I'd feel too guilty if I rose my ranks in the class system, knowing there are those more humble than I begging to be in that same position.
The government should absolutely treat everybody equally and not stand in the way of the citizen's pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. e.g., I'd be thoroughly opposed to government sanctioned racial segregation ala Jim Crow.
Because there's nothing to be gained by it, and only everything to lose. Lose as in not utilizing your resources (manpower) fully. It's simply illogical. I come from a country where there is government sanctioned racial segregation, and the economy is a complete disaster riddled with corruption and failure. Why? Because the government rejects talented people purely because they don't have the right skin color.
But when it comes to social egalitarianism, or economic egalitarianism, where everyone has the same starting point or the same end result, I also find those to be illogical.
First, it is absolutely impossible to give everyone the same starting point, at least not without a massive paradigm shift in what our idea of life is. Completely destroying inherited wealth, for example, so if your father built something for himself, he won't be able to transfer it to you on his deathbed in the name of egalitarianism. He also won't be able to accord you better education, a better home, etc. That means that the economy will be a centrally planned one, and we all know how those end up (Soviet Union, Mao era China, etc.).
Second, it is also stupid to ensure everyone gets the same end result. This only encourages second rate effort in exchange for first rate results. If all the comfort and luxuries in life are provided, why bother? Humans are necessarily lazy animals. We would have had no reason to leave Africa if our ancestors did not think of a better life elsewhere. This also similarly requires a centrally planned economy, much like modern day North Korea. Again, we also know how those end up.
So, egalitarianism in law and governance makes sense. Egalitarianism everywhere else is basically hogwash.
I have friends of many races, cultures, and sexual orientations, differing political and spiritual beliefs and those that believe in equality, but equality is not real, it is a fabrication that makes the weak feel superior and the superior feel bad for their natural talents and abilities they worked so hard to achieve.
People get along because their personalities are compatible not because of their race, talents or status.
My stance on egalitarianism depends on what you're talking about.
The government should absolutely treat everybody equally and not stand in the way of the citizen's pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. e.g., I'd be thoroughly opposed to government sanctioned racial segregation ala Jim Crow.
Shouldn't we treat all people as equal? being a man of colour, who's distant ancestors were slaves for over 500+ years, 90 years of cultural segregation, and where this is still ongoing? Oh yea, I believe egalitarianism is a good thing.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Any form of competition from sports to business only exists because no two people and no two teams are equal.No, this is wrong. Competition exists as a STRATEGY to deal with the reality of limited resources. Cooperation is another strategy (see: ants) to address this same physical limitation. Human beings exist somewhere in the middle. So close to the middle that entire continents are plagued with endless war as a result.
@ Easy E; A long time ago I seem to remember in economics class being taught of this hypothetical construct known as a perfectly competitive market. I say hypothetical because the theorists who developed the construct determined that it does not exist in the real world. One of the conclusions they reached was that long term profit would be impossible in a such a market. No Profit = No Sustenance.
My suspicion is that it would work out the same in the animal kingdom, but I am neither a zoologists or a biologists so I am not qualified to say. I'll be more careful of making such generalizations in the future.