Please enjoy simply repeating "Satan encourages free thought" ad nauseum -- that's easy, and requires NO thought.
...point out that LaVey was full of shit while forgetting that Stupidity is the #1 Satanic Sin. Yup, not being stupid. That's so full of shit.
Until i was provided with an elaboration on "Stupidity is the #1 Satanic Sin" i used to simply maintain that those who were asserting that something unchangeable (stupidity) was a moral failure were in fact being stupid and therefore sinning. This served to make lots of LaVeyans and their dogmatic followers stupid. It's funny that it took going to someone else of Jewish background who was saying something similar to get me the gist of it. I figure most Satanists employing it are simply hot to call people stupid. Maybe it makes them feel smart or constitutes a kind of disinformation weirdness to make fun of those whom they think are morons by calling them Satanic Sinners. It does nothing for those who are called on it, usually, because either the person isn't a moron and the accusation is lost on them or the person is a moron and the accusation becomes itself moronic. Welcome to the Monkey House.
There is no "satanic sin" other than your blind faith in a satanic sin...
I'm sorry, Frater, but this is demonstrably false. Not only that, early Satanists detailed a whole list of Satanic Sins which i know you have seen. Just because you don't acknowledge them as such doesn't mean that they don't exist.
Now what are they, and what are they intended to achieve? That's another matter entirely. Arguably they set out some of the social divide in terms of morality or tactics. Lines were drawn by CoSatanists and these were important enough for them to call them 'sins' and publish them in their books.
Now that's a good question.
The whole 'Stupidity is Sin' thing makes sense if you are talking about particular actions which are demonstrably stupid actions taken by otherwise smart people. Those with intelligence have no excuse for their action and therefore they may be faulted MORALLY for their inattentiveness, follies, or futility.
Therefore, Frater, i think you are mistaken and i don't think you have any basis for what you are saying here. The rational alternative is that early Satanists were themselves stupid and all sinful, which seems a bit harsh.
"The man was a businessman and I'm pretty sure he never revealed his real satanic beliefs. Satanism is originally a cult religion but I consider it to be good LaVey published Satanism despite the fact he was just a businessman."
Being a businessman is Satanic. And that's all I'm going to say about that. ;)
The whole 'Stupidity is Sin' thing makes sense if you are talking about particular actions which are demonstrably stupid actions taken by otherwise smart people. Those with intelligence have no excuse for their action and therefore they may be faulted MORALLY for their inattentiveness, follies, or futility