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talisman Jun 15 '21

Quote from beware the only problem with this place is that its lacking initiates and esoteric knowledge

you are all satinists in your mind, but to the real satanists... this is more cringe than just roleplay

You might even consider yourself as an initiate. 
Satanist since more than a decade

Quote from beware 

you are all satinists in your mind, but to the real satanists... this is more cringe than just roleplay

Indeed. Hence my more active return. 
Time to introduce a bit more than bickering.
Anna Jun 16 '21

Quote from beware the only problem with this place is that its lacking initiates and esoteric knowledge

you are all satinists in your mind, but to the real satanists... this is more cringe than just roleplay

I think one has to be a total dumbshit to search for esoteric knowledge in a forum. If people treated forums as a place for casual banter and entertainment, which is their only function, there would be much less disappointment and unnecessary butthurt.

Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 16 '21
Quote from Anna

I think one has to be a total dumbshit to search for esoteric knowledge in a forum. If people treated forums as a place for casual banter and entertainment, which is their only function, there would be much less disappointment and unnecessary butthurt.

That reminds of a line I heard in a movie once : I set my standards low so I'm never disappointed.


- Otis

Anna Jun 16 '21
I would rather say "I set my expectations low" because it concerns other people. I'm trying to bring my best but I can't do much about others. It was once said "Be the change you want to see in the forum" and I try to follow that. At the same time, I prefer not to consider myself as some special snowflake or a little genius too good for this or other forum. Pomposity is lame. Stuck-up bitches are as annoying as retards. Even silly posts can spark off an interesting discussion or, at least, be the fodder for some drama or the source of humor. It's good as long as it keeps one entertained. I stay as long as I enjoy it. I leave the task of purrfecting internet Satanism to the morons who have no other ambitious goals in their lives.
The Forum post is edited by Anna Jun 16 '21
Wolfie Jun 16 '21
To casual banter and entertainment I would add one other purpose of forums: finding people of like mind to possibly work with, independently of the forum. To accomplish that, some serious writing has to be done, but not endless amounts of it. I'm actually cutting back on serious writing, because my "Neo-LaVeyan" thread says everything needful. If anyone wants to further explore what I wrote there, the place to do it would be somewhere else, not here. (Or else, if done here, it would be done via private message.)

Right now, on this forum, my fondest wish is to goad beware and talisman into all-out war.


Cornelius Coburn
Cornelius Coburn Jun 16 '21
Quote from Anna I would rather say "I set my expectations low" because it concerns other people.
I suppose so. Would love to hear Otis's reply, but since he can't be here today, I would say on his behalf : this gets into semantics a bit between "standards" and "expectations".

Since it involves others you may prefer "expectations", or you could also view it as 'others' comprising the forums in which you have set standards.

It's fairly close to something along the lines of six or a half dozen.

Aborior Translatione
Quote from beware the only problem with this place is that its lacking initiates and esoteric knowledge

you are all satinists in your mind, but to the real satanists... this is more cringe than just roleplay

Good. Fuck initiations.  Does the Satanist need to rank up in blood sucking borg subservience too? 

Have you actually looked into the OTO or one of those faggot ass Crowley ones? 

The Lover Triad?  I wonder what ridiculous jump through an ideological hoop of love bullshit you have to do to become a VI° Illustrious Knight (Templar) of the Order of Kadosch, and Companion of the Holy Grall...

Still trying to figure out how Crowley's faggot ass talking to himself in a a ziggaraut became some eventual Dan Brown "We guard the bloodline of Jeebis" bullshit. Is that what them knights templar is all about? 

Reduce them all to the codependent shit they are.

Maybe If'n I does real proper they will done rank me up!

As far as I am concerned the only thing Satanic about any of those are their Aura in greater society as an illuminati devil character. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 16 '21
Aborior Translatione


Esoterics is not satanic. 

Let's go with a well known conventional esoteric (Yet again).

Here is Freemasonry. Another Tree of life, always a fucking tree of life, to put it all together in nice spiritual dynamic of above/below interconnectivity under a grand architect of form. And ideal behavior. 

And I hate that deterministic shit. Even if there are commonalities in environmental things. 

More to the point, what is the value of fucking your mind on a bunch of esoteric subjective shit in a real-time phenomenal situation? "Oh I learned what it really means and now this helps me!"

Way to go. Just seems like more temperance template behavioral shit. 

You'd understand what I mean if you knew the meanings of the virtues on a Freemason chart. You gotta learn what wisdom there is in following bullshit someone wrote.

Still waiting to see the satanic value in esoterics. Maybe someone could enlighten me.

I say burn it all and start over.

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 16 '21
Wolfie Jun 16 '21
Initiatory Satanism is a ridiculous concept. The whole concept of an initiatory system assumes a hierarchy of something like a magus, magisters, adepts, and initiates. You get to be called an "adept" if a magister says so. You get to be called a "magister" if the magus says so. You get to be called "magus" if the retiring magus says so. Who died and made these fuckers boss? Suck my dick, O Strutting Popinjays.


Wolfie Jun 16 '21
I say Satanism is properly viewed as applied memetics. Construct a complete thought and let it spread as it will through a population. It will infect any individual whose mind is prepared to accept it. No one controls the trajectory of contagion. No one stops it from mutating in any individual mind.

Aborior Translatione

I say reaction to unnecessary memetics. 

I am with its genealogical origin. A selfish gene/god gene/or addiction gene. (That ballpark)

As simple as what makes the brain release pleasure chemicals. 

Almost like a sedative opposite only with oxytocin. Instead of feeling pleasure you are accepted into a warm like mind of behavior you have a horrid inverse reaction. No pleasure from getting patted on the back and joining. 

Like the genetic predisposition to not get the same thing out of conformity.  And usually a matter of will. A predisposition to selfish will being stronger than cooperative will. The brain releases heterodox chemicals for defiant actions. 

Born in its truest definition.  Well as true as biochemical predisposition can get. 

And if it was The Firefly Alliance Pax, you'd become a Reever, cut on your face, and start raping people to death. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 16 '21
Wolfie Jun 16 '21

Satanism is an ecosystem of the mind. One species that lives there is nonconformity. There are others. That's why Satan is imagined appropriately as the Prince of Hell. Under his sway are a host of demons, each of which rules its own dukedom.

Satanist since more than a decade

Quote from Anna

I think one has to be a total dumbshit to search for esoteric knowledge in a forum. If people treated forums as a place for casual banter and entertainment, which is their only function, there would be much less disappointment and unnecessary butthurt.

Words have meaning. 
There is knowledge to be found for the initiated. 

The greatest knowledge is stated as obvious as possible yet eludes many. 
Butthurt and disappointment is only a result of people actively rejecting what they have known all along... or refuse to grasp. 

Aborior Translatione

Quote from Wolfie

Satanism is an ecosystem of the mind. One species that lives there is nonconformity. There are others. That's why Satan is imagined appropriately as the Prince of Hell. Under his sway are a host of demons, each of which rules its own dukedom.

I'll give you that one.

I think it all flows through brain pleasure wiring. Or discomfort wiring. 

Like turning the other cheek. When does that ever start feeling right? Abstinence? Meekness? Subservience?  Some "virtues" are just natural shit if you want to accomplish a fucking thing and feel good about it. 

I think an attempt to explain Satanism can overcomplicate it. However, valid expression gets narrower when it's called all in. It's easily observed. And easily not observed. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 17 '21
Wolfie Jun 17 '21
Aborior, where the behavior of living things is concerned, pleasure/pain wiring explains not just Satanism, but everything. Because it explains everything in general, it explains nothing in particular.

The Forum post is edited by Wolfie Jun 17 '21
Aborior Translatione


To use an argumentative fallacy, is there any qualifier you can come up with that dosen't "signify nothing" in the end? 

Is there anything one behavior one could hold up that couldn't also signify the inverse or get twisted around into essential oblivion? 

If the organizing principle is to thrive and push for a niche for yourself,  you're still at one of those signify nothing things. 

So how does that translate to personality? Beyond just the form of indeterminate intertwined life with competition. 

There has to be a reward center quirk to make the animal deviate at least a little. (My opinion) 

And here is my view on that. It's a deviation from genetic behavioral memory. 

Like in a pack of wolves it's not always the largest that gets a dominate stick up their pecking order ass and attempts to break protocol. It's almost like nature itself slightly mutates behavior in a percentage of creatures as a form of regulation. 

In human society it's almost primarily through iconoclasty. Which I feel is a more evolved version of a beta challenging the alpha.  And with a much more complex and even abstract social order it must include approach to ideas to keep consistent. 

How do we know superstition and social behavioral codes aren't committed to genetic memory? 

I feel that's why it's so roaming in its application. It's a microenvironmental regulatory thing. Mutation is the grand signifier of life. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 17 '21
Wolfie Jun 17 '21
Aborior, I think you're saying Satanism emerges out of mutated pleasure/pain wiring. You're right, of course. But what does the mutation consist of? How does the new differ from the old? What does the Satanist enjoy that others don't? What does the Satanist find intolerable that others don't?


Here's a list of things that I personally find intolerable: faith, sacraments, prayer, priggishness, self-sacrifice, mortification, weakness, dependence, helplessness, timidity, unimaginativeness, repression, vacillation, nonsense, gullibility, folly, inflated egos, pretension, conformity, sacred cows, idols, and human rats.

Aborior Translatione

Quote from Wolfie

Here's a list of things that I personally find intolerable: faith, sacraments, prayer, priggishness, self-sacrifice, mortification, weakness, dependence, helplessness, timidity, unimaginativeness, repression, vacillation, nonsense, gullibility, folly, inflated egos, pretension, conformity, sacred cows, idols, and human rats.

I agree with you on pretty much every one except the self-sacrifice ones. (Unless you meant in essence of altruism) I think some things are worth that Tibetan styled sword to the head self immolation.  Its situational. You're not going to do it unless you'd rather die than accept the subjugation, and have had all alternatives you can live with removed. 

Still, many of these things are rooted in instinctual lower animal behavior that evolved along with a higher complexity environment.

I go beyond Dawkins and Lucifer Principles. Memes and Pecking orders simple in nature become a heirarchy of gods and acceptable behavior. 

I feel mutations in behavior "shake up" this tendency to Borgness. 

Many may tie to the maintaining of artificiality and unnatural social contracts built to replace empathy when Dunbars Number is surpassed. Which is something else worth mentioning about the environment. Animal groups are too vast and intelligent for empathetic bonds to cover it all. The environment the animal lives in includes everything that maintains the species survivability, even the artificial. 

I see all species prone to this super-majority balance. 

To me, the reason those things are detestable is because you are the naturally selected antithesis to gaining pleasurable existence grazing with everyone else. 

99% wired for the reward of acceptance based on like behavior.

1% wired for the reward of rejecting the like behavior. 

The benefit will always be the ultimate evolution of the ideas that keeps the herd reproducing. 

Like the genome says, "Hey, it's getting too homogenous in behavioral ideas, we need more animals with oppositional defiant disorder", or "There's too many animals in here, we need more gays, hermaphrodites, and infertile." 

And so long as people can argue "addiction" to drugs is genetic predisposition, I can argue the same chemicals released from addiction to conformity is genetic. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 17 '21
Aborior Translatione
Continuing on...
Quote from Wolfie Aborior, What does the Satanist enjoy that others don't? What does the Satanist find intolerable that others don't?


You pretty well covered the dislikes so here's my take on the likes with a few explained: 

Accusing Status Quo For Self Interest - Like how Howard Hughes called out Pan Am and almost lost everything to do so. 

Amoral morality - The unintentionally heart warming things, like the father of a dead rape victim torturing the guy who did it.

Others include: critical thinking/exaltation of logic, not viewing human life as special, and pretty much the same list you made in inverse. 

While hating sacred cows a Satanist may really enjoy the total satire and destruction of one. 

Like what's the impulse when a satanist hears: 

"Thailand bans people from their country if they insult the Royal family online." 


It may be natural to want to say, "The King looks like a pedophile, which makes sense if you consider the entire country as a hotbed in the vacationing child sex trade".  

Which itself can be another sacred cow to kick over.  Children are the ultimate sacred cow. Always need saving. That's why it becomes funny to talk about abducting the white ones and cutting out their pineal gland for immortality. 

The Forum post is edited by Aborior Translatione Jun 17 '21
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