Weekly Themed Live Chats | Forum

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johnnywatts Chapter Head
johnnywatts Aug 3 '15
Hello everyone,

After some suggestion from a fellow user here, I'm going to try hosting weekly themed live chats. For now, I'm hosting these chats under the banner of SIN Indiana Chapter, unless Zach himself wants to get in on the action.

Basically, we'll have a Google Hangout/Skype/TinyChat with specific themes.

I'm thinking every Monday at 9pm-12am EST. Themes can include:

-Discussing topics relating to Satanism



-Boobs (if we find enough people willing to do it)

It's still an idea in its infancy, so if you have suggestions please PM me or post it here. Also, I want to hear what SIN thinks.

Thank you.

EDIT: Here's a Doodle poll. If you want to participate in this Live Chat, please answer the poll on when you're available. Remember, its based on EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Please convert your respective time zones when answering. You can select your time zone on the top right of the poll, right above the checkboxes.


The Forum post is edited by johnnywatts Aug 4 '15
Kat Chapter Head
Kat Aug 4 '15


Sounds like a great idea and a good plan to have more structure in the chats and get people talking as occasionally it can go quiet. Unfortunately I can't get involved because of time differences, but hope it goes well.


johnnywatts Chapter Head
johnnywatts Aug 4 '15

Quote from Kat692


Sounds like a great idea and a good plan to have more structure in the chats and get people talking as occasionally it can go quiet. Unfortunately I can't get involved because of time differences, but hope it goes well.


I'll put up a poll soon so people can vote on when they can join in. I'll put it at a time where the majority can join.

The Forum post is edited by johnnywatts Aug 4 '15
Millsy Member
Millsy Nov 20 '15
why not do a live chat meeting on SIN?
Rich6Belial6Wilkinson6 Member

Quote from Millsy why not do a live chat meeting on SIN?
I second the above question. 
Rich6Belial6Wilkinson6 Member
I'm usually on SIN throughout the day. I get on daily. Are you still doing chats? I haven't seen anything about it. Also,I live in Indiana. So time isn't an issue for me. 
Corvus Corax Member
Corvus Corax Dec 7 '15
Good idea, if implementation is possible, this would be fun.
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