Does Satanism attract "failures"? | Forum

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Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 21 '21
These figures can be a bit deceiving though if not all factors are taken into consideration. A considerable factor that I've noticed is how much some pay for rent/lease.

Some pay ridiculous amounts for rent whereas if you own the real estate a measly 140 for property tax, and even less if you qualify for homestead exemption as compared to a grand more or less for a rental unit or whatever.

It appears though, as is the case, that from an initial standpoint, the revenue required to lessen the burden is too great to overcome.

Anna Jun 21 '21
Actually, with some pretty decent savings, my mom's life policy and some lands I inherited recently after my dad passed away I don't have to struggle to make ends meet. Some additional part time job would be welcome though if only for the sake of satisfying my personal ambition. It's not that easy to find.
Baphomets Mod
Baphomets Jun 21 '21
Simple - meeting personal goals is success. Not meeting those goals is failure. Money does not equal success.

Satanism, just like Christianity, is full of hypocrites. Most self- proclaimed Satanists SHOULD possess that inherent quality to strive for personal greatness - whether it's making new friends, acquiring material posessions, thieving and criminal activity, making tons of money, or even lying to pedestrians claiming homelessness on the street corner for a few more bucks, you name it.
To me, failure is never having goals. Never trying to improve yourself. If you're a teacher, be the best damn teacher you can be. If you are a gamer, be a great gamer. If you're a criminal, be a damn good one. If you're a cop, be a good one. If you are a liar, lie well. Set goals, meet them, even if it means squashing anyone in your path to greatness.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 21 '21
Quote from Anna Actually, with some pretty decent savings, my mom's life policy and some lands I inherited recently after my dad passed away I don't have to struggle to make ends meet. Some additional part time job would be welcome though if only for the sake of satisfying my personal ambition. It's not that easy to find.

That's good, you deserve that, and on some of your free time you come in here and write some very intelligent shit, and I enjoy reading it, not to mention your weeding(et al) of the Satanic Garden has always been observed and enjoyed by me, especially when you wear that short nurses skirt instead of those boring pants, makes me want to wrestle with you :)

Wolfie Jun 22 '21

Baphomets, what you wrote reminds me of Gerald Gardner's Wiccan Rede. He wrote, "An it harm none, do as ye will." (The first part of that is untenable in real life, of course.) You say, if I may paraphrase: "Excel, and do what you will." I like this so much that I made a meme out of it. In honor of its provenance I used the image of Baphomet. I now think of this as the Luciferian Rede. See pic.

Incidentally, as you may know, your viewpoint would have resonated with the ancient Greeks, whose concept of virtue matched our modern concept of excellence.


Geraldo Respuesta NUTZ
Geraldo Respuesta Jun 22 '21

Quote from Cornelius Coburn I guess I'm somewhere above the halfway point between you two. Sometimes I have lots leftover, and on occasion not enough, like today with the alternator BS and having to buy more tools.
Anna is still more well off than I. My wages do not go very far. 

Rent in my apartment is $4.90 a square foot. Which is market average for a studio. Closer to 4 for a One Bedroom. 

Or converted for Poland a One Bedroom of 600 Square feet would run around 8,000 PLN ($2,175 USD) a month. That same apartment in San Francisco is 11,800/month PLN ($3,200 USD) 

That's the gentrified urban way! 

Expensive and recently constructed or ancient, restored, and even more expensive because it's all marble and shit. 

The Forum post is edited by Geraldo Respuesta Jun 22 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 23 '21
Quote from Geraldo Respuesta
Anna is still more well off than I. My wages do not go very far. 

Rent in my apartment is $4.90 a square foot. Which is market average for a studio. Closer to 4 for a One Bedroom. 

Or converted for Poland a One Bedroom of 600 Square feet would run around 8,000 PLN ($2,175 USD) a month. That same apartment in San Francisco is 11,800/month PLN ($3,200 USD) 

That's the gentrified urban way! 

Expensive and recently constructed or ancient, restored, and even more expensive because it's all marble and shit.

I remember back in '88 this dude that me and my girlfriend knew had returned from Connecticut and said to the effect (paraphrased) "you gotta come to Danbury. The place is fuckin' awesome". So he drove 400 miles from Danbury to Bangor, ME to get us not knowing if we would even go, but we did.

The dude was an artist and painted custom signs and other similar shit and he was makin' a killin' I guess. Brought back a mason jar full of killer green buds that we smoked on the ride back, but the guy drove like a fuckin maniac, used to be a cop(or so he said). I asked my GF if she was scared and her reply "a little".

I remember thinking the apartments were expensive but that the wages were really good and made up for it. She got a job working at a Rite Aid and I got one at Radio Shack after they made me watch some stupid video. I also worked at a place called Amazing Stores for a while and have never seen another since.

Anyway, she got homesick after a while and split on me back to Maine, and I followed her soon after and ended up working at a Best Western Senator Inn in the salad room for a measly 4.25 hour. The best thing about that was that the job was easy and the break room was right next to me. Me and a friend(line cook) used to smoke weed in the bathroom and he showed me a trick with the air hand dryer how he would spin the blower head around to get rid of the smell. I still got caught once though.

The Forum post is edited by Cornelius Coburn Jun 23 '21
Phil_Lopian Sep 14 '21
Yes it does. Modern Satanists fail at everything. Can you do this:

 And this:

Dantalion Sep 15 '21
Depends on what you gauge as “failure”. There’s some people that do well career wise but suck at the rest of the things in their life (family, hobbies, volunteer work, etc..) Then there’s some people that suck career wise but do well life wise. My definition of someone that is successful is someone that can keep a good balance of all those things. Also, if your gauging success by how much money someone has, someone with a college degree and a good job isn’t going to have as much money as someone without a college degree and an O.K job. Student loans are expensive.
Infernal Acumen Member
Infernal Acumen Sep 15 '21
In short: "Yes"



HOWEVER, we must consider the context by which we are viewing how actions are considered a success or failure. Due to our sociological nurturing over time we, in society, have become embedded with a poster-boy image of what success and failure are. (ie: Young, attractive, rich, muscular physique, straight white teeth, facial symmetry, etc.) The further one deviates from the socially accepted norm the better or worse they will be viewed and treated by others within the same cultural group.



The Left Hand Path isn't one that has light shinning upon it as the road approved by society to lead towards the circle of success. Therefore, the negative stigma that is associated with the LHP automatically allows the seams to crack in one's personal image by being of an adversarial mindset/religion/philosophy; being different. There are typical left and right lateral limits to society's acceptance. The LHP is way past those acceptable boundaries. People in general, do not start off in life outside those boundaries. A series of events takes place in their life which directs them towards being outside of society's acceptable boundaries of cultural norms. (ie: being bullied, philosophy school assignments, childhood development, etc.) This strong degree of deviation carries negative labels. (ie: outcast, freak, failure, etc.) Once we, mentally/psychologically/religious, establish ourselves comfortably in this no-man's land in some fashion we stumble upon the LHP or the other extreme of the cultural norms. We explore that area which seems more fitting than that which outcasts us.



Its unfortunate that society pushes so many people outside of their little box of acceptance. Such is the way of the keeping-up-with-the-Jones' mentality society is constantly pushing on us via the latest iPhone, Chevy Silverado, music playlist, etc. Because so many get pushed out, so many find the LHP. There are those who truly find their home along the LHP. We are the few and far between, the exceptional, the educated, the superior in knowledge/experience and ability; the true Alien Elite. 


Then, there are those who simply test the waters. They want to see if its where they belong. They will find out real quick whether or not the LHP is the correct path for them. These are the ones you are speaking of and seem to be observing the most, because they are so numerable. They are outcasts who are not actual LHP practitioners, but just taking the free sample bit at the mall passing by the shopping centers. These are more prevalent, because very few are as elite as we.


I can't say I fit society's acceptable view of success, however I am more than experienced, being head and shoulders above my peers in multitudinal aspects of a professional career. 15 years of dancing in the professional circus before I finally quit. Now, I'm retired. Glad I'm retired. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not rich, but I can pay the bills and dedicate my life to truth along the LHP. I couldn't ask for much else in life.


Hopefully this accurately answers your questions.

Best of luck!

Anna Sep 15 '21
This is a silly topic really. I mean failure is the result of one's actions. It is the inevitable part of human life. Consider, for example, applying for the job or training for some sport or learning something. How many times must you fail before you can succeed? Do your failures make you a failure? For the healthy mind there is the clear boundary between the very being, the core of the person and his/her actions. "You're more than you do and what happens to you" comes to mind and, while it can read like a platitude, if understood properly, it can serve as a foundation to build your self-confidence on. The point is that if you believe you have the potential to change and evolve, then you're less likely to treat temporary failures, hardships and weaknesses as something that ultimately define your very Self. It's very important in building resilience - the ability to derive strength from inwards rather than external circumstances that keep changing and once are favorable and other times adverse. It's often said that it's not important how many times you fall but how many times you get up but how you can recover from your failures if you identify them with yourself?

I think that the religion can come useful in that regard. I mean all the teachings about being God's child or having the divine spark one needs to nurture might be regarded as a pipe dream but they also help many people to get over the life adversities because they identify with their deity and not their shortcomings. It can also be the root of complacency and laziness, this is true. But if it works, then it works.

darkravenus666 Sep 15 '21
i dont think it does 
Aborior Translatione

Satanism attracts the same crowd as tobacco companies in the MTV video age. Also the anarchiatic punks, Aspergers kids, stoners, freaks, queers, Star Wars nerds with an affinity for the darkside, bullied kids, and white kids that grew up rough or were forced to mature at 11 when it became apparent how hostile and dysfunctional their life would be. Sometimes many of the above. It attracts all the failures at "being like everyone else" whether by atypical mental wiring or childhood. 

Also attracted are kids who faced adversity because of religiosity. They often start as "Fuck You, Hail Lord Satan" rebels and either eventually get reborn or find their center in Eastern philosophy at 36. 

And also fans of Mike Patton.

Still, checks out for the most part.

From the album: The Raging Wrath of The Easter Bunny Demo

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Sep 15 '21
Phil_Lopian Sep 15 '21
There is only one way to find out if Satanism attracts failures [re: incompetent people]: make a Satanic group/organization/church/etc with the average cross section of Satanists, and see what becomes of said group/org/etc. By their fruits ye shall know them. 

This forum is made up of thousands of Satanists...  

The Forum post is edited by Phil_Lopian Sep 15 '21
Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Sep 15 '21
That last bit of Annas' post got me thinking about religious existential advantages, and how/why those 'advantages' are mostly disregarded as self-serving, unfounded, and biased, and one should be wary because of that, but not so as to overlook, or ignore any positive aspects because of that. Which would be tantamount to throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Anna Sep 15 '21

Quote from Phil_Lopian There is only one way to find out if Satanism attracts failures [re: incompetent people]: make a Satanic group/organization/church/etc with the average cross section of Satanists, and see what becomes of said group/org/etc. By their fruits ye shall know them. 

This forum is made up of thousands of Satanists...  

But this is such an awesome idea!

I can't believe that for all those fucking ten years you haven't tried it yourself! Not even once or twice. Come on! 

It would be a valuable experience. Pathei mathos and all that jazz. You would have something to write about. Think about it.

The Forum post is edited by Anna Sep 15 '21
Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 16 '21
I think Satanism attracts 2 kind of individuals. The transgressive and the individualist who just wants to be satisfied. The transgressive is often a result of being victim of sexual or mentally child abuse. These people can be seen as failures because they never managed to get over their past and it's therefor reflected in the transgressive symbolism which is seen on the left hand path. 
Phil_Lopian Sep 16 '21
Didn't you say that already Tom? 

So you were raped as a child?

When are you going to get into that Absurd Transgressive tread and tell us what transgressive things you have done?

Tom Riddle
Tom Riddle Sep 16 '21
Quote from Phil_Lopian

So you were raped as a child?

No. I'm not one of the transgressive.
Phil_Lopian Sep 16 '21

Quote from Tom Riddle
Quote from Phil_Lopian

So you were raped as a child?

No. I'm not one of the transgressive.
I see. You fall into the autistic spectrum. Which kind of schizophrenia do you have: Catatonic or Paranoid? 
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