Does Satanism attract "failures"? | Forum

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johnnywatts Chapter Head
johnnywatts Sep 30 '15

Quote from FraterLuciferi
Anna admit she is not a Satanist and she has therefore NO experiences to contribute to the satanic self development... Satanism has no founders and no scriptures to teach you about Satanism and being a Satanist... Theism, atheism, agnostics, traditional etc are actually pointless terms in Satanism because your beliefs may changes during your satanic self development as the wind... My beliefs has changed many times during my life as a Satanist. My beliefs last time I was here are not the same today and it's actually also the reason why I have changed name...
Frater, you know you've been intellectually defeated if all you can do is make an appeal to another's credibility (or lack thereof).
ShadowLover Member
ShadowLover Oct 2 '15
And this is where I am really screwed because I believe "in love" is simply chemical, but being Libran, still search for it. But being aware of this, in the past when I played kinky games with men, I could create a platform where such feelings could be created. Wo is me - a logical romantic. LOL!
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Oct 7 '15
There are a lot of  ocult satanist who are very rich ,  famous, successful and powerful,  some of them are owners of  banks, huge factories and hotels chains,  the mayority of satanists are very educated and owners of great extentions of landscape,  they have big houses and food on their tables all the time, many satanists are leaders in goverment offices and private sectors, they are generals  and have higher ranks in different armies , many atanists are  famous mucitians , scientifics, writers and the best in any university  carriers . 

I could continue listing all the areas where I have found successful satanists, some of them are leading the whole world in all areas of life. I don't think these are " failures " ,  I could  mention names of presidents who were and are satanists,  I could write  names of a lot of persons who are part of the details I wrote before, but that could brake the secrecy  and shadow were they prefer to be, and I don't betray my friends.  It is  enough to mention that according to my own experience I haven't  met "failures" satanist, but,just by being a  "Satanist" it's a success. 

Pusher Mod
Pusher Oct 7 '15

Quote from berardo Rodriguez There are a lot of  ocult satanist who are very rich ,  famous, successful and powerful,  some of them are owners of  banks, huge factories and hotels chains,  the mayority of satanists are very educated and owners of great extentions of landscape,  they have big houses and food on their tables all the time, many satanists are leaders in goverment offices and private sectors, they are generals  and have higher ranks in different armies , many atanists are  famous mucitians , scientifics, writers and the best in any university  carriers . 

I could continue listing all the areas where I have found successful satanists, some of them are leading the whole world in all areas of life. I don't think these are " failures " ,  I could  mention names of presidents who were and are satanists,  I could write  names of a lot of persons who are part of the details I wrote before, but that could brake the secrecy  and shadow were they prefer to be, and I don't betray my friends.  It is  enough to mention that according to my own experience I haven't  met "failures" satanist, but,just by being a  "Satanist" it's a success. 

This mess looks like it was written by a fourth grader with three finders. You need to step it upa lot. Seriously dude. Not only is this comment just retarded, but the grammar is horrible. I guess they go hand in hand with most.

Quote from berardo Rodriguez the mayority of satanists are very educated and owners of great extentions of landscape,  they have big houses and food on their tables all the time, many satanists are leaders in goverment offices and private sectors, they are generals  and have higher ranks in different armies , many atanists are  famous mucitians , scientifics, writers and the best in any university  carriers . 

Hopefully I have translated this correctly. Did you drop your phone on its head when you bought it? Even your auto correct and spell check is retarded.

So you know all these rich and powerful 'atanists' in the 'goverment' ? Interesting.

You have stated that the 'mayority' of Satanists are educate? What happened to you? You go on to talk about the majority of Satanists being rich and powerful. Seriously? The majority of people who identify or call themselves Satanist are buffoons. Take a look around. Although maybe if is hard to spot if you are thick in the middle.


Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Oct 8 '15
No , it was not. This mess was written by  a second grader with two fingers. Satanists  are the most powerful people on earth,  I'm not talking about  only of the people within this site, but in general, if you consider yourself a " failure " that's you, but it doesn't  mean that Satanism is full of that, of course  there are many like me who grew up in  poverty and on the streets, but when I  realized I was a Satanist,  my perception of  life changed . I do not see any satanist as a failurer, but as a victorious and succeful person. We are the ones who will control the whole world. 
Berardo Rodriguez Member
Berardo Rodriguez Oct 9 '15
Pusher : I really appreciate the hard job you're doing to prevent grammar mistakes in the posts or forums. I  understand it is a difficult job to do. In my  case,  I'll try my best to write better posts, in the grammar issue  and in the deepest philosophical thought.  I apologize for my grammar errors.  Let's do our best to demonstrate that we are clever people in a very elevated   organization  of satanists. 
Shawn Oct 13 '15
@tem12: Freedom isn't something that can be given. Or taken, for that matter. It's more like Satanism is a message "Freedom is possible." It's up to the individual to be free, which really means it's up to the individual to be an individual. :)
Padowan Oct 13 '15

What's wrong with failures? It's just proof you do not accept someone else's standards and expectations.

Show me one 'successful' person that has never failed. It takes far more failures than successes to reach a level of accomplishment in whatever endeavor you choose to pursue.

You specify the Satanists that choose to live idly and on the fringe of poverty, that choose not to 'improve' themselves. Satanism is a philosophy of the individual. Breaking free of cultural conditioning is part of becoming an individual. 'Success' doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what goals you pursue if you ever pursue any. It doesn't matter if you keep changing your mind. It's your life.

I believe the OP has latched onto the cultural belief that self-improvement is about notches in an accomplishment belt that straps you into a false sense of security. Problem is, life has a way of yanking that belt off every now and then and beating you with its 'protection' while your pants are falling down.

Success is a personal, subjective standard. So is failure.

They are both illusions.

Life is just experience.

Shawn Oct 13 '15
^ Oh the irony...
Padowan Oct 13 '15

Quote from FraterLuciferi
Quote from Padowan

What's wrong with failures? 

Show me one 'successful' person that has never failed. 

We discuss Satanism as a religion who attracts failures...
 Satanism attracts free thinkers but also delusional assholes...


If you are going to quote me do not misrepresent my words and place them out of order. It changes the context.

I don't practice Satanism as a religion.

I don't practice any religion.

Faiths of all kinds attract delusional assholes, as I am sure you are aware.

I believe you missed my point entirely on failures.

Padowan Oct 14 '15
Let me clarify: I used 'Faith' in the context of religion. Not basic faith in oneself or your potential impact upon your own life.

Regardless if Satanism is a religion or not, I stated I do not practice it as such. I made a statement in direct reference to my personal involvement with Satanism, as a philosophy. I did this to assist our discussion. If you continue to refer to religious aspects, on a thread pertaining to failure, we will have very little to discuss as we are not starting from the same premise.
I appreciate and respect your personal choice in how you practice Satanism.
I think it's not too much to ask the same respect.
The Forum post is edited by Padowan Oct 14 '15
Padowan Oct 14 '15


Maybe this might help you better understand my philosophy.

The Forum post is edited by Padowan Oct 14 '15
Anna Oct 14 '15

Quote from FraterLuciferi

Philosophies are not based on mythological figures and symbols, so I can't see how people can claim Satanism to be a philosophy...

This is the most ignorant statement one could utter. The boundary between philosophy and religion is often so blurred that no wonder there is no consensus whether Satanism is a religion or a philosophy. It's not true that there are no religious or mythical elements in philosophy. One obvious example would be Plato, the most famous myth maker. His philosophical writings are full of supernatural elements taken from traditional myths and some new ones that he himself invented. If you read or even browse through at least some of his Dialogues, especially "Phaedrus", you'll see that he refers to gods, nymphs, talks about the origin and nature of the soul etc. Not to mention medieval Christian or Buddhist philosophers.

Quote from FraterLuciferiSatanism is in fact a religion but differs just a lot from other religions because Satan promotes free thinking and individualism in oppose to the other mythological gods... 

What other mythological gods? Wasn't Buddha an individualist and a free-thinker too? Didn't he leave his confinement in the palace to gain wisdom? Can't we say Artemis and Athena were model feminists? They were strong and independent females and quite unique compared to other Greek gods. What about Tiamat that some Satanists revere?

"I'm tied of people teaching others about subjects they in reality don't get or even are a part of..."

And I'm tired of a guy who's talking out of his ass all the time and can't even spell properly. Sticking feathers up your butt doesn't make you a chicken.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Oct 14 '15
Padowan Oct 18 '15


This is interesting. Take a look and maybe start a new thread. There is the possibility that myth is a function of philosophy, just as is metaphor, narrative and analogy.

"Myth inculcates beliefs. It is efficient in making the less philosophically inclined, as well as children (cf. Republic 377a ff.), believe noble things."

Plato's Myths

Troll Member
Troll Oct 19 '15
The issue isn't just whether Satanism attracts failures or those without power who are attempting to supplement, leech, or otherwise obtain what they do not now have. We can agree that this is a commonplace.

The issue is whether there is part of Satanism which is NOT of this character, composed of those who are self-sovereign, who consort or confraternize with co-equals, share tips on, reflect on, and disclose for those with eyes to see methods of self-empowerment and means and measures of achievement leading to success.

There are numerous feints in this area, from witchcraft to Thelema, striking off of early self-help and self-development systems. Modalities of thinking, identification of solid sustained power, and the prospects for acquisition of this in person and by control, are the typical instructions of those who are worthy of attention.

Where the vector of success/failure becomes important, signs of success ("What works?" "What is an actual symptom of success and what can be faked?") are only the first serious consideration in getting to know the former and avoiding the latter.


Padowan Oct 19 '15


Of course you don't.

Quote from  FraterLuciferi  (Bold and underline my own)

"There are no philosophies with mythological elements, but there are religions with philosophical thinkers..."

Padowan Oct 19 '15

@ Frater

Of which philosophy is the basis for myth.

Philosophy => Myth/Narrative => Belief => Religion

Philosophy => Satan => Belief in Deity => Theistic

Philosophy => Satan => Belief in Logic => Atheistic

Anna Oct 19 '15

Quote from FraterLuciferi

It's your problem and not mine... I'm just relating to the fact that you are not a Satanist and are not able to teach people about being a Satanist...

What the hell are you talking about? Am I teaching you how to be a Satanist or am I simply pointing out your bullshit? You wrote there are no mythological elements in philosophy which is simply bullshit. Now you try to back-paddle from it and say you meant something different. Make up your mind dude or, better, do your homework before you start pontificating.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Oct 19 '15
Padowan Oct 19 '15


I go with the bullshit meter.

Padowan Oct 20 '15
You are unclear as to what Slander even means. Pointing out someone's inconsistencies even among their own arguments is exposing self-deceit, not slander.
It's far more authentic than spouting out self righteous pretentiousness.

Besides, as much as Frater may deviate from an argument at hand he can certainly hold his own.
The Forum post is edited by Padowan Oct 20 '15
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