do not see anything new being brought to the table.
Heh Sep 15 '15

Quote from FraterMoloch

What are you trying to tell me? My point is just that the "demons" in the bible are all gods of ancient times and that's why it's only logic if these "demons" exists (including Satan/Lucifer) then they are gods and not angels or demons... No one knows who the founders of Satanism actually are other than those who wanted the honor for it... So, Satan is the only source to Satanism whatever we want it or not...

I am trying to tell you Satan predates Lucifer so Satan cannot be the name given to Lucifer since, you know, history. Yes, the demons of Christian myth are pre-Jewish gods but Lucifer is not part of that demonized pantheon no matter what you want to believe.

Satanism is defined by people's gnosis with the idea of Satan, so Satanism can, and is, defined in human terms by humans because it is not a philosophy or religion based upon prophecy, divine vision, or mystical experience, but working within nature, personal insight, and life altering results based magic (if magic is your thing). Because Anton LaVey wrote the Satanic Bible with a fluid but specific definition of the path and because it would not be a flourishing underground movement without the Satanc Bible being written, yes, Satanism is defined by humans and how the Satanist lives their lives and not by some deity.

The Forum post is edited by Heh Sep 15 '15
Brittany McVean
Brittany McVean Sep 15 '15

Quote from Heh
Quote from FraterMoloch Heh and Easy E 

What are you trying to tell me? My point is just that the "demons" in the bible are all gods of ancient times and that's why it's only logic if these "demons" exists (including Satan/Lucifer) then they are gods and not angels or demons... No one knows who the founders of Satanism actually are other than those who wanted the honor for it... So, Satan is the only source to Satanism whatever we want it or not...

I am trying to tell you Satan predates Lucifer so Satan cannot be the name given to Lucifer since, you know, history. Yes, the demons of Christian myth are pre-Jewish gods but Lucifer is not part of that demonized pantheon no matter what you want to believe.

Satanism is defined by people's gnosis with the idea of Satan, so Satanism can, and is, defined in human terms by humans because it is not a philosophy or religion based upon prophecy, divine vision, or mystical experience, but working within nature, personal insight, and life altering results based magic (if magic is your thing).

Satan, simply, is defined by how the Satanist lives their lives and not by some deity.

Do you have any sort of proof besides your own lips? Historical facts for instance?
Heh Sep 15 '15

Quote from Brittany McVean
Do you have any sort of proof besides your own lips? Historical facts for instance?
'The Satanic Bible' was published in 1969 AD and is the first public manuscript written with a clear presentation of Satanism from a non-Judeo-Christian perspective from a human that claims no ties of divine gnosis from the being Satan but to define a path for the rebel and the joker in human terms. 

SL MaGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley translated books such as the Goetia that deal with demonic magic in the 19th century magic but they are still written through the lense of Qablistic magic which is Judeo-Christian based (yes, Crowley was a Right-Hand Path magician although a bit eccentric).

After LaVey's initial Church of Satan organizations such as the Temple of Set, Order of Nine Angles (O9A), and the Greater Church of Lucifer (still in its infant stage) emerged. Each of these organizations (their websites are easily found via Google and you can purchase their books quite easily as well on state that Satanism (or Setianism for the Set folk) is defined by individual experience and perception:

"Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams" Anton Szandor LaVey, the Satanic Bible, Second Satanic Statement.

"What matters is the individual developing, from their own years-long (mostly decades long) practical experience, a personal weltanschauung: that is, discovering their own individual answers to certain questions concerning themselves, life, existence, the Occult, and the nature of Reality." Anton Long on Authority,

"The Temple of Set is an organization with one task: to provide an environment in which individuals discover, pursue, and realize their unique purpose and destiny." Patty A. Hardy IV*, High Priestess of Set,

"There are two major criteria for being considered a true lord (or lady) of the left-hand path: deification of the self and antinomianism." Stephen E. Flowers, Lords of the Left-Hand Path

"As individuals, we are accountable for all of our actions, good and negative and must be aware of this sobering fact. There is no governing deity or invisible authority which has this responsibility over us." Michael W. Ford, Jacob No, Jeremy Crow, Hope Marie, Wisdom of Eosphoros.

In the King James version of the Bible only in Isiah 14 does it name 'Lucifer' but in the side notes it says "or day star" and all of the references do not name Satan or Lucifer. In Daniel the fall refers to stars, in Revelations it refers to a dragon, but Lucifer nor Satan are named. When it comes to the idea that Satan and Lucifer are the same that is etymologically incorrect being that 'satan' is Hebrew for adversary and 'lucifer' is Latin for light bearer.

The Forum post is edited by Heh Sep 15 '15
Heh Sep 15 '15
You missed the point; LaVey laid the foundation for what is currently known as Satanism.

The passage you refer to is not helping your argument because if we take the passage on face value alone it would seem that Lucifer is a failure and kind of dick because he was cut down (probably by a badass sword) because he failed his nation.

The Christian Church utilized, and continues to utilize, the term Satanist as derogatory towards others not of their faith whether it is a Jew, Pagan, Buddhist or fellow Christian from a different sect. If that is the Satanism you are clinging to, fine, but your argument insists Satanism is a path towards enlightenment - which is laid out by modern authors and fellow Satanists not what the Vatican would term a Satanist.

Shawn Sep 15 '15
@OP: "I was wondering, what personal views does everybody here (if Satanist) - believe in, concerning Satanism? "

I'm not sure what you're asking. 

Are you asking me what I believe in, simply because I'm a Satanist? (If so, nothing. Satanism doesn't require that you 'believe in' anything. There's no 'adherents'.)

Or are you asking me what beliefs I have about Satanism itself? That would be a fun question but since it's a long one so I'll only answer it if that's what was asked.

Or... something else? 

Shawn Sep 16 '15
"I think it was a mistake LaVey wrote TSB as many people are easily mislead to believe Satanism has dogma.."

The idea that the Earth is round is a dogma if you never take the time to verify it first hand yourself.

Shawn Sep 16 '15

"No, science is not dogma."

That itself is a dogmatic statement, if you don't **verify it through first hand experience yourself.**

Shawn Sep 16 '15
And one you fail to understand and apply...
Shawn Sep 16 '15
Except when one accepts what one is told, instead of verifying it for themselves... 

Seriously, what practical first-hand research have you done to verify that the Earth is round? Unless you're into amateur astronomy, I'd say absolutely none. Otherwise, you've been told and swallowed it whole without question.

Whether or not it's true has no bearing on whether or not it's dogma. Only that you accept it as the truth without question. In doing that, you're really allowing some kind of authority to think for you -- whether that's 'god' or the discovery channel doesn't matter.

There are NO exceptions to the useful cliche "Question everything."

The Forum post is edited by Shawn Sep 16 '15
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