Do you have any sort of proof besides your own lips? Historical facts for instance?
'The Satanic Bible' was published in 1969 AD and is the first public manuscript written with a clear presentation of Satanism from a non-Judeo-Christian perspective from a human that claims no ties of divine gnosis from the being Satan but to define a path for the rebel and the joker in human terms.
SL MaGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley translated books such as the Goetia that deal with demonic magic in the 19th century magic but they are still written through the lense of Qablistic magic which is Judeo-Christian based (yes, Crowley was a Right-Hand Path magician although a bit eccentric).
After LaVey's initial Church of Satan organizations such as the Temple of Set, Order of Nine Angles (O9A), and the Greater Church of Lucifer (still in its infant stage) emerged. Each of these organizations (their websites are easily found via Google and you can purchase their books quite easily as well on state that Satanism (or Setianism for the Set folk) is defined by individual experience and perception:
"Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams" Anton Szandor LaVey, the Satanic Bible, Second Satanic Statement.
"What matters is the individual developing, from their own years-long (mostly decades long) practical experience, a personal weltanschauung: that is, discovering their own individual answers to certain questions concerning themselves, life, existence, the Occult, and the nature of Reality." Anton Long on Authority,
"The Temple of Set is an organization with one task: to provide an environment in which individuals discover, pursue, and realize their unique purpose and destiny." Patty A. Hardy IV*, High Priestess of Set,
"There are two major criteria for being considered a true lord (or lady) of the left-hand path: deification of the self and antinomianism." Stephen E. Flowers, Lords of the Left-Hand Path
"As individuals, we are accountable for all of our actions, good and negative and must be aware of this sobering fact. There is no governing deity or invisible authority which has this responsibility over us." Michael W. Ford, Jacob No, Jeremy Crow, Hope Marie, Wisdom of Eosphoros.
In the King James version of the Bible only in Isiah 14 does it name 'Lucifer' but in the side notes it says "or day star" and all of the references do not name Satan or Lucifer. In Daniel the fall refers to stars, in Revelations it refers to a dragon, but Lucifer nor Satan are named. When it comes to the idea that Satan and Lucifer are the same that is etymologically incorrect being that 'satan' is Hebrew for adversary and 'lucifer' is Latin for light bearer.