Does Satanism attract "failures"? | Forum

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Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 17 '21
Quote from Anna 

Idiots spewing out their unfounded claims and bullshit opinions deserve all the mockery in the world. 

And who are you to judge who are idiots and who are not?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 17 '21
Quote from Infernal Acumen Why is it that every forum topic starts off strong with relevant comments and then slowly decay into people just fighting and bickering amongst each other throwing insults, choosing sides in a non-existent war? Where did the maturity in the LHP community go?

Because they are not on the LHP... They are trolls who believe Satanism is all about being transgressive. 
Aborior Translatione

Good point. We should all be discussing what pretentious grimoire we are reading because we all have our heads shoved so far up the ass of inverted chistian imagery we can't see the mundane forest for herd-minded trees. 

As the true identity extends to our piddly macabre collections of stereotypical altar bullshit and books with symbols that scare Christians on them; we must collect these symbols and books to establish our identity as legitimate. For we are bound by our ETSY shipping orders!  

The circle jerk of pretentious faggotry you want is so comptemptable I am compelled to fuck with you. 

But you're actually useful. You keep the devil in business and forever obscured by nomian predilections with every stupid post about rituals and wanting it to be a normative religion (with chapters and doctrine) you do. 

Satanists are like entrepreneurs.  Is there a like classifications for all entrepreneurs? Or are the instances in which their entrepreneurial tact may arise so varied there is no way to classify what like things all entrepreneurs do other than be entrenprenurial? Maybe "all entrepreneurs make themselves thrive through their own initiative". 

And yes, it is that general.  The best satanic acts for this reason are usually from those that do it naturally without even acknowledging what they are doing. Their natural behavior is what does it. 


Take for example Hunter S. Thompson, EVERYTHING about him was LHP and ultimately "satanic".  And he didn't need an altar ordered online to do it, or association with an image. Just that, "make those bastards chase you, they will follow" mindset. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Sep 17 '21
Phil_Lopian Sep 17 '21
Does satanism attract failures?

Yes it does. It attracts huge failures, like Tom. Who desires for all men to be butthurt about girls like he, but he lacks the ability to get other guys to accept his MGTOW ideology, because unlike him, most guys here 1) don't suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, 2) don't have tiny dicks, 3) are not asexual like he is, & 4) are not Eurotwats. 

Please take your medication Tom. 

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 17 '21
Quote from Phil_Lopian Does satanism attract failures?

Yes it does. It attracts huge failures, like Tom. Who desires for all men to be butthurt about girls like he, but he lacks the ability to get other guys to accept his MGTOW ideology, because unlike him, most guys here 1) don't suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, 2) don't have tiny dicks, 3) are not asexual like he is, & 4) are not Eurotwats. 

Please take your medication Tom. 

I don't need to convert men to MGTOW. The whole new generation here of men will turn MGTOW by themselves and be a majority at the end of this decade. No matter how much you mocks me I will win in the end. 

The Forum post is edited by Tom Riddle Sep 17 '21
Phil_Lopian Sep 17 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Phil_Lopian Does satanism attract failures?

Yes it does. It attracts huge failures, like Tom. Who desires for all men to be butthurt about girls like he, but he lacks the ability to get other guys to accept his MGTOW ideology, because unlike him, most guys here 1) don't suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, 2) don't have tiny dicks, 3) are not asexual like he is, & 4) are not Eurotwats. 

Please take your medication Tom. 

I don't need to convert men to MGTOW. The whole new generation here of men will turn MGTOW by themselves and be a majority at the end of this decade. No matter how much you mocks me I will win in the end. 

"I'm a winner!"

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 17 '21
Quote from Phil_Lopian Does satanism attract failures?

Yes it does. It attracts huge failures, like Tom. Who desires for all men to be butthurt about girls like he, but he lacks the ability to get other guys to accept his MGTOW ideology, because unlike him, most guys here 1) don't suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, 2) don't have tiny dicks, 3) are not asexual like he is, & 4) are not Eurotwats. 

Please take your medication Tom. 

I forgot to ask... Do you really believe that only unattractive men hate women? What about these serial killers who only target women?
The Forum post is edited by Tom Riddle Sep 17 '21
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Sep 17 '21
Holy fuck, Tom. Shut the hell up!
Phil_Lopian Sep 17 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Phil_Lopian Does satanism attract failures?

Yes it does. It attracts huge failures, like Tom. Who desires for all men to be butthurt about girls like he, but he lacks the ability to get other guys to accept his MGTOW ideology, because unlike him, most guys here 1) don't suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, 2) don't have tiny dicks, 3) are not asexual like he is, & 4) are not Eurotwats. 

Please take your medication Tom. 

I forgot to ask... Do you really believe that only unattractive men hate women? What about these serial killers who only target women?
Most serial killers are not mentally healthy. You're not mentally healthy. It's called autism Tom. I don't know how they say autism in European. Maybe L'autisme, or Der Autismus. What faggoty European nanny state do you come from?
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 17 '21
Quote from Phil_Lopian 
Most serial killers are not mentally healthy. You're not mentally healthy. It's called autism Tom. I don't know how they say autism in European. Maybe L'autisme, or Der Autismus. What faggoty European nanny state do you come from?

Why do you want to put a diagnosis on me? I'm a normal person who just don't like women because of their entitlement and arrogance. If you consider MGTOW to be faggot you must then refer to US as MGTOW is most spread in the US. 
Phil_Lopian Sep 17 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Phil_Lopian If you consider MGTOW to be faggot you must then refer to US as MGTOW is most spread in the US. 

I have a hard time making sense of that sentence. Have you taken your medication today? You're so excited about talking about how much you hate women that you're babbling.

A "faggot" is a bundle of sticks, like a collection of fire wood. A "fag" is a stick, is one stick out of a faggot. If MGTOW consists of 1) only men, 2) all such men have dicks, then: 3) all of those dicks together is a faggot, & 4) therefore, by definition, you are a fag.

The Forum post is edited by Phil_Lopian Sep 17 '21
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Sep 17 '21

Quote from Anna
Quote from Infernal Acumen Why is it that every forum topic starts off strong with relevant comments and then slowly decay into people just fighting and bickering amongst each other throwing insults, choosing sides in a non-existent war? Where did the maturity in the LHP community go?

Because it's entertaining. Or let's put it this way: You see a mouse and you just can't help it.

Idiots spewing out their unfounded claims and bullshit opinions deserve all the mockery in the world. And before anyone cries that it's unfair, remember that they have the whole arsenal of logic arguments and rhetorical tools at their disposal to defend themselves with. If someone is too stupid to use it, then the victim status is even more deserved.

If that is what you find to be the best and most productive or fulfilling use of your time... to each their own. I'm not going to judge anyone.


What I would prefer to do is find the differences we have and talk our way through them to better understand various view points, share our view points, and get feedback on both. In my opinion, that is more enlightening. 

Phil_Lopian Sep 17 '21
You're going to learn the hard way Infernal Acne, that people don't really give a shit what you have or will have to say. The question is: how long will it take for you to realize that. 

This forum has been around for over 10 years. Every now and then a new cowboy like you wanders into this saloon, all idealistic, with dreams and projects. They shoot their mouth off for a month, two months, three, or four, and then realize that they have no audience [re: no one is actually listening or cares]. And then they all leave.

Very few have the intelligence [and/or social skills] to learn how to build an audience after realizing that no one cares. A random forum of people [or a forum of random people] is not an audience that cares what you have to say. 

The Forum post is edited by Phil_Lopian Sep 17 '21
Anna Sep 18 '21

Quote from Infernal Acumen

What I would prefer to do is find the differences we have and talk our way through them to better understand various view points, share our view points, and get feedback on both. In my opinion, that is more enlightening. 

This is possible if the presented arguments are valid and can be subject to a discussion. Sorry but I have a hard time taking seriously a fool who repeats over and over again the same nonsense like a wind-up toy while ignoring all the contr-arguments and refusing to do the proper research to back up his silly claims.

And it's nothing personal. Stay assured that, if I ventured here posting endlessly about how all men hate and abuse women, that all women should abandon their partners and adopt cats instead and that only women who live with their cats like me are truly Satanic, that would attract the same amount of ridicule. This is because people who are if only a little bit wiser than an average idiot find the victim mentality abhorrent.

Sure, your lifestyle is your choice. Strangers here don't know you well enough to properly evaluate your life. But if you start posting semi-literate butthurt bullshit that smells of some deep unresolved PTSD, then the reaction will be predictable. I'm not talking about you, it's a general statement. Stupidity doesn't deserve any respect. Neither does victimhood.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Sep 18 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 18 '21
Quote from Phil_Lopian 

A "faggot" is a bundle of sticks, like a collection of fire wood. A "fag" is a stick, is one stick out of a faggot. If MGTOW consists of 1) only men, 2) all such men have dicks, then: 3) all of those dicks together is a faggot, & 4) therefore, by definition, you are a fag.

Shaming language won't help your cause. I also find it funny if you truly are a female as you claim because you look like a male hippie idiot.
The Forum post is edited by Tom Riddle Sep 18 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 18 '21
Quote from Anna 

This is possible if the presented arguments are valid and can be subject to a discussion. Sorry but I have a hard time taking seriously a fool who repeats over and over again the same nonsense like a wind-up toy while ignoring all the contr-arguments and refusing to do the proper research to back up his silly claims.

What you call "counter-arguments" is just manipulating rhetoric. You are a big fool if you don't deep inside know it's bullshit.

Quote from Anna 

And it's nothing personal. Stay assured that, if I ventured here posting endlessly about how all men hate and abuse women, that all women should abandon their partners and adopt cats instead and that only women who live with their cats like me are truly Satanic, that would attract the same amount of ridicule. This is because people who are if only a little bit wiser than an average idiot find the victim mentality abhorrent.

We are at the point at society where women who do what you say here are "empowered" and "brave" while if men walk away from women because they won't tolerate their feminist bullshit then they are "InCels", "faggots with tiny dicks", "losers". It's bullshit and the good thing is that shaming language have help the MGTOW cause as more men are beginning to wake up to this bullshit.

Quote from Anna Neither does victimhood.

Women get political power and influence by playing the victimhood. That's how feminism works. 

Anna Sep 18 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Anna 

This is possible if the presented arguments are valid and can be subject to a discussion. Sorry but I have a hard time taking seriously a fool who repeats over and over again the same nonsense like a wind-up toy while ignoring all the contr-arguments and refusing to do the proper research to back up his silly claims.

What you call "counter-arguments" is just manipulating rhetoric. You are a big fool if you don't deep inside know it's bullshit.

Quote from Anna 

And it's nothing personal. Stay assured that, if I ventured here posting endlessly about how all men hate and abuse women, that all women should abandon their partners and adopt cats instead and that only women who live with their cats like me are truly Satanic, that would attract the same amount of ridicule. This is because people who are if only a little bit wiser than an average idiot find the victim mentality abhorrent.

We are at the point at society where women who do what you say here are "empowered" and "brave" while if men walk away from women because they won't tolerate their feminist bullshit then they are "InCels", "faggots with tiny dicks", "losers". It's bullshit and the good thing is that shaming language have help the MGTOW cause as more men are beginning to wake up to this bullshit.

Quote from Anna Neither does victimhood.

Women get political power and influence by playing the victimhood. That's how feminism works. 

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 18 '21
This is what I love with talking about MGTOW. It tricks women so much that they exposes their hypocrisy.
Anna Sep 18 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle This is what I love with talking about MGTOW. It tricks women so much that they exposes their hypocrisy.

My hypocrisy? You spend an inordinate amount of time explaining and asserting your position. Yet, you're so incompetent in that (to put it mildly) that you didn't manage to drag even one person onto your side. On the contrary, the audience enthusiastically participates in your humiliation. Nobody stands by you and against your opponents. This is not a fight or a debate. It's a metaphorical gang rape and, as such, it is your intellectual failure.

Sure, it's only a forum but, considering the amount of time and energy you invest here, it's quite significant for you. And although you will predictably say again "I don't care. I'm right even if all are against me", no prolific writer or loquacious forum user is going to convince me they are writing for themselves. This is bullshit.

For all the years you've made no progress. You've been giving a mediocre yet hilarious show, like this guy. (Hope the video is available outside Poland) Now go fuck yourself.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Sep 18 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 18 '21
Quote from Anna 

My hypocrisy? You spend an inordinate amount of time explaining and asserting your position. Yet, you're so incompetent in that (to put it mildly) that you didn't manage to drag even one person onto your side. On the contrary, the audience enthusiastically participates in your humiliation. Nobody stands by you and against your opponents. This is not a fight or a debate. It's a metaphorical gang rape and, as such, it is your intellectual failure.

Sure, it's only a forum but, considering the amount of time and energy you invest here, it's quite significant for you. And although you will predictably say again "I don't care. I'm right even if all are against me", no prolific writer or loquacious forum user is going to convince me they are writing for themselves. This is bullshit.

You also spend a lot of energy on me and this forum trying to take me down and since it has not worked and my ego is not destroyed YOU are the failure. Consider this that you all try to take me down, you mock me, you bully me and even come with death threats. it proves how huge effect I have on you. You clearly care about me. I reminds you that you are nothing IRL.

Quote from Anna 

For all the years you've made no progress. You've been giving a mediocre yet hilarious show, like this guy. (Hope the video is available outside Poland) Now go fuck yourself.

Yes but what has that to do with me making progress IRL? 
The Forum post is edited by Tom Riddle Sep 18 '21
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